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Everything posted by delyall

  1. Itd say to choose cycling-fish (lol) for the long term, unless you plan to re-sell them.. I think it just means dont kill them cause thats mean.. You can use a betta to cycle a tank, depends how big it is. Like if you had a 200l compared to a 30l, youll need more fish Plants, if your a beginner, like meee, I recommend ambulias and java fern, I havent managed to kill them yet Others can give you better advice on how to clean your tank and gravel.. some sort of bleach solution is good I bought my IAL off ebay a while ago, though you should make sure that they can ship to Aus before you buy Feeding adult bettas, I feed mine a mix of live grindal worms, FD blackworms, betta pellets and when I have it frozen bloodworms .. not all at once, I alternate every few days and skip a day each week Compatible fish, theres a lot really.. best to do a google search, I can definitely say NO to angels, some gourami, tiger barbs and neon tetras and in most cases, guppies.. its really best to do research on what you want, and again it comes down to how big your tank is :P
  2. Welcome Im certain youll find the info you need here, and dont be afraid to ask us anything Also we loooove pictures, we'd love to see some ;)
  3. Looks amazing! Im so jealous :P
  4. My blue/red boy is also very shy and hiding a bit, I have him hidey places and he seems to have perked up a bit.. Ive barely been able to get him to flare I hope your boy perks up soon Im not a huge fan of coburgs betta setup.. but you have to admit, the rest of the store is pretty epic One of the best Ive seen anyway :)
  5. Coburg aquarium? I was eyeing off thatred-ish giant, but I went with a wild colour one I also have your other fishies brother They lok very much alike Though mines a little more blue I really love the giants colours! Congrats on the new fish :D
  6. @Yan Definitely! Im so glad they turned out to be more purple than in the video As for the pk, I tend to like the wild colours on him He's like my other pk, only bigger @tracey Tahaa, definitely, now I just hope they breed :D
  7. I loooooove my yoyo loaches I have 3 of them.. veeery hard to photograph Congrats on the new fish, good luck breeding the rams :D
  8. Teheheee I was sick of having all dark coloured bettas, I was sure to jump in quickly when I saw the awesome lavenders Ill hopefully be breeding them soon, so your welcome to any fry :D
  9. Hiya I couldnt resist adding to my collection, and when I saw the gorgeous lavender butterfly pair on Jodis youtube, I had to have them Off topic, love the lil' comment in Jodis disclaimer "--- Betta is pronounced Bet - tah NOT bee- ta (that's something you do with a stick!)" I also got a lovely lil royal blue girl for my marble boy And when I went to check out Coburg aquarium last week for the first time, I loved it! and I had to leave with some fish, I bought a giant and a multicolour/bi-colour HM (who has been a lil beat up by the giant... so no pics of him for now ) Now pictures! Youtube vid by someone I called him "Curly", because he seems to have an odd ventral that curls back on itself Gorgeous Girly, real long anal fin.. but seems many bettas have that fault now .. Royal blue girlie - barred up almost immediately from being put in a divided tank with my marble boy... quick question, she is about 1/2 the size of my marble boy (he's huge..) will this be any issue when spawning? Aaaand my not-so-giant giant, He is about 4.7cm not including his tail (he's probably only a little larger than my marble boy..) Im hoping he's just young and will grow more
  10. Looks so awesome!! Im jealous XD I should play around with more plants :P
  11. delyall


    @sunrose, thats very much not true.. I cant think why you think that Welcome YAL05T! Im sure youll find a lot of information here on breeding bettas We'd love to see any pictures of your fish We love pictures here :P
  12. Looking awesome! Keep the updates coming! :D
  13. Otos are awesome, Im thinking of getting some Ooooh Habrosus ftw! Im such a sucker for corys! :cheer:
  14. Awww~ Thats so awesome I hope they hatch for you Arrrg.. guppies are eeeevil to catch, you think youve caught them all, then one pops out of nowhere :censor:
  15. @yan Ive 'transplanted' bubble nests before, sometimes they tend the nest and add to it, sometimes they just ignore it Ive found it good though for one of my boys who is too lazy to start his own :D
  16. Yaa Im not fussed about how much for them After all, I got them for free, and theyre pretty much not costing me anything :)
  17. Looove the tank! I love the look of 'jungle' tanks even though pruning isnt that fun :P
  18. I like the sound of getting store credit :giggle:
  19. Oh wonderful! Thank you, really An oscar would definitely be awesome right now Ill be trying all these out.. I just looked in my tank a moment ago and noticed a newly born mass of guppy fry I thought both my females had their babies around the same time, apparently not.. very very cute, but soo many of them (
  20. Hmmm... silly me I bought three guppies a while ago thinking 'oh itll be cute, they can have babies and Ill just let them eat some and work out what to do with the rest later' ... There are soo many babies! None seem to have gotten eaten, I even put some in with my bettas, and they couldnt care less about them.. So what do you do with the babies? Do you just give them to a pet store? I cant imagine there would be much interest here for selling mutt guppies :blush:
  21. Thanks guys *sucker for compliments* I live out of Melbourne (usually a few degrees colder than the city) so a heater is insanely important.. darn cold weather <_<
  22. Yes Big blue pebbles, my mother kept bugging me about there being no colour in the tank (with the black gravel and black background.. I want the fish to stand out ) so I put the blue in there to keep her happy :P
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