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About kristaml24

  • Birthday 09/27/1985

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  • Status
  • Currently Breeding
  • Interests
    Movies , Bettas , reading , music , picture taking , beach and snow!!!!

kristaml24's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. R.I.P Phantom :( not the best day!!!

  2. Snow snow snow!!!!

    1. Hazell


      Wow, your lucky, I love snow! :D

  3. welcome to ausaqua hope you find all you need to know here we are a pretty helpful bunch We also love pics!
  4. really needs advice on what to do for Little Miss????

  5. Is extremely worried about my VT female Little Miss......

  6. Thanks for the heads up someone Glad to hear there might be another shipment soonish......... means i might actually get a Dragon! And love the goldfish....... im considering it now! ;)
  7. Im a lover of Dragons Purely stunning and fingers are crossed they will spawn successfully for you...... I love the colour - makes me want to go and buy dragins now :betta:
  8. OOhhh a Giant thats on my list as well as a dragon....... im dying to have both lol Sorry to hear about the Lavebdar boy though....... I have noticed alot of people are waiting........ I couldnt say no to this guy though I do plan to spawn so your more than welcome to one or however many then lol
  9. Thanks guys im sooo excited and now ADDICTED! I had to have him sharkwater - its probably is as well - what type of betta did you end up getting? Argh! soo excited!
  10. Hey guys Soo i finally took the plunge and got my first fish of Aquabid! a Gorgeous Blue marble HM male Fell in love! Im sooo excited i cant wait till he can get shipped to me from someone! I have a pic and yeap i got the sellers permission to use the photo! Very happy and very excited Next purchuse - the red and white Dragon i have my eye on Just wanted to share him with you guys! - I am thinking i might spawn with him once i find a suitable girl!
  11. Glad he is soooooo active and funny about the cat Im watching my DT VT swim in circles - its like he is chasing his tail........ Think ill have to find me a Dragon!
  12. OMG my dream fish! lol So very jealous - gorgeous! Did i mention jealous! - excellent find!
  13. Awesome Bettas - Great colour - someone Lea always has great fish Love the names as well.... Its always great and exciting getting new fish :bighug:
  14. Gorgeous Giant Bec Very jealous! love the colour and you can see his personality come through in the photos Very nice!
  15. Congratulations Hope all is going well and you both get settle quickly Congrats again!
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