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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Really thinking I might get out of axolotls. They're just ... so finicky and keep dropping dead - no matter WHAT you do. I have a perfect setup and temp for them, etc. Feed them correctly, and still... they die. R.I.P Banana. Only have one now, Tenedor. If she dies I won't get any more, and she isn't eating - and is pretty skinny. Doubt it will be long. So I'll have a large 4ft tank (400Ls, standard size is just under 200L) with a chiller. Not sure what I'll do...
  2. Progress of the wall frames going up.
  3. It Begins. Before: Lovely morning sun I shall get!
  4. The spawn tank has already been set up, as soon as it's ready I'll give them a go. I've popped the tank on my drawers so I don't have to move it to the fish room for now (starts getting built TODAY), don't want to move the young fry that will hopefully be in it! I showed her Rahiti and he gave a halfhearted flare but otherwise didn't pay much attention. Will have to try again soon. Thanks Jarrod! You're most welcome to fry - first on the list if you like (actually these would be more grandkiddies for you)! Hopefully I'll get a few that turn out like their mother... ish.. either way should be a nice outcome of fry. :)
  5. Thanks Les. He has a nice bubble nest going this morning - keen isn't he!
  6. Yep, the second last one definitely shows her colouring best. Now I'm SO going to think of her as my "80's fish"...
  7. Something to do with the lighting/camera setting seemed to make this guy appear royal blue in a couple of these pics - he definitely is steel!
  8. Red ventrals really popped in this pic, they really aren't this bright!
  9. Didn't think I'll be buying a VT, but I do quite like some of them, but not the general ones you see in the pet stores. This boy is steel blue, and couldn't resist (shame about the redwash though). Strictly a pet! Lots more to come!
  10. OK thanks. Must have been thinking of that marble girl. Definitely have been merging a lot of stuff recently. That explains how her 'rays' mysteriously shrunk overnight.
  11. Thanks, Jarrod!! Thanks Paul. Must be merging my thoughts of two different girls here (ugh.. not good!). I was fairly certain she was CT in the store though, just with the addition of a few nips? Will have to have a closer look at her later. I do remember thinking earlier that I thought her rays should be longer if she were CT.
  12. Thanks. She was flaring a little at the store, I think she might be able to reach HM...
  13. Completely forgot to post this! Got this female at Auburn Aquarium after picking up the fry for the grooming comp/little meet. Paul pointed her out, and couldn't resist after that (thanks Paul ). Paul, what exactly would you call her colour? Mum ended up getting her for me after breaking my tank (which was fixed in the end). Not the best pics, I think they were taken Sunday night/Monday morning. She's definitely nicer in real life - these pics don't do her justice at all. Shall try and take better ones soon, she all settled in now. Munching on live BSS, since I have them going for the fry. The plan is to spawn her with Rahiti, [clicky]. Sorry for the quality of these photos, and the fact that she didn't want to flare.
  14. The couple of fry I have for the grooming comp have doubled in size since I got them on Sunday! Just love seeing them grow. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Yanagi


      Did you want to come pick up 2 more still?

    3. Sarah


      Yes please. Have been meaning to ask dad when he gets home from work but keep forgetting.

      The ones I have are most definitely crowntail. LOTS of redwash, mine look all royal blue.

    4. Yanagi


      I've still got a few varied colours, some starting to look like crowntails too.. this is fun!

  15. Happy birthday. :))

  16. Yay! Great idea and good work Nef!
  17. Quite so, Les! As for pair of CT, yes, I would need one... oops? Need to get more fish? Have always thought that CT crooked or bent ways was due to water conditions (environmental), but could very well be a combination of both lack of UV & water conditions.
  18. Thanks for the info guys! I HAVE done it in the past, just good to know I didn't just wreak like 5 heaters. Re sunlight - very interesting. Hopefully when I get my spawns going I'd also love to try that. Not setting up spawns until fish room is built (starts Saturday YAY), and it will get a bit of morning sunlight, and also a bit of afternoon, too. MIGHHHTTT bring in one tank into my room and compare. Room is pretty dark, only a tiny window that doesn't let a whole lot of light in.
  19. So a while ago I had a few cases of dropsy, so the past few days I've been cleaning everything, tearing the tank down and whatnot (also cleaning new tanks). Anyway, this includes the heaters - and I left everything to soak in the sun. Mum just tells me that it can break the heaters if they're left to get too hot? Never really considered it, but DOES seem plausible. So, is it not a good idea to leave them? I've since brought the heaters inside, but they have been outside since yesterday afternoon.
  20. Aaww how he's grown! He's still very pretty. Love the orange.
  21. Sarah

    Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day. :))

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