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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Thanks Nessy! I think all these pics were taken like a day apart, if not on the same day? So maybe it's the angle? Although, he definitely does look happier now, so proud of my littler bonger! Which 12 steps would they be?
  2. No haha! If people ask his name I'm not going to be able to say it with a straight face aha. I blame Yan too. :P
  3. Thankyou. Started moving the tanks in... have the corner tank (future cichlid tank), the stand I have my smaller tanks on (20L-30L betta tanks, spawn tank will go there too), and a tall 2ft. About to go and move my 3ft planted tank... have to empty it completely, take all plants, fish and substrate out.. move tank and re-do everything. Wahh... somebody want to help? This is the tank I'm least looking forward to moving. Edit: I'll pop some photos up as soon as the planted tank has moved.. might take all day...
  4. Sure is! Get that boy in the spawn tank pronto!
  5. Just making it forum official, grats Nicola!! Happy birthday. :balloons:
  6. Welcome to the forum Tom! Great to hear you're back. Good luck with breeding them, love HMPK's. Just to let you know, we're all photo nags here - so pics or they don't exist please!
  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYNDALL!! Wishing you a wonderful day, hope you're spoilt!
  8. Thanks Wayne. Good idea... yet, that would take up tank space. Oh, and I'm not sure if I've said this or not, but my sister is giving me her old marine tank (they moved and don't want to take it). It's 3ft high from memory. And some guy is giving me two more, I think around 2ftish. He and my dad were talking about my fish and he was going to throw them away.
  9. He's GORGEOUS! Is that the boy for your giant girlie? Just thought I'll point out the forum allows you to post 5 photos at a time, and you only posted two. :P
  10. I must admit, I have purposely rambled about my fish to get annoying people to leave me alone - for good.
  11. Thanks Jarrod!!! You and me both, very EXCITED (not exiled, thank you AUTOCORRECT).
  12. Heh. You'll definitely have to come and see when it's done. Mum and dad said I could have the fish people come for a meet sometime.. they were giggling about the whole "fish meet" thing again, I'm sure they'll have another story to add to the list of what they tell people (such as, "one time I opened the fridge and there was an AXOLOTL in there! Sarah keeps fish. Not one. But like a couple thousand. She spends her time cleaning tanks. One time she told her friends she couldn't go to the movies because she "had to feed her fish Had young fry, had already had music lessons and had lunch with friends, it was time to feed them.", etc etc). Oh yeah, and the cichlid tank can't go in tomorrow because dad needs to modify the stand, so it will fit neatly into the wall. It has a different design, so otherwise won't fit in properly. Since that tank is empty, and outside ready to go (MAY have been featured in some of the previous pics in the background), I want it to go in first. Will go in easier if there aren't other tanks next to it, and I want to get a proper distance between that and the neighbouring tanks...... so if I get the space wrong I'll have to redo it. It's my chosen "first tank to go in", and I guess you could say everything gets built around it. Now, I have NO idea if I made sense there, in my ramble. I think I might be one of those rambling old people. Just like my Grandfather.... and my Grandma I guess, too.
  13. OK OK, well the dogs were just put to bed in the laundry the second I got my camera (laundry right next to fish room, the wall with the cupboards is the outside of the laundry wall), so just missed taking them out while I was there. Weellll here are the pics, went out in the cold, through a spiderweb and dodged a mother telling me to get back inside as she put the chooks away (and then accidentally locking her outside, which didn't make her too happy). BUUUUTTTT here they are. The lighter green doesn't look so green/yellowish in real life.. much more pale. I think it's the camera and/or the light.
  14. But I just sat down! Naw, OK OK I'll go... in the cold and the dampness and such. *looks dramatic*
  15. Haha!! Well you can drive a bus, take care of a family and own and breed bettas, that's something eh? No proof? Have I not posted photos beforehand? OK OK do you guys want me to get pictures NOW?
  16. Haha! Well I will definitely get those photos sometime tomorrow, don't you worry. Really I just want to see it all set up. My parents are deciding what it will be used for when I move out eventually, as they have been since it was first planned. As my younger brother said the other day, "You're living in your parents' garage! Get a job and your own place already you bum!" Really, I'm 15 - it's not like I'm 40. I think I still have a few years but it does sound as if my moving is already being planned. As my mum says "it's good to be prepared".
  17. Hehe, I'll take pics of it all painted and empty tomorrow, promise! I'm not a messy of a painter, because I pay attention to detail, so it normally takes me 10x the amount it should. I also like to wash my hands the second I get a drop on my hands because I don't like paint. Slight perfectionist? Mum painted, thanks mum.
  18. Pics or it didn't happen right? It looks the same as before, just with a nice fresh paint job. Part of one wall is a green leftover from my brother's room, and the rest is a much lighter green.
  19. Haha, thanks Jarrod! Photos... well.. it's cold... I just sat down FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME AND I'M NOT GETTING BACK UP... they'll come, the room isn't going anywhere! I'm able to fill it up tomorrow but I want the cichlid tank to go in first, and that takes at least 2men to carry that, and that's tricky. It's a REALLLYYY heavy tank, so have to wait until I can get it moved. Dad works with my uncle, so I'll ask if they can do that. BH, thankyou! Yes yes, pics will be up soon.
  20. IT. IS. COMPLETE!!! Just need to put all my tanks in now, can start tomorrow.
  21. Thanks everyone. I know, I'm extremely lucky and quite spoilt! Shall be keeping you all updated with pics/vids. A stable would have been awesome Miss Ness! I do recall trying for one years ago, but didn't work (can't REALLY have a horse here anyway). A fish room is much more practical.
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