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Status Replies posted by shadoh

  1. my fry has such big difference in size... What am I doing wrong?

  2. My female VT Peach has suddenly grown a huge attachment to one of Dad's Chinese Algae Eater. It is still VERY little, now just showing signs of it being a Chinese one, not Siamese like the rest of the adults we have. It was being used to cycle my tank, and I just put it into a 33L tank, along with Peach.. suddenly, they are like my own Heckle & Jeckle. :D Swimming in perfect sycn, and always together. Just adorable. Now seeing as this CAE is now "in the Betta club" or whatever...

  3. OK, so who bought the new pair of Pink Carnations from someone? You have to be quick around here! :)

  4. OK, so who bought the new pair of Pink Carnations from someone? You have to be quick around here! :)

  5. OK, so who bought the new pair of Pink Carnations from someone? You have to be quick around here! :)

  6. OK, so who bought the new pair of Pink Carnations from someone? You have to be quick around here! :)

  7. Guess what? I just found a little fry in our 4ft commuity tank! Maybe about 1cm long. I think it is a Neon Tetra. I'm SURE I saw some orange on it. Sadly, we have a baterial infection, and it was dosed. You aren't susposed to fully dose it for fry, so I don't know if s/he will surive. :. We named him/her Lucky, because s/he is lucky it didn't get eaten. :)

  8. Introduced my guns & roses halfmoons to each other today. Lots of dancing going on. Get bubbling please sir!

  9. My dad's tank has a baterical infection... looking at my meds. I have just about everything BUT baterial. We are going out very soon to get some.

  10. Big day ahead tomorrow. Jarring up the biggest fry, moving all remaining babies to my 4ft tank to grow out, then setting up my next pair to spawn!

  11. Red Dragons in the spawn tank, female keeps jumping out of her floating tank, regardless of whether or not there is a bubblenest, and gets a bit more beaten up each time. I think she's a bit dumb, but gorgeous!

  12. Big day ahead tomorrow. Jarring up the biggest fry, moving all remaining babies to my 4ft tank to grow out, then setting up my next pair to spawn!

  13. This morning I found Raspberry, my red CT male (from LFS) dead. :( I had been watching him for a couple days now.. and you should have seen him last night. I'll post a video if you like, but it is a little sad. :( Well, this one was a bit of a killer - killed my best CT female. On good news, I introduced my Pink Carnation pair last night (Female floating) and this morning there is a bubblenest under the IAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY...

  14. waiting for Jodie-Lea to open up so i can go pick up my babys!! 2 hours 18 minutes to go, wait, the other clock is 3 mintues faster, maybe i should go by that one instead!

  15. So annoyed right now. One of my boys (Eric, father of my current spawn) jumped his barrier into the barrack of my yellow HM dragon girl. Must have happened during last nights water change. Now my girls fins are shredded and I was planning on setting her up with my multi HM boy this weekend... GRR!

  16. So annoyed right now. One of my boys (Eric, father of my current spawn) jumped his barrier into the barrack of my yellow HM dragon girl. Must have happened during last nights water change. Now my girls fins are shredded and I was planning on setting her up with my multi HM boy this weekend... GRR!

  17. Soil-less Grindal worms, or soil Grindals? Which is better.. use for Betta fry. Not even born yet, but good to plan ahead.

  18. Soil-less Grindal worms, or soil Grindals? Which is better.. use for Betta fry. Not even born yet, but good to plan ahead.

  19. Yay for more fish tanks! FREE!!

  20. So annoyed right now. One of my boys (Eric, father of my current spawn) jumped his barrier into the barrack of my yellow HM dragon girl. Must have happened during last nights water change. Now my girls fins are shredded and I was planning on setting her up with my multi HM boy this weekend... GRR!

  21. So annoyed right now. One of my boys (Eric, father of my current spawn) jumped his barrier into the barrack of my yellow HM dragon girl. Must have happened during last nights water change. Now my girls fins are shredded and I was planning on setting her up with my multi HM boy this weekend... GRR!

  22. My fish are here!! My fish are here!! My fish are here!!!

  23. Should extra Brine Shrimp eggs go into a double zip-lock bag into the freezer or the crisper? Haven't gotten them yet.. just planning ahead. Thank you. :)

  24. New & checking this out. Anyone know where to get ketapang leaves in Oz? Will customs kidnap them if they're coming in the post from overseas?

  25. Now the b**ch has killed one of my boys :`-( going to let her meet the polleni >:(

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