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About Sarah

  • Birthday 11/06/1996

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  • Currently Breeding
    Yes, Bettas
  • Interests
    Bettas, Homeschooling, all animals, beach, farm/country life, piano, drawing, reading, board games, my friends/family, church, music, ice-scating, karate, oh lots of things! :)

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  1. You know how I said my Peach VT female & a Chinese Algae Eater loved each other like H&J? Well.. they had a fight, they don't like each other now. :( Never even got a photo! No damage done, must have been a verbal disagreement.. with bubbles for talk or however they communicate. Probably body language. Well, whenever they swim by, they both dart in the other dirrection. Yes, if you are wondering, I do believe fish are like humans in a way. They are smart animals, but I;'m...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Yeah, too bad. Can't help who my fish like though. Thanks for the comment Shadoh. :)

    3. fishbites


      Never trust a Chinese Algae Eater with a fish you prize... they can get aggressive and nasty if they want to be.... had one stand up to a 12cm convict cichlid and chase it off....

    4. Sarah


      Thanks. Dad has some big ones that are pretty territorial. This one is only about 2cm long.. thanks for the tip. I was going to take them out today when I do a water change.

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