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About Sarah

  • Birthday 11/06/1996

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  • Currently Breeding
    Yes, Bettas
  • Interests
    Bettas, Homeschooling, all animals, beach, farm/country life, piano, drawing, reading, board games, my friends/family, church, music, ice-scating, karate, oh lots of things! :)

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  1. Oh eww... I just gave Sinalei, my HM male who is recovering from finmelt a blackworm to cheer him up a bit more.... it went through his mouth, out his gills. Was dangling from behind his gill plates, where Sinalei was then trying to grab it. Very much like a dog chasing his tail. Finally, my male slurped the worm out - pulling it from his gills and ate it. OK then.

    1. kertaz


      That happened once to my CT. I was thinking like "omg, should I pull it out from his gill?" lol. Glad he worked it out.

      But in my case, it didn't went thru his mouth, one of the long black worms that I fed, fell on top of the gills and got stuck there coincidentally.

    2. Sarah


      Haha, a bit of a shock!

      The same thing has happened to my axolotls with bloodworms. One time one of the axies (think it was Banana.. but might have been Tenedor) had at least 20 bloodworms coming out of their gills at once.

      Kinda gross, but funny and interesting at the same time.

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