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About Sarah

  • Birthday 11/06/1996

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  • Status
  • Currently Breeding
    Yes, Bettas
  • Interests
    Bettas, Homeschooling, all animals, beach, farm/country life, piano, drawing, reading, board games, my friends/family, church, music, ice-scating, karate, oh lots of things! :)

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  1. This morning I found Raspberry, my red CT male (from LFS) dead. :( I had been watching him for a couple days now.. and you should have seen him last night. I'll post a video if you like, but it is a little sad. :( Well, this one was a bit of a killer - killed my best CT female. On good news, I introduced my Pink Carnation pair last night (Female floating) and this morning there is a bubblenest under the IAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Sarah


      Now it is only my 3ft tank, 2.5ft tank, the 3 large jars (maybe more, depends where I'll put the Carnation pair after they spawn). This is all squished in my bed room. :) It is funny seeing friend's faces when they walk in to see the "few" Bettas I have. Must be expecting a couple cups.. but no.

    3. volvodriver


      hehe, i know the feeling, filled the living room and moved onto the bedroom :P can't see the mirror on my dresser anymore (i'd rather look at fish anyway)

    4. Sarah


      I can't see my mirror either. I'm more worried my Bettas would see their reflection! Tanks only filled half way, so I don't know if they can yet.

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