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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. A lot of questions! No I used the little camera I took up to Brissy, I normally have it in arms reach. I took the pics, Daniel tired to take some, but they ended up extremely blurry (needs more practice). Oh wait - he did take the ones I'm in. Yes, my mum knows - she gave me a worried look but I told her it wasn't dangerous and I didn't get stung again.

    I hope you have a great day. :)

  3. Holding my Snugglebum! A couple more pics of Snugglebum. More piccies to come.
  4. Oh tout à fait aussi, Les .. Je suis capable de parler un peu de toutes les langues qui ont un traducteur (mais ne le dites pas).
  5. Thanks Paul, had a major blank right then... Harry, the whole point of the fish room was because mum doesn't like the tanks in my room, says it isn't "healthy", I don't agree - but if it gets me a fish room I'm not complaining (I have told her otherwise so it's not like I'm complaining how terrible it is). Yan, PLEASE, if I were to pay you to clean my tanks, I'd be the supervisor. New idea... how about all the Sydney people (and out of staters if they can make it) come around to my place, help clean/set up the fish room - and I'll give you some junk food.... yes? Sounds good.
  6. Thanks, Les! Step by step pictures are a must, don't worry! Sorry, but Betta Savage tank?
  7. Now now Harry that wasn't nice! This thread went downhill fast! Hey Hazell, thanks! Can't wait. As for power points, yes, I'm getting a lot put in! OH!! AND I WILL HAVE ROOM FOR WILDS NOW!!! Dad said I could have wilds, only if I use a tank I already have, because there is "no more room", can't build me a fish room with lots of space and deny it now. Am I pushing my luck? Just a tad?
  8. Generally, no, I don't make guests do water changes, but the option is always there. However, I'm setting up a fishroom and could use your help and you are just so good at that sort of stuff. :)
  9. Oooh, OK. Well no need to revive this thread, no new news yet. I shall keep you all so updated with pictures you will get tired! Matt MAY be coming down in the holidays and mum says he can help me set up the fish room, carry the tanks outside, probably paint the backs of them, refill/waterchange and scape my 3ft and 4ft tank. Like I told him before, don't get TOO worried, we already moved the piano.
  10. Interesting, thanks, 'Razzi. Make sure you do keep us updated, though! :)
  11. Stand for the smaller tanks I have - then I have a planted 3ft, spawn tanks, barracks, axolotl tank (4ft long, 400L), standard 4ft... and a couple other odd ones around. Then the tubs and stuff if you count those... ooh and the newer shelf dad built me for my scorpions/other stuff...
  12. Did I not? I'm sure I had pics somewhere.... the 4ft corner tank (300L) has already been moved outside - it was empty and will be stocked with cichlids sometime. I'll look for some pics.
  13. Oh really? Mmm... I think 24 degrees for a prolonged amount of time isn't the best for axolotls. 'Razzi, for some reason my post didn't show - but that is awesome news! What are your plans re heating? Anything you're going to change from your current setup (I thought you had a pretty good fish room going already)?
  14. Thanks... have been pondering over the issue of heating. Also have to think that my axolotls will be in there, so if I heat the whole room - would it be worth to have the chiller on all the time? I COULD keep the axies in my room, but would prefer to have them together... not sure.. Dad said he can insulate it, but says we're going for individual heating, as he thinks that it would be cheaper to run aquarium heaters rather than a big one, then the issue of the axolotls. Chillers suck up a fair bit of power.
  15. That's precisely me right now!
  16. Thanks Jarrod! I will definitely be very snap happy in the building process. I think I heard something about insulation, I'll double check though. Definitely a good idea. When does this build start? "soon, as soon as I get some time... which is soon" - dad. SQUEE!
  17. So mum doesn't really like my tanks being in my room, what with the noise, massive humidity and the smell that comes along with a bunch of tanks/cultures, she's been thinking. Also my dog refuses to come into my room now and she used to sleep at the foot of my bed, and the stepping in buckets/puddles in the morning. But I love my animals and decided to deal with all that. So, I'm now getting built the dream - a fish room! It will be outside under the awning, and dad just has to build the walls. On one side it will have glass panels with a sliding door. Directly next to a hose, so that will be useful for water changes. 5m x 2.5m as well! MASSIVE!!! VERY exciting news, I'm so spoilt! Oh I didn't meant ion it will cover where dad's work cupboards are, so already have a ton of storage space packed in and a large workbench... never underestimate benches! Should get a comfy chair in there too, going to be spending a lot of time in there!
  18. Welcome to the forum! Let me be the first to say we are all photo nags over here, and with an amazing fish room like that - pics are definitely called for. :)
  19. Hey Sash, yes - a trio is three fish - two females and a male. :)
  20. So it's not Macerena... gotta get that out of my head now...
  21. Welcome to the forum, Sash. Great to have you back in the hobby! Don't feel shy to ask any questions you may have - I've found there is always somebody with an answer. :)
  22. Mother dear knows, Matthew. She just says don't let them get out. Is still watching for if I need the hospital from 1wk ago.
  23. Ha! Thanks. I got the whole "Oh god, my word, there IS something quite wrong with you" from another Matt's nan. And set up,
  24. A few of you would have seen these piccies.. but here they are. First up, my favourite, Snugglebum - my scorpion from Matt. <3
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