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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. It was my autocorrect I tell you!
  2. I have 12 U. manicatus, and 2 U.elongates.... better pop some pics up!
  3. They look GREAT, Jim! Lucky you! I now have gotten myself some scorpions - love them. :)
  4. Were you going to get another Betta, after Boo died? He was GORGEOUS.
  5. THOMAS!!! G'day Mate, I'm sure you'll fit right in here! Fire up the barbie because Swaggy is here. :)
  6. Looking good, Les! I bet the cherries and the Macs will love that tank. :)
  7. Welcome to the forum, great to have you here. Some lovely boys you have there! Any plans on pairing any of them up?
  8. It's not my birthday! Sorry Bev! You're thread seems to have gone of the track of your special day!
  9. Mum: Oooh, those look nice! Which species are they? Me: Those are Indian Almond Leaves, mum... put your glasses on.. Mum: Oh, those leaves from Thailand... my glasses are on..

  10. It's November 6. *sob* Glad you had a great day!
  11. HAPPPPPPPYYYYYYY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! I hope you had a wonderful day today! xx :balloons:
  12. Very nice! I was a little torn between those and the neon blue rams... went with the neon's, I HAD had my eye on some for a bit. :)
  13. Exciting, guess that's what happens when you buy 100. Well, good luck with them!
  14. I had this sometime last year! Was very annoying.. I would syphon out, and it came back. Don't have it now, just disappeared overnight... think it was after I got my light actually... not saying your lighting is bad though! Yeah, WHERE'S MATT?
  15. Yan, would you please explain the reason behind Matt's picture - I ask him, but he refuses to tell me and said to ask Yanny Poo.
  16. That's what I said, Paul - apparently that's what the pede people call themselves. Maybe just not say you're going to meet a pede-file to non centipede people.
  17. I know!! Exciting! He has more tanks than three, I think he just does gets more tank regardless of the rule... well, the rule that seems non-existing, now.
  18. What ever happened to the three tank rule, Matt? :P
  19. Awesome! How much room/care do they need?
  20. That's a hospital tank!? Fanciest one I've ever seen. As I've said on Facebook, I love it!
  21. I've been trying to convince my parents, I'm surprised mum let me get scorpions (scorps, spiders, snakes, rodents/rodent looking things were a BIG no-no). Mum gave me the whole "dad wouldn't like it, and if he says yes fine", and dad did the whole "mum wouldn't like it, and if she says yes fine". Have just been given the "I don't even CARE what you do anymore" from dad. Taking it as a yes. WOOHOO!
  22. Nice! Sure did get a lot of variety from that spawn. Back on subject aye. :)
  23. Wow great find! Good luck with the spawn. Psst... LOVE your new avatar. Who's that guy?
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