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Status Replies posted by shadoh

  1. Everyone, please welcome pink carnation fry to the world :D

  2. U2 concert tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. All fish removed from barracks to bare bottom jars. Just found my yellow dragon female dead. Same as the others - no symptoms, water parameters perfect. Although they are in barracks, the water is not filtered via a sump, so they don't share water

  4. Eric, the father of my current spawn died sometime today. Same as my crowntail earlier this week. No symptoms, water parameters fine. I'm getting worried. I've never used sand as a substrate before and i'm starting to worry it has something to do with it...

  5. Eric, the father of my current spawn died sometime today. Same as my crowntail earlier this week. No symptoms, water parameters fine. I'm getting worried. I've never used sand as a substrate before and i'm starting to worry it has something to do with it...

  6. Bettas just enjoyed a meal of bloodworms AND Mozzie larvae. I've never gotten bloodworms around here.. they are so much more easier to see, and are easier to catch too. All Bettas love them all.. there was a feeding frenzy.. especially with the girls! That has to get Carnation healing a bit better, he is so happy prancing around his tank. :))

  7. Bettas just enjoyed a meal of bloodworms AND Mozzie larvae. I've never gotten bloodworms around here.. they are so much more easier to see, and are easier to catch too. All Bettas love them all.. there was a feeding frenzy.. especially with the girls! That has to get Carnation healing a bit better, he is so happy prancing around his tank. :))

  8. Ahhh! My black lace crowntail male died today... :(

  9. Bettas just enjoyed a meal of bloodworms AND Mozzie larvae. I've never gotten bloodworms around here.. they are so much more easier to see, and are easier to catch too. All Bettas love them all.. there was a feeding frenzy.. especially with the girls! That has to get Carnation healing a bit better, he is so happy prancing around his tank. :))

  10. Ahhh! My black lace crowntail male died today... :(

  11. Ahhh! My black lace crowntail male died today... :(

  12. Ahhh! My black lace crowntail male died today... :(

  13. Just finished a hectic week at work. Time to play with the fish! I am currently building an overhanging barracks for the jarred fry out of plastic mesh...

  14. Just finished a hectic week at work. Time to play with the fish! I am currently building an overhanging barracks for the jarred fry out of plastic mesh...

  15. Just finished a hectic week at work. Time to play with the fish! I am currently building an overhanging barracks for the jarred fry out of plastic mesh...

  16. One of my betta pairs spawned today, but have almost no bubble nest. He's wildly collecting and spitting eggs into his imaginary nest. Will they survive?

  17. Heckle and Jeckle have changed overnight from peaceful synchronized swimmers to a tag team killing squad. I just found a dead fry with obvious battle wounds and caught the little buggars attacking another. Poor thing now only has 1 ray of dorsal left. The killer twins have been jarred!

  18. Heckle and Jeckle have changed overnight from peaceful synchronized swimmers to a tag team killing squad. I just found a dead fry with obvious battle wounds and caught the little buggars attacking another. Poor thing now only has 1 ray of dorsal left. The killer twins have been jarred!

  19. Heckle and Jeckle have changed overnight from peaceful synchronized swimmers to a tag team killing squad. I just found a dead fry with obvious battle wounds and caught the little buggars attacking another. Poor thing now only has 1 ray of dorsal left. The killer twins have been jarred!

  20. Heckle and Jeckle have changed overnight from peaceful synchronized swimmers to a tag team killing squad. I just found a dead fry with obvious battle wounds and caught the little buggars attacking another. Poor thing now only has 1 ray of dorsal left. The killer twins have been jarred!

  21. Heckle and Jeckle have changed overnight from peaceful synchronized swimmers to a tag team killing squad. I just found a dead fry with obvious battle wounds and caught the little buggars attacking another. Poor thing now only has 1 ray of dorsal left. The killer twins have been jarred!

  22. Migaloo had blowen a huge nest in his jar. I am so proud of my boy. I should start a photo album. "baby's first flare", "Baby's first bubble nest"... LOL

  23. You know how I said my Peach VT female & a Chinese Algae Eater loved each other like H&J? Well.. they had a fight, they don't like each other now. :( Never even got a photo! No damage done, must have been a verbal disagreement.. with bubbles for talk or however they communicate. Probably body language. Well, whenever they swim by, they both dart in the other dirrection. Yes, if you are wondering, I do believe fish are like humans in a way. They are smart animals, but I;'m...

  24. Moving the fry into the 4ft tank was the best thing I could have done! In just 3 days, colours have intensified and by comparing pics taken Friday, visable fin growth on my 2 hopefuls!!!

  25. Moving the fry into the 4ft tank was the best thing I could have done! In just 3 days, colours have intensified and by comparing pics taken Friday, visable fin growth on my 2 hopefuls!!!

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