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Everything posted by delyall

  1. Thank you Each section is approx 20cm long x 28cm high and 31 deep Yays They do seem quite happy :D
  2. Oh I definitely understand your frustration I find about 90% of aquariums Ive been tokeep the bettas in extreeemely bad conditions Anyway, I got the idea for the dividers from this site http://blondebloggings.blogspot.com/2009/1...or-dummies.html Heres my overall tank Heres how 'see-through' the mesh it Aaaaand here's a picture showing the spray bar across the top of my tank I also have a 'bubble wall' that attaches to an air pump, but I dont always leave that on :)
  3. lolz The poster hangers are like clips, you just slide the plastic mesh into them and they are quite secure, then just secure the poster hangers into the aquarium with silicone or something Hmm, no problems really, they cant clearly see eachother, they do see a sort of 'dark fish-shaped blob' on the other side of the mesh, which gets them excited every now and then, but mostly my fish ignore eachother.. but that doesnt mean theyre desensitised, I can still get them to flare when I want :)
  4. Hello I have a divided 2ft tank, I used plastic mesh (for crosstiching.. I bought mine at spotlight) for the dividers and held them in place with some poster hangers.. they look like this http://images.channeladvisor.com/Sell/SSPr...ages/3/9339.jpg you can get them at officeworks As for filtration I use a internal filter with a spraybar, so the water is going into each section So far Ive had no problems, and with each of my boys in almost 20l of water each, they seem happy Your boys will be extremely happy with half a 3ft tank to themselves I personally would divide a 3ft into 4 sections for all your boys.. but thats just me Any chance I can get to add to my betta family Ill take Good luck :)
  5. Beautiful tank and fish! I really like the layout, and congrats on the babies :photo:
  6. Ahh, Ill definitely look into it Some silk and some plastic, I put the silk ones in with my more 'delicate' fish.. but I agree, I dont like the plastic plants, so far I havent spotted any damage to fins from them, but even so, I want to get rid of them asap :)
  7. Thank you fighter boy *Pm'ed* So excess snails = bad Ive read a few places that snails are good in fry tanks, and Im guess couldnt be bad for my divided tank either, but when I set up my fry tank Ill make sure to have a few in there, and the hornwart Lol, I really do sound like a n00b Thank you for all the help! :D
  8. Okay! *mental note* Snails = bad and need to rinse plants :)
  9. Will I need to do anything to the water? Or can I buy the plant from a lfs or friend and put it straight in with my fish? .. Im sorry for bombarding with questions Ive just asked some LFS owners and theyre very little help..
  10. Heehee, Im actually looking at your website and the MW and VE cultures you have for sale (Absolutely wonderful website btw!)
  11. Ahhh lol, thats why Egyptian sites kept coming up with I searched 'anubis' *airhead moment* Thank you for the help Ill see if I can track down some of them Would Hornwart be good for fry tanks? Seems like it would be good and easy for them to hide in..
  12. Hiya Ive wanted to make a planted tank for quite a while now, but Im not sure what to get that I cant easily kill I hear java moss and java fern are good, as well as ambulia.. But I just want to know what combinations will be good/bad.. I have a 3 way divided 2ft tank with light and an internal filter with a spray bar.. the temp is a pretty constant 25-26 degrees and the pH is 7.0... and I have a gravel substrate.. lol.. I love the look of 'carpet' plants , but think theyll get tangled in my dividers, but for a sorority tank, Id love to have a 'carpet' bottom to the tank What would be a good one to have? Also I was trying to do some research on co2 for the aquariums.. is this necessary? They seem quite expensive.. and Im not 100% sure what they are Sorry for all the questions.. I have been doing research but I seem to be getting nowhere Heres a picture of my tank, might give you more of an idea of what it looks like than my crappy description above
  13. Thank you, and yes, Ive already learnt so much Ahh Yes, I shall do Seems like a much better way than buying a bunch from LFSs I am planning on breeding with the female on my earlier post, and with a male I bought just yesterday Im just gathering up my supplies and information first This forum has proven to be extremely helpful :D
  14. Hiya! Thanks so muc, Im glad my girlie has some fans :D
  15. Hiya Thank you Lol, yes, very 'plump' belly on my girlie But she is so awesome :P
  16. Ahhhh, awesome! Then to Shemma, I love you Such beautiful fish lol Im up in the Dandenong Ranges, about an hour out of Melb city Oooh yes! Theyre soo tempting *dreams* One day Awesome, good luck with them When compared to my other boys his body is really short, but my boys have really long bodies.. hmmm, but yes, I think the pictures show how long his body is quite well.. lol
  17. Its always dangerous me walking into pet stores, especially the my favourite ones I bought this gorgeous boy today, from the same LFS Ive bought a breeding pair from before.. Their setups are not ideal, but I love their fish They get them from a breeder in the area, so if anyone recognises him, or sells their fry to a shop near fountain gate, Vic, let me know I love my new boy, IMO he's absolutely gorgeous, I love how well his caudal and anal fins line up But Im veeery much no expert on whats good and whats bad in betta anatomy He might be just shy of HM, Im not sure.. but even if he was a bland veiltail with damaged fins and undesirable colour or faults.. Id love him Lolz.. *ramble* Heres some pics and a video of him lol at the odd white thing out of his mouth.. must be a shine or something on the glass You can see the damaged scales here And the video (Sorry, I cant seem to get it to embed) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aweRgCP-miM
  18. Still absolutely gorgeous Good luck :)
  19. Yush! Im such a procrastinator :)
  20. Whoa! Amazing! Giants sure are gorgeous, love the name too :)
  21. Hi there! My name is Danielle, Im 19 and have owned bettas for just over a year now. I have a marble veiltail male, a 'multicolour' rosetail/HM female and a 'multicolour' crowntail male, Im not sure of the technical name of their colours Theyre set-up in a 60l divided tank.. I have another 60l and a 70-80l tank, and Im absolutely dying to set up a sorority in one of them Ive been talking and asking many question to 'Yan' on a different site, and Ive been lurking here for a while now, so I thought I should introduce myself and stop asking so much of Yan Here are some pics of my 'babies' and their tank Lolz, The little 'betta Buddha' is froma friend, a sort of joke I hope to add some live plants in my tanks, I just have to learn more about them first, to make sure I dont do something terribly wrong n harm my fish .. I tend to have bad luck like that Anyway, love the forum, Hello and cya :P
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