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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. I put some moss from my garden in my tanks to test - it went really well, grew fairly quickly and was healthy. Grew about this long - Actually that was a bit I dumped in a plastic container and left outside/did nothing else. So worth a shot, I think.
  2. Interesting. In real life, it seems at least twice that size - I think it's just the photo angle. Would be interesting if you could breed an orange dalmatianish-Tahitian Sunset fry from it - would take quite a while but! Was going to take this boy to the next SSS meeting. He's my favourite.
  3. I was a little wary at first, what with the pair of rams in there - and the endlers constantly having fry (didn't want them to be eaten!). He's proven himself very peaceful, and for that, he may stay. Looked at an old pic of him, noticed that the little orange wedge on his caudal has gotten a lot bigger. Personally, I quite like it.
  4. Some absolutely TERRIBLE photos, but decided one of the boys could have a bit of a flare with my PK boy from Shadoh (who's LOVING the 3ft planted tank). You get the general idea, please excuse the pics though!
  5. Looks much better. I've found those plants to grow like weeds, you should have lots soon. :)
  6. Happy birthday, hope you had a great day. :)
  7. Where is my comment? It didn't show... Anyway, I'm loving all of your tanks, they are gorgeous! The moss on the wood looks great, and I think I now have a growing fondness for overgrown/heavily planted tanks. :)
  8. I saw the first gold pair someone have up, these look similar - and they were GORGEOUS!!! Good luck with them, definitely wanting fry. No pressure.
  9. Countdown until Fishroom commences - 2wks!!! My preparation for the fish room - BUY MORE TANKS. 3ft in the middle, soon to be home to a pair of angels, rummy nose tetras, and cories. :D
  10. Oh wow, those are gorgeous.... Serkan, I think you may have just gotten me into killis.. Not to hijack your thread, Les (sorry!), but how large of a tank would say a pair need?
  11. Thinking of starting up a discus/angel tank. Getting a second hand 3ft tank, why not?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      That's what Matt suggested - a pair with rummy nose tetras. Sounds good so far. :)

    3. Yanagi


      Don't forget some cories! :D

    4. Sarah
  12. Looking good, Ness. They remind me of Busman's Red Rockets. :)
  13. Awesome Ashlea, they look stunning! Congrats. :)
  14. I may just be going marine!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sarah


      I was going to, but I've always admired marine... I mean if it's a complete marine setup, minus fish, why not?

      Thinking clowns and maybe a dwarf lion fish? Not set on fish though but I definitely LOVE the sound of that.

    3. Matt_95


      I think a nano reef with corals sounds better....

    4. Sarah


      But I don't want to get a chiller - at least not yet. In the future I can always put corals in.

  15. Hhhmm... interesting, thanks Paul. As for the ram and betta... no idea.. will have to keep an eye on them and hope I can record them when/if they decide to do whatever they were doing again.
  16. Wow, gorgeous!! Same with Jennie here, LOVE those girls!
  17. No, we aren't allowed to joke about it, I think this is true. I linked to the warning.
  18. *lol* Oh really now? Anyway, I'm about 90% sure this "wrapping" was with the male ram. So, if it were an attempt at cross breeding, what do we think of fish being homosexual? (*not sure if I should start a separate thread or not for a split topic?*). Keeping in mind THIS... I believe when I first started attempting to breed Bettas I did have two gay fish. I read that if you let two males in the same tub for a few moments, watching carefully of course, it entices them to spawn. I tired this quickly as carding had no effect. Neither of these seemed interested in the girls at all and wouldn't make a nest, no matter how many girls I tired. Anyway, both fish went straight up to each other, circled, and started wrapping... which was, well, odd, seeing as they both er, tried to be the male on the outside.. anyway, I am 100% certain these were both males. I DID try and spawn them with females after that, nothing, no matter what I did. Interesting. Photos of the two fish, both males, yes?
  19. Do you talk to your fish? Because sometimes I may.. er, share a word or two. Not speeches or any "follow your bliss/share the love", just general stuff along the lines of "are you hungry today? What food would you like to eat?", "why hello there", "so the other day you wouldn't believe what happened..." Like when I went up to Brissy, Matt was telling me how funny it was that Wolfgang talks to the fish as he catches them and that "nobody does that". I was all "attempted pokerface".
  20. It honestly did look like wrapping..... but surely it couldn't be? Saw the same thing happen a couple more times during the day while I was in my room (but scared them off when I got too close). No nest, but a definite "lovey-dovey" feel. Think I also saw it happen with the female ram, which would make more sense if it were an attempt at cross-breeding. Odd. ESPECIALLY since both species have an entirely different way on reproducing... hmmm.. Jarrod, maybe it's time to stop with the speeches to the fish! Or at least make the "share the love" slightly more species specific.
  21. In my 3ft planted tank lives my PK male, Rahiti, from Jarrod. A pair of Neon blue Rams, and endlers. Just now I noticed one of the Rams and the Betta boy to appear to be wrapping, as if spawning. Not like any defensive flaring I saw the first time they were put together (they live extremely peacefully together, never have even nipped). After close inspection, I'm fairly certain that it was the male ram, but the male and the female DID cross each other so I'm hoping I'm looking at the right one. I'm going to assume that it was some territorial thing, rather than an attempt at cross breeding (which doesn't seem plausible). Especially if it were the male. Didn't get a video, but has anybody witnessed anything similar?
  22. *lol* Oh Les, what would we do without you!
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