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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Oh that's right, well it goes down onto the roof through the gutters/tiles and all that to get to the water tank - so I'm just sticking to tap water thanks. As for starting without you, I'm getting it done as soon as I can - I will need you to set them up though, not not certain if I'll put them all in until you get here, though. Paul, yes, sorry - I got what you meant, didn't reply directly to that. That's a good idea - but then again the garden is RIGHT next to it so it'll just be less work to just pour it onto it manually/use a hose, rather than a drain. Thanks for the idea though!
  2. Sarah


  3. Thanks for the ideas, Paul! We do have a three water tanks, but due to the gum tree, we get a lot of tannins in it, even when it's filtered - I'd rather not risk it for the fish, so it is purely garden water. As for tap/sink, there is a tap with a hose not two meters from the door will be. It's in a garden, so close for me to dump my old water. I MUST get a test kit soon, and test the water it is currently, and then compare to the tap water from the hose. Not sure if there will be a different in hardness, etc. Will look up Joep's fish room again, getting prepared to be amazed. As for Dutch Oven, I'll pass thank you.
  4. Haha thanks Les! Counting sleeps, not sure - isn't a SET date, just somewhere during the Easter holidays (about a month, yes?). Would love to hear some of those pretty bad jokes, Les. Honestly, I'm sure they'd be able to top the jokes I know! Safety, yes of course. Although I won't be doing the building, only the photo taking. Dad's a carpenter by trade (actually he built our house), so knows what he is doing. I'll just be jumping in and taking photos. Most of the materials he's brought home from work so that's good. :)
  5. Heh, no worries! Yes, unlike the others, I did pick something out that existed (Sorry Paul, I know I know I did think there was a gecko for a moment there!). Nice Pineapple lamp. My brother wanted me to do a Spongebob themed tank, pineapple ornament and all (eww). I told him I would, if he brought me a tank for it. No new tank no Spongebob. So far I haven't gotten another tank. Sorry, felt inclined to tell you that due to the pineapple... back on track! Ghost knife fish are lovely, always wanted some. I would definitely get one, and I think Yan said she had one in with his Angels/discus?
  6. Happy Birthday Jennie! Wish you a wonderful day and year to come. Hope you're spoilt. :)
  7. Fishroom shall commence during the Easter holidays!
  8. Oh yes indeed.... please do whatever is the legal action and stuff, if it is a gecko, not part of Paul's sleep deprived imagination, and then mine.
  9. Jarrod, can I please have the gecko?
  10. Now you've pointed it out, I can definitely see them..... I'm now starting to doubt if that "gecko" is just a part of the wood.... or really a gecko.... Thanks, Paul.
  11. Nice Pineapple! Very nice tanks. Can't wait to see them set up. Non-Betta species grow-out tank?
  12. Roc! Happy Birthday, have a great day. :)

  13. Awesome! All the best with this, sounds like a hit. :D
  14. Love the driftwood in the 6ft! That's going to look GREAT once it's all set up. :)
  15. Welcome to the forum!!! As you can tell, we're photo nags here. Feel free to ask any question you may have - there are no stupid questions! Oh, and it isn't a contest at all on how many tanks you have... I think I have like 13ish +tubs/jars/minitanks/etc.
  16. Sarah

    Happy Birthday to you!!!!

    Hope you'll see this, haven't seen you here for ages!!

  17. Anybody work in an office? This is what needs to be proposed ... http://humorswitch.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Justanaquariumatoffice.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. little_troppo


      If you notice they are only made into v's

    3. les


      That could work at home for me LOL

    4. Neffy


      TBH the noise would anoy me haha XD

  18. Thanks Les, shall do. May be a while before I get them though, I still have to scape my 4ft tank, set up the cichlid tank (already have tank/filter) and a few other little things. :)
  19. Either 8 or 9ft... I have a step ladder hehe. I think it will be more of a "we'll work out tank arrangement once the actual room is made". As for the wilds, not sure..... so many nice ones! Probably whatever I can get my hands on first. :)
  20. Thing with translators though (especially Google Translate) is it isn't really that reliable - things can get jumbled up. Still, better than nothing, yes? Dimensions were 2.5 x 5m - but dad needs a bit of space for his tools (isn't fitting where they were going to go), so I'll loose a m2 or two. Flooring will be the paving that we already have, and as for shelving - NO idea. I'll use the shelving I have, but dad said we'll have to change the layout a little bit (especially since I currently have a tank 8ft off the ground, and the roof isn't that high).
  21. LOVE the Isometroides vescus!!!
  22. Very nice, looking great. More photos please!
  23. Thanks! I think one or two out of the 11 of them weren't eating, but I put in some more pinheads last night and I'll check later to see if they are gone.
  24. You put it in the container I took Snugglebum home with, as I said on FB you're welcome to have it back if you like. As for the photos turning out better - I think it was the whole "oh no, somebody is watching me take photos... PRESSURE.." and they turn out blurry. I get nervous if somebody is within 3ms of me. Don't laugh. Last pics - the littlies!
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