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    I have about 25 female bettas & 6 males. I'm only a beginner at this so haven't spent a lot of money on actual fish so if I get it wrong I'm not losing a lot of money although I've spent about $800 already. I'm not sure if I'll breed for the hell of it because I don't know what I'd do with all the fish I'd end up with but my husband Ken seems to be heading in that direction.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi Anne :) things aren't great down here. I'm still losing fish despite soaking all my girls in Condys Crystals then milk. Out of over 30 I now have another 2 in sick bay & 8 that are dodgey. I have a tank full of Apple snails & 45 guppy babies though. Been busy the last few weeks with my family tree & got carried away my email is desleyhough@bigpond.com if u feel like ...

  2. Des Hows things haven't seen you on here for a while? hi from Anne :)

  3. Hi Sunrose, thanks for the info about the rocks & logs. I've removed my bettas & have to clean their old tank out completely but can't do it until my snails are big enough to pick out so I don't lose them; caught my neon tetras - what a job - & my bristlenoses. I'm not looking forward to that. They're a lot younger & faster than I am even at feeding time they're hard to catch. when I do clean the tank I'll do that after giving them a good soak in pp. Have a good day, Des.
  4. You sound so like me it's scarey. I bought 2 female bettas at the markets then bought bowl etc. etc. etc. Next it was a 1m tank about .6m high; then I had to fill it so bought more; then my husband got involved & we bought a couple of 3 section tanks & got males; then a breeding tank. Now we have 5 tanks 1 of which is the same as yours. Next it was trying to breed & the males all fled from the girls & after much internet searching I was worried the agression would be too hard to watch. The girls couldn't find the boys despite while in their own tanks they blew bubble nests & paraded like real studs for them. When we put the girls in their tank they either swam at the top of the tank or around the bottom so we looked for something that would swim in the middle so bought neon tetras which get along famously with the bettas & do fill the gap in the middle. What I found was that the tank we bought for breeding was only 30cm high & due to disease in my girls tank I have now put them into this tank & you don't have the great gap in the middle & they swim all over the place so if you're getting a bigger tank bettas seem better in lower tanks. I also have bristle noses in with my girls & they get on well together & keep the tank clean too. I did have a couple of guppies in the big divided tank I have but they were small enough to get through the space left for water circulation & the males ate one so I have them in a separate tank now & have ended up with 45 babies in the last 5 weeks from 2 separate drops. I know the addiction well because I only started in January but everyone in this club is so helpful & I've had some marvelous information for my sick fish. Welcome & I hope you both have a lot of fun.
  5. Des

    Guppy Babies

    Hi Tracey 6565. You're probably right. She definitely didn't want to be in with the boys. I had another snail disappear from the same tank but didn't find it for about 3 days. I went looking for it after I found the other one on the floor & found it behind the lounge with a hole in it's shell it had to have hit the tile floor pretty hard. It was heading in the wrong direction too if it was going to the girls tank. :byebye:
  6. Des

    Guppy Babies

    Hi all you guppy lovers, After having 36 babies the first time about 3 to 4 weeks ago now. I just transferred another 13 out of the parents tank into the nursery tank on Thursday evening. I don't know how many were born but I think a lot more than I saved. I wasn't expecting new ones & was surprised when my husband looked in the bowl & found tiny little things moving around. I didn't think the first lot were growing very fast at all until I put the little ones in with them. They're giants by comparison. If only I could do as well with my bettas. I also have a tank full of tiny apple snails from a batch of eggs that have just hatched. I leant the parents to a friend of ours hoping they'd breed for him but they haven't done anything. One of them climbed out of the tank I had them in with my male bettas (divided) and went back to the girls tank. She must have covered 10 feet by the time I found her & put her in with the girls. She laid the eggs that night. Have a good day everyone.
  7. Des


    Welcome querty 99. No doubt you'll have plenty of takers for your fish by the sound of things & the rate mine are dying I'll probably be one of them. Best of luck Des
  8. Just able to log in-had a lot on our plate at this end-weathers okay but not as cold as what we'd like haha-envy you though,..Des try this link:


    I found it this morning but I don't know if these products are sold in Australia or if anyone has used them at this end,they are from America-to help with the fish,Anne...

  9. Welcome Friend,

    I've just sent you a message then had another email saying I had another mnessage from you so I'm back. How's the sweather in Darwin? My sister lives there & I envy your temps it's cold down here. Des

  10. If only I could. I'm not up on all this high technology. I've only just started putting things in the forum. I'd need detailed, 1 + 1 = 2 type instructions. One day I might give it a go when my son's around to point me in the right direction.
  11. :D Hi Bettasbest My baby guppies were in a bowl with some floating weed & I'd put in an aerator every now & again but at the last change I put them into a 8 ltr plastic tank which has a sponge filter in it & some artificial & live weed. Sorry I was a bit vague. I was thinking ahead of what I was typing. When I was changing the water on of the babies flipped out of the bowl & died because I didn't get it in time. It was the dead one that I fed to the fish. I didn't know about female guppies. This is the first time I've ever had any. I've kept salt water fish before. The only reason I went to bettas was because they had some up the markets here & they were a lot cheaper than salt water fish. Have a great day :cheer:
  12. Hi Bettasbest. congratulations on your parenthood. I got a female & a male guppy when I bought a bag of betta females & after being pestered to death I removed the male when the female was so fat she could hardly move to get away from her amorous mate & had 36 babies the next day. I removed her when I saw her eating them & now have 32 babies that are growing really well in their own tank. I'm feeding them Vipagran Baby that I bought in anticipation of our betta babies. I counted them as I changed the water in their bowl by lifting them out with a white plastic spoon. I think our betta males need a lesson from the male guppy they all hide in the weed when a female is put in the breeding tank with them & don't blow bubbles until they're alone back in their own tank. On the other hand I think my poor female guppy is pregnant again since I put the pair back together again. I was thinking of keeping the babies as live food for my bettas & when it died I put it in the tank & it disappeared so fast.
  13. Hi Joho Welcom to Ausaqua. I have a couple of guppies that have just had babies but I feed them the same food as I feed my Bettas Sera Vipan flakes for colour & Vipagran granules. The babies are getting Vipagran Baby. They're all ok but I don't know whether I'm doing the right thing or not. I live on the Sunshine Coast north of Brisbane so as to where to get special food in Toowoomba is concerned I'm not sure but there are so many helpful people in this organisation I'm sure someone will be able to help. Best of luck.
  14. welcome Tex. I'm sure you'll find plenty of helpful people in Ausaqua. :applaud:
  15. Welcome Celph, Hope all goes well in your betta quest. Be carefull youu don't get the bug & end up having to move to new premnises with more tank room
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