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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. I have a large storage container I use for aging water. I have a heater in it, and treat the water with water conditioner, salt and IAL within. Only need to refill it weekly.
  2. Gorgeous! Definitely would love some fry. Good luck with them.
  3. Sounds like a great plan. :)
  4. Hrm, looks like it may be divided down the middle. Regardless, I personally wouldn't keep that as a permeant home for adult bettas, and would move them to something a bit larger if possible. Until then, I would recommend carding them. Being in full sight of other bettas all the time is stressful, and they also get bored, eventually will not flare anymore. I use the covers of plastic display folders cut up to size, and slot them in.
  5. Ah will do. I can imagine how stressful this must be - thanks for all you do 'Raz!
  6. How I've missed the sound of filters in my bedroom. It's been quiet. Too quiet. Marine tank up & running!

    1. 6ftaquaman


      ah yes, I have the sound of a filter and a 6ft bubble wall. Sounds like it is pooring rain when it is dead quiet at night.

  7. Well, the possibility is there, so you can't outrule it. I had a LFS who bred bettas, and kept the male in with two females until one of the girls spawned. Have you read the article on Betty Splendens about father with fry? From memory, the dad bred with the most dominant female from the spawn at one point. So it does happen, but I would find it highly unlikely. I personally would separate him. Even if that means sticking him in one of those breeder net things until a better option is available.
  8. Go for the clearer photo if you like (you're "bad" photos are actually pretty good Mr. Photographer but your good ones are amazing!) He could just be a late sprouter. Also sometimes, rarely, these tanks work, you may have gotten lucky with the personality of the fish. That said, in the first week of September, I got my friend a male CT for her tank. She then added 2 females only days later, and eventually had 4 females and a male in there, living in apparent harmony. This Friday, the females beat him to death. Pretty sad - sorry for the horror story.
  9. Definite male. Can tell from body shape & finnage length.
  10. He's a lovely albino! Definitely a male. Axolotls are neotenic salamanders, which are amphibians (same class as frogs and toads). Neither a fish or a lizard.
  11. Rhhhhhyyyyssssssss..... hope you see this, Happy birthday!

    Hope all is going well. :)

  12. Looks fantastic Les! Had no idea you had so many tanks! Not sure if anything will fit, maybe you'll need to extend it a tad.
  13. Nice to see the photos! Any chance of a full tank shot?
  14. It looks fantastic! Can't wait to see it finished.
  15. Congrats Jarrod. Know what you mean about size difference... when my endlers had fry the first time I was a little surprised, and then when my bettas decided to finally spawn, again I had forgotten how small Bettas are..
  16. Sarah

    Brichardi setup.

    Exciting! They're looking good, Paul. Quite like the setup... bit of a fan of rocks... must get onto setting up my cichlid tank.
  17. Happy birthday Jarrod, hope you have a fantastic day and are spoiled... possibly with spawns.
  18. Woah really, that's amazing... and out Lismore way too, nice score!
  19. Einstein is gorgeous! Saw a very similar boy someone had up on her youtube channel, or is that him? Please tell me you are planning on spawning him? I'd definitely want fry.
  20. Happy Birthday Jess, hope you have a fantastic day! :balloons:
  21. Jarrod, that really is upsetting - sorry for your loss. Hope the rest of your fish perk up. I'm with you & Ash... probably a loss of BB between the frequent water changes/and then removal of fish... then again, 3-4 days doesn't seem enough time for a deadly spike, even if you set them up in a brand new tank. Not sure, just doesn't seem quite right. Regardless, it's a mistake any of us could have made. I know I could have very easily have made it... and I almost did the other day when I was going to the other week. This doesn't make you a bad fishkeeper at all, infact you're one of the best keepers I know of! Agreed with what Briztoon said, only so many hours in the day: in your busy position lately, I probably wouldn't have handled it nearly as well as you did... even if it looks like neglect now. Don't want to repeat what's been said, so that'll be all for now. x
  22. Aah the pain of cycling. Personally I generally just get a few fish, seed the tank from other set up tanks and watch it. I do get a bit impatient! Oh yeah, feel free to come and pick up the filter media when you wish, will speed it up.
  23. I think TV must pick the most dangerous ones to show on their animal shows... makes for more 'interesting/daring' outcome for viewers. I mostly have Bettas along with my humble collection of inverts - I do love them.
  24. This is fantastic news, very happy for you Adam! A sink nearby is so useful, and a tap fitting for a hose will be helpful. Since my tanks have moved from my room I've been using a hose too - it's so much quicker, mess free and just all round easier. Please take lots of photos and updates. :)
  25. What Matt said. I've been stung by these ones a couple times... no worse than a bee sting - at least for THIS species.
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