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About Jess

  • Birthday 02/05/1978

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  • Status
  • Currently Breeding
    Yes, Other Species
  • Interests
    I really have a thing for planted tanks, although I never seem to get mine even close to the ones I adore the most. I think it has to do with hard work and patience! I don't have enough tanks, which has everything to do with lack of space. My favourite species of fish nearly always comes from the Amazon and its tributaries, in South America. I also keep many fish from the Asia region, which has some of the most wonderful and colourful fish I have ever seen!

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  1. Peter, adding the yeast is great for getting them to get up and running or if they start to decline. It only takes a little sprinkle.
  2. I've used baby cereal, rice cereal, weetbix, instant porridge, oats. All works the same really though I favour the oats. Usually whatever is in the cupboard.. Yeast! Yeast! Yeast! if you have issues. Don't worry too much, those creatures are hardy Just make sure it is moist and not dry, but not too moist that they drown IYKWIM.
  3. Good point, you should always make sure you jars are pretty clean to start with. Some even say they should be sterile when starting a culture. I have never bothered personally. Decomposing organic matter feeds the bacteria & the infusoria consume the bacteria. In the light you can see the paramecia, though I had to use a magnifying glass as my eyes aren't so good.
  4. I used to put glass jars on the kitchen window sill, which sun light is filtered by a cane blind. Add: tank water lettuce sprig or two of hornwort one or two snails Once it all blooming and green, do the sniff test to see if it ok before pouring into the tank. You can do the same in large tubs outside. Expect to get Mozzie wrigglers in there also.
  5. aha! I just did one How to post photos with flickr http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=6997&hl=
  6. Flickr is a little different to use then Photobucket. The code to use for posting photos isn't shown upfront, but it is there! When viewing the image you want to post, click on the button "All Sizes". Note: sometimes this is only viewable to the owner of the photo depending on their privacy settings. The "All Sizes" page shows up to 5 different resized images of your original image. (depending on what image size you uploaded) You click on the size you want to use. Keeping in mind not to post image sizes over 800 x 600 on the forums. Then below image you chose to use, at the very bottom of the page where you could almost miss it.. There is the lovely code you want "Grab this photo's URL" is the one you want. Copy it and then paste it into the post, remembering to put it inside the image tags. [img] your url to image here [/img] And then there is no stopping you posting millions of photos of your Aquariums, Fish and other furbabies :)
  7. haha i just did. LOL @ the girls partying in my house and I wasn't even home!!!

  8. Phil

    Hey i have put up a personal photo, ur the one without them!! Aww i saw ur wedding photos and photos of the girls when they got smashed afterwards :P

  9. Jess

    Hi Phil! Hows the ribs going?? Take it easy.


    P.S Put a personal photo up will ya!

  10. OMG! your such a power bogan!

    *peace out*


  11. Vegemite has lots of goodness in it!! Specially Vit B.
  12. They live in FW to 35ppt, so yep.
  13. Here is a great article on how to culture and harvest Copepods. Culturing Copepods
  14. I believe it makes them reproduce, the reason they climb up the sides is so they are tryin to get to oxygen.
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