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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Oh, Jarrod... I don't know how you find all these videos! I think you're lucky you work from home - I can imagine coworkers hearing all these songs constantly...
  2. Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you'll fit right in. Creepy, Jarrod...
  3. Looking good, Matt. (Here is a comment... don't get upset I never leave you comments...) Apparently my comment wasn't deep enough. I'm sorry. I made the effort. Although you HAVE already told me about them..
  4. More! Gotta love my Snugglebum. :)
  5. Still not sold on the name... I'll have to tell mum later, and take a photo of her face. Dad's was priceless!
  6. Worried about all my fish/axies/etc - this morning next door used some sort of super-strong chemical in their backyard, which is literally 3ms away from my room... my room smells very chemically, even though I shut the window.. just hoping nothing dies.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sarah


      Wow, thanks for that Matt.

      Not sure if knowing what it is would make much of a difference - a chemical is a chemical. Mum said the guys even yelled out for all neighbours to shut their windows because it was strong.

      Everything looking alright so far...

    3. Matt_95


      My mum used some sorta spray to wipe down a bookshelf, killed every single one of my crabs, they are very suseptable to organic solvents.

    4. Matt_95


      My mum used some sorta spray to wipe down a bookshelf, killed every single one of my crabs, they are very suseptable to organic solvents.

  7. Oooh... what a pretty boy! Nice find. :)
  8. Nice! Love the photos - and I love my girl. :D
  9. Very nice!! Are the holes on the damp or dry bit of the substrate? Did you happen to take any pics of my girl?
  10. Awesome - love them all! Hope they spawn easily for you. :)
  11. Some nice girls there! I also love the colour of the top boy. :)
  12. Great news! All the best with the spawn. :)
  13. Actually, yes I think you're right! Didn't look close enough. :)
  14. Like the steel blue girl, and the last marble girl below her. :)
  15. Congrats, and gorgeous photos! All the best with the fry. :)
  16. Cool! Love the bubs! Good luck with them. :)
  17. Unfortunately, Squishy has gotten Dropsy... I put him down. Little upset, especially since I didn't end up getting fry out of him to continue the line (WHY DID HE EAT THOSE EGGIES?). Sorry, Busman. :(
  18. Thanks, Jarrod. Thanks Masquerade. It happens, I know - just more upsetting since they all happened around the same time (although various reasons, so not like it's a water issue, etc). My other two axies are going well. They don't seem to have noticed their tankmates absence, which is funny - as when back whenever it was (this time last year?) when Aristotle Axolotl died, they all freaked out and were searching.
  19. Lost my long tribute. Anyway, I just realised I didn't post about Sonriente. Some of you may know about this via Facebook. Well, for some unknown reason (attacked by tankmates? Got stuck under driftwood and ripped his way out?) Sonriente had his tail and one leg hanging by a thread. It looked terrible, you could see his skin tissues and bone... I do have some decent pics if anybody wants me to post them. Although, he looked MUCH worse in real life. There was much I could do - but I was going to amputate his tail and leg. If I didn't, it would rot and spread to the rest of his body; if I did (with a nice, clean cut), he had a 99% chance of regrowing. Sadly, while I was prepping myself for this task, he had passed. R.I.P. Sonriente. 31.1.2012. Then, just now - I found Lindo (who I must admit was my favourite axie), dead. Lindo - my copper little 'lotl. No apparent reason, can't see why. R.I.P. Lindo. 3.2.2012. I don't know what is happening! In the last 2wks, I've lost more than half of my axies! Feliz, Hambriento, Sonriente, and Lindo... Just Banana and Tenedor left now... oh how I hope they don't die on me, not sure what I'd do if they do. (
  20. Ah, I didn't post about Sonriente! Well, for some unknown reason (attacked by tankmates? Got stuck under driftwood and ripped himself out?) Sonriente, my black axolotl, had his tail and one arm hanging by a thread. You could see the skin tissues and bone, it was terrible. Got some half decent pics, maybe I'll put them up later.. anyway, I was told to amputate both the arm and tail - if I didn't it would rot away, and spread to the rest of his body. A nice clean cut would mean it would have a 99% chance of regrowing. Before I got to do this, he had passed. R.I.P Sonriente. 31.1.2012. Then, just now, I found Lindo (which I must admit was my favourite), dead. No apparent cause, not sure why it happened... my poor little 'lotl... R.I.P. Lindo. 3.2.2012. ..... What has happened? In the past 2wks, I've lost more than half my axies - Feliz, Hambriento, Sonriente and Lindo! Just Banana and Tenedor left now... hope they will be OK. :truce:
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