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About Sarah

  • Birthday 11/06/1996

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  • Currently Breeding
    Yes, Bettas
  • Interests
    Bettas, Homeschooling, all animals, beach, farm/country life, piano, drawing, reading, board games, my friends/family, church, music, ice-scating, karate, oh lots of things! :)

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  1. Guess what? I just found a little fry in our 4ft commuity tank! Maybe about 1cm long. I think it is a Neon Tetra. I'm SURE I saw some orange on it. Sadly, we have a baterial infection, and it was dosed. You aren't susposed to fully dose it for fry, so I don't know if s/he will surive. :. We named him/her Lucky, because s/he is lucky it didn't get eaten. :)

    1. Sarah


      I'll post a picture when I can. So far Lucky has survived on ONLY tropical flakes! I put a bit of frozen treats just for Lucky, of coarse the others got a treat too. In the tank there are guppies (only males ATM), Siamese Algae Eaters, a golden sucker, sucking catfish and neon tetras.

    2. shadoh


      You could always float him in a container of untreated water if you're worried. Hope he/she survives, it will replace the neon you lost over the weekend!

    3. Sarah


      Thanks Shadoh! That is a good idea! I could put Lucky into one of my tanks too.

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