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Everything posted by delyall

  1. Oh definitely dwarf gouramis, I love the colours, I also quite like the red dwarf and the powder blue gouramis I suppose Ill have to see what my LFS has in stock Thats even better :P
  2. Well Ill definitely keep an eye on them I did know that mollies and gouramis can get nippy, but Im only considering them because of the large tank I should be able to make lots of hiding spots Ill look into adding some cardinal tetras, nice to have a lot of colour @force fed good luck I hope you can share some pics when you get them Im a sucker for pics :P
  3. Awesome Awww, Im sure if you really wanted to get rid of them, youd have some buyers .. Youll have an awesome tank when you do end up getting your Apistos, they look amazing :)
  4. Thats good Then I dont have to worry much if I have an impulse moment and buy another fish for the tank What about mollies? I saw some beautiful ones at a LFS today, and I have to admit I really want some Thank you for the advice I have just basic black gravel and Im going to have it planted with probably ambulias, java ferns and anything else I cant kill :)
  5. Hiya, Im really only used to bettas, but I just bought a 150l tank (last one.. I swear.. ) and thats too large to divide up for my bettas, so I wanted to try having a community tank I have a 'wishlist' and I believe theyre compatible fish.. and I have enough filtration for them all.. but wanted to hear what any of you had to say 6x dwarf gourami 1x BN 4x corydora 4x platy 6x female betta I got tank stocking information from here - http://www.aqadvisor.com/AqAdvisor.php?Aqu...archMode=simple Very handy site :)
  6. Heres a link for diy co2 http://www.plantedtank.net/articles/DIY-Yeast-CO2/7/ just search through google a few times, and I think there is a post about diy co2 in the diy section of these forums :)
  7. I absolutely love this! Very well setup :)
  8. Too... tempting... Must have some :P
  9. @ Fishbites Thank you so much for the website, very helpful I wasnt aware there was anything like it online Wow.. I put in my current tank dimensions, and it says its overstocked, so I removed guppies, and was able to have 4 female bettas until it was overstocked again.. out of curiosity, I put in the dimensions of my spare 2ft tank.. with that I can have 11 female bettas before I start having issues ... methinks I might switch my tanks Interesting how the shape of the tank makes so much difference Perhaps Ill do some research on gouramis, such wonderful fish to watch :(
  10. The rule your thinking of is 1 gallon per 1 inch of fish, so each fish should have approx 4l each.. but even with that rule its hard Ill definitely check out dwarf gouramis, they're wonderful but as for tetras vs. guppies, though breeding will be an issue, I really do like the diversity of colours in them I was bad today, and got 4 cories and 4 guppies for my tank.. if something goes wrong, or it ends up being too crowded etc. I have a spare tank to move them into Its so trippy seeing more than one fish in a tank, Im so used to my male bettas :P
  11. I probably want it just for female bettas and cories.. I would love some guppies too, but Im not too confident that they will get along with the bettas.. the dimensions are 19" long x 16" high x 11" deep .. so a sort of warped 2ft :)
  12. Hiya Ive had this tank setup for a while now, and finally decided to 'add the fish'.. So far I have 3 female bettas, all going well, no aggression so far... but I know I shouldnt keep just 3 in there, and I dont want to overstock the tank.. I also would love to add some corydoras, but once again, Im not sure how many is alright.. Advice please? delyall
  13. I shall Hehee I have 100s of pics of my bettas too, but only a dozen are any good quality.. darn things dont seem to like the camera :)
  14. Ooooh I have to check out this Coburg aquarium, I looked at theyre site and they look pretty good I love giants and have to check them out :)
  15. Ahhh thank you! I was wondering what colour female would work for him Ill see if I can hunt down a copper female :)
  16. delyall

    Hi all

    Looks real, but thats photoshop for you Heres a good link explaining 'purple bettas' http://bettysplendens.com/articles/page.imp?articleid=757
  17. Ahhh thats very interesting Thank you for telling me, Im getting more and more curious as to what his fry might look like :)
  18. delyall

    Hi all

    Welcome! Glad to hear you getting into the betta hobby Im also so glad that you did do research after buying them! Best of luck setting up the tanks, by the sounds of it you have a good idea of all you need. Remember also if your getting fake plants, get silk ones, as the plastic will tear their fins Id really love to see some pictures of your fish, Im a sucker for pictures I agree with Bettarazzi, the purple betta is a bit of a myth :P
  19. Thank you! I really couldnt be happier with my find There really is just something I love about him He is definitely male, when I bought him home I put him next to one of my other males, and there was almost instant flaring and showing off happening.. no female behaviour I bought him from Fantastic Pets in Narre warren.. Ive bought 3 bettas from them before Very lovely shop I believe Shemma sends his fish there to sell :cheer:
  20. I just couldnt resist him They had him in the female tank and though I wasnt 100% sure he was a he, I still loved his colour and he seemed like he had a lot of personality Also my first PK! Not a HMPK but still very pretty in my opinion.. also veeery tiny, makes my HM look like a giant o.0
  21. I finally was able to take some decent pictures of him You can see his little cellophane bits on his caudal and anal fins, and the damaged scales on his right side that has healed up quite well
  22. Thank you all! Yes he is quite big, bigger than my other bettas.. hmm I think Ill have to thank this Shemma I do plan on breeding him, Ive paired him up with my girlie, Ive posted a pic of her below I believe she is also one of Shemma's fish Im just getting all my supplies and learning as much as I can before I put them together :alright: More Pics- The girlie This is probably closest to his true colour You can see his damage here, but he is healing nicely And is very active Its like he has blue lipstick on :)
  23. Welcome Im also in SE Vic, just a lil further out than you I also bought my fish from the LFS near fountain gate, Im a bit addicted to that shop Good luck with making a barracks and buying more fish Great to have you here Delyall
  24. Yay! Lolz XD Best of luck Id love to see picture of your tanks once theyre set up (
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