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About Sarah

  • Birthday 11/06/1996

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  • Status
  • Currently Breeding
    Yes, Bettas
  • Interests
    Bettas, Homeschooling, all animals, beach, farm/country life, piano, drawing, reading, board games, my friends/family, church, music, ice-scating, karate, oh lots of things! :)

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  1. My female VT Peach has suddenly grown a huge attachment to one of Dad's Chinese Algae Eater. It is still VERY little, now just showing signs of it being a Chinese one, not Siamese like the rest of the adults we have. It was being used to cycle my tank, and I just put it into a 33L tank, along with Peach.. suddenly, they are like my own Heckle & Jeckle. :D Swimming in perfect sycn, and always together. Just adorable. Now seeing as this CAE is now "in the Betta club" or whatever...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      Betta club.. also super lame, but whatever.

    3. shadoh


      How cute! You'll have to take some photos while we're waiting for my camera to charge ;P .....no pressure... LOL

    4. Sarah


      No pressure.. right, I'm sure I've heard that one before! :P

      When I get around to it.. I'm really 'busy' at the moment.

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