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Status Updates posted by Sarah


    I hope you have a great day. :)

  2. Mum: Oooh, those look nice! Which species are they? Me: Those are Indian Almond Leaves, mum... put your glasses on.. Mum: Oh, those leaves from Thailand... my glasses are on..

  3. Worried about all my fish/axies/etc - this morning next door used some sort of super-strong chemical in their backyard, which is literally 3ms away from my room... my room smells very chemically, even though I shut the window.. just hoping nothing dies.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sarah


      Wow, thanks for that Matt.

      Not sure if knowing what it is would make much of a difference - a chemical is a chemical. Mum said the guys even yelled out for all neighbours to shut their windows because it was strong.

      Everything looking alright so far...

    3. Matt_95


      My mum used some sorta spray to wipe down a bookshelf, killed every single one of my crabs, they are very suseptable to organic solvents.

    4. Matt_95


      My mum used some sorta spray to wipe down a bookshelf, killed every single one of my crabs, they are very suseptable to organic solvents.

  4. Re-arranging the tanks today. Dad made me a stand to fit all my small tanks on, plus storage space ... with possibly room to FINALLY get that wild tank (although I didn't excatly meantion MORE tanks), so I can fit in my barracks. :)

    1. les


      LOL It dosnt matter if you tell him or not he will know thats what will happen Good luck Sarah

  5. Trying to convince my parents to let me get a betta barracks... which means getting one of those stand things Ness has for her tanks, putting all my 20-30L tanks on it, and moving the 3ft planted tank to make room for it. Not a flat out no... just something about MORE tanks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      Parents think I'm ridiculous, I explained this means I don't have to house each male separately... which they thought was good.

      They said they just don't care anymore haha. This would be the last additional tank, though.

      Very happy. :)

    3. Sarah


      Decided I best measure stuff, rather than think "that looks like it will think", proceed only to find it doesn't.

      Well - everything is a perfect fit. :D

    4. little_troppo
  6. Happy Birthday!!!!!!! :)

  7. While staring lovingly at my Betta fry, I glanced over to my planted tank and noticed I also have endler fry!!!!

  8. WE HAVE WRAPPING!!! Orange HMPK pair from Jarrod. :D


    Hope you have a great day!

  10. One of my females, Elly May (Bred by The Paul) has built herself a lovely sized nest! Bigger than some of my boys'... they better pick up their game a little, huh?

  11. Happy birthday!!!

    Wishing you a wonderful day. xx

  12. Setting up my new CHILLER for the axolotl tank! Poor axies are already looking so poorly from overheating.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. luv_my_fish


      Wow! $400 for a axolotl sized tank...My (eventual) ray tank chiller is going to set me back a few $$$$

    3. luv_my_fish


      Wow! $400 for a axolotl sized tank...My (eventual) ray tank chiller is going to set me back a few $$$$

    4. Sarah


      I'm so spoilt.

      How big is your tank?

      Mine is 400Ls.

  13. I just remembered - I haven't posted pics of my planted tank yet! Well got new plants today, am planting right now... shall post pics soon. Yes, I did have pictures of setting it up, too. That was........ a fair few months ago..........

    1. Sarah


      May I first set it up! How time has flied...

  14. Can't find the camera cord for mum's old camera - will have to wait a while for photos of my new half-giant PK. He's gorgeous, all settled in, coloured up and flaring! Have named him Panda. :)

    1. les


      Thats greatSarah I hope you find that cord soon as I will be waiting for that pic LOL

    2. Sarah


      Found the cord! Piccies are in the Fishy Showroom. :)

  15. Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day. :))


  17. I was talking to somebody and he was telling me how he likes all his smart-ass shirts, and he should buy more. I commented on how he buys smart-ass shirts, I buy fish. He then told me he could get a fish too, because the fish/fish hobby is very very cheap. Sure, I guess it could be ... until you buy another tank... and another... :)

    1. mumofthehoarde


      cheap is not the first word that comes to mind...

    2. Sarah


      No haha! I then showed him pics of my fish and stuff... he then said I "go all out on my fish.... not the $2 goldfish I was thinking of at the markets".


  18. BIG thankyou to Matt for my birthday pressie - a bunch of lovely endlers. :D

  19. Oh eww... I just gave Sinalei, my HM male who is recovering from finmelt a blackworm to cheer him up a bit more.... it went through his mouth, out his gills. Was dangling from behind his gill plates, where Sinalei was then trying to grab it. Very much like a dog chasing his tail. Finally, my male slurped the worm out - pulling it from his gills and ate it. OK then.

    1. kertaz


      That happened once to my CT. I was thinking like "omg, should I pull it out from his gill?" lol. Glad he worked it out.

      But in my case, it didn't went thru his mouth, one of the long black worms that I fed, fell on top of the gills and got stuck there coincidentally.

    2. Sarah


      Haha, a bit of a shock!

      The same thing has happened to my axolotls with bloodworms. One time one of the axies (think it was Banana.. but might have been Tenedor) had at least 20 bloodworms coming out of their gills at once.

      Kinda gross, but funny and interesting at the same time.

  20. Happy birthday! :)

  21. My gorgeous HM male has finmelt..... not fun. :(

  22. Happy Birthday!!

    Hope you have a wonderful day. :)

  23. It's raining here. I thought, good.. worms come up when it's wet - I'll find lots for my axies. Wrong. I was outside, wearing a dress, in the rain, diging, digging, digging some more. Not a SINGLE worm. None. Was out for at LEAST a good 20mins. *sigh* Guess I got wet and muddy for nothing. Pellets for the axolotls today.

    1. mumofthehoarde


      tell you truth...you just wanted to play in the rain...

    2. Sarah


      Haha, no.. I didn't enjoy it haha.

      Dad later came up with some worms, they had one each.

  24. Nice profile pic! Tigers are lovely creatures. :)

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