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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Thanks Sarah, they had just had a big feed of grindal worms, so were VERY full. The pigs they are, they couldn't help but to check if there was any more food coming! Heckle and Jeckle are the first 2 pale bodied fish to swim up to my finger, then do a synchronized turn and swim away. They are always doing the whole synchronized swimming thing - half the time it is the only way I can pick them out.
  2. I thought I would put a video up of my fry so everyone can see them without the camera flash catching all their iridescence. Half way through I put my finger in the water for size comparison. The tank with the green water is the runt tank with the last of their multicure treatment (for white spot)
  3. I don't blame you for taking so many pics. If he was mine, I'd sit there all day taking photos. Love that close up - what a face!
  4. You better keep them locked up tonight! That black orchid male might "mysteriously" disappear ... B) Some beautiful fish you have there. Well chosen!
  5. Congrats! So it was you all along! LOL I am so happy for you. That is definitely java moss. It's a very easy to look after plant - no special lighting or feeding requirements. Fry especially love to hide in it and is perfect for the spawning tank!
  6. So annoyed right now. One of my boys (Eric, father of my current spawn) jumped his barrier into the barrack of my yellow HM dragon girl. Must have happened during last nights water change. Now my girls fins are shredded and I was planning on setting her up with my multi HM boy this weekend... GRR!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. shadoh


      I've decided to hold off and wait until the yellow dragon female has healed. I'm going to put Tara with my black orchard CT male instead...

    3. paul


      Noice - what colour combo on the black orchid?

    4. shadoh
  7. ANy chance there is something wrong with the extension cord?
  8. You know, I never really liked the giant bettas until I saw some of the ones someone Lea has been getting in lately. All I can say is that my bank account is lucky I don't have any more room!
  9. Yes! I have a yellow fry!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. shadoh


      I haven't heard that before Sarah. I would say it would be more a case of NR being harder to produce. I guess we'll find out soon enough if I have a yellow boy :)

    3. Sarah


      Cool. Hopefully you will have a nice yellow male & female. :)

      I think I read that somewhere on Betta Talk.. but I'm not quite sure. Something about how any breeder will be super impressed if you bred yellows. I'll look into it. :)

    4. Sarah


      Sorry, I've been looking heaps, but cannot find it. :(

  10. Hey Sarah, just found this guy on aquabid and he reminded me a bit of Plum... http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/auction.cgi?fwbettasdt&1288281698
  11. You'd have to get a double black if you want the dark knight! :betta:
  12. The Red Sea Plakat looks even nicer here than in his video. Good thing I'm broke this week, or I'd be running down to get him and the Red Dragon!!! Hey Bec, you do know someone ships fish to Melbourne...
  13. BTW, Sir Alfred Pennyworth is a great name. Where is Batman?
  14. Shame about Guinevere. My old cat resorted to trying to drink my betta bowl dry after she wasn't quick enough to fish him out. She sat there all day with her head over the bowl drinking whenever she could...
  15. Welcome Carley! I can't wait to hear more about your fish...
  16. Sick of waiting for my fry to grow up. Don't they come with a fast forward button or something?

    1. fishish


      A watched fish never grows ;)

    2. shadoh


      Nor does one boil! ;p

    3. fishish


      Well thats good! Keep watching them then! lol

  17. OK, curiosity got the better of me and I did a search for the auction number that was in the windows live error message and got this: Pretty Fishie here... He is a beauty Joan!
  18. I have to say, I am very curious now... Can't wait to see them Joan! :D
  19. I'm afraid I'm guilty of this too. I voted on a poll before I noticed it was 2yrs out of date...
  20. Trying to decide my next spawn. Either red dragon VT pair or my Black CT male x Black/green HM female...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yanagi


      Dragons always wiiiin. :)

    3. shadoh


      I'm conditioning both pairs. Leaning towards the dragons. Whichever pair looks more ready next week will be the ones...

    4. Sarah


      Dragons are also good too! Good luck!

  21. Bit of a mixed bag really - 1 HM pair (lavender), 1 HMPK pair (arctic sea), 1 CT male (black orchid), 1 DT VT male (blue/lavender marble), 1 VT pair (red dragon), 1 VT female (black orchid)and 1 VT female (black/red/blue multi)
  22. I have 1 pair more than you - 5 males and 5 females. Mind you, that's not counting the 100 or so 3 week old fry I have...
  23. LOL @ Sarah - I didn't read your comment properly and thought you said you had 8.4 males and was wondering what .4 of a betta would look like :blink:
  24. Thanks Jondo, I'm open to any ideas ATM... Keep 'em coming people! :D
  25. Hey Sarah, don't u have enough bettas? :tongue: Seriously though Bec, Looks like you'll have a big demand if you breed that beautiful boy...
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