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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Migaloo had blowen a huge nest in his jar. I am so proud of my boy. I should start a photo album. "baby's first flare", "Baby's first bubble nest"... LOL

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fishish


      lol oh do! :D ehehe

    3. shadoh


      :D I love this forum... makes me feel more normal by the day... LOL

    4. fishish


      lol as Oscar Wilde said "the only normal people are the ones you don't know very well" ;)

  2. No, it is way too early for that. Despite Migaloo's fast fin growth, he is still only half the size of an adult betta (and he is the biggest of the lot!) My next spawns will be my black orchard CT male x black/blue dragon HM female and my HM multicolour male x yellow dragon HM female. I'll put spawn logs up if they are successful.
  3. :( Poor Carnation. I am sure he will live to pose another day! :)
  4. Oh... Almost forgot... I am pretending I am not interested in this competition... <_< <_< ...poker face.....
  5. I'm toying around with doing 2 spawns at once next time. I Imagine it would only get hard once they are all jarred. This spawn was so big, I had them in 2 tanks anyway, so no big change there... I must be a sucker for punishment As I am not going away now over Christmas, I figure, what the heck? If I get organized now, the babies will be well over a month old by the end of my 3 weeks off work over Christmas/new year. :cheer:
  6. I'm a chocolate ANYTHING person Sarah! Hmm... A halfmoon breeding pair of chocolate bettas would satisfy my 2 addictions LOL :
  7. You are right Sarah, this is the Jewel Box spawn. Also my only spawn right now...
  8. It is kinda crazy! Every day I find a new colour or pattern.
  9. He has no choice - a sibling girl is all he is going to be offered! You can almost hear his inner dialogue when he is swimming around... "Swim...POSE!...swim...I wonder if I gave them my good side?...POSE!..."
  10. Yep, I'm a sucker... Will just have to keep my poker face on till Friday and pretend that I wasn't really interested... <_<
  11. I'm afraid so... He's not going to settle for just any female now he thinks he's special. I'm glad my laptop isn't waterproof, or he'd be ordering a harem of $2000.00 female albino dragons off aquabid :blink:
  12. Royal Blue... Blue Tiger Blue Steel Another red/black...
  13. Oops, I meant "them" as in the fry in general, not H&J - Went back and fixed my bad grammar. Brain is still in weekend mode... Sarah, if I do get rid of them, you will be at the top of the list, although not sure how I'd get them to Sydney...
  14. The way H&J stick together, you'd think they hatched out of the same egg! I was looking at the fry earlier, looks like the boys are going to get their Dads extra long dorsal and anal fins. Fingers crossed that their caudals grow long enough to balance it out. They all have their mothers habit of curling the tip of her dorsal just before they start to swim :)
  15. Another pic (he loves the camera!)
  16. Ahhhh! Tooo much pressure!!! Battery is charged, so here is some more. Heckle and Jeckle I call this little runt MINItaur... I'm keeping my eye on this one. I'm hoping it will turn out to be a girl that I can breed with Migaloo... Used the flash on this one to show the green iridescence at the base of this multi's fins... Migaloo's brother, Megalo (thanks for the name Paul!)
  17. Will upload more this arvo Sarah, camera battery died...
  18. @fishish: Thanks! Migaloo originally got his name because he is the whale of the spawn and was pure white. The spawn was divided between 2 20ltr tanks. @Sarah: Thankyou, I hope he keeps this colouring too. I'm hoping to breed him for his colouring. @Yan: I know, I have to avert my eyes whenever I feed him. Where did such a hideously deformed fry come from??? Thankyou for the offer, but it is a burden that I must bear alone! :P As for steroids, he is just a pig. It's the grindals that are on steroids! LOL I feed them (the grindals) liquifry for egg layers.
  19. Thanks guys! I am really happy with this lot. A real mixed bag. I have to say, I am partial to the pastel blues. I think this is one direction this line will take. The other will be from Migaloo! @ Sarah: Plenty more where that came from. I can only post 5 at a time... Tigger Another Pastel This one is actually more steel blue in real life... Migaloo! A lot of the light bodied fry have gold scaling on their foreheads just like this one!
  20. Just had to pull the camera out tonight. My fry are colouring up all over the place since moving into their new digs! Loving the colours I am getting out of this lot. I found a couple of clean pastels!!!! So far untouched by red wash... OK, so that one has red in it's ventrals, but is almost the size of Migaloo (how did I not see this one before?) Plenty of nice royal blues Some pale bodied Multis (is there such a thing as a multicoloured cambodian?) And of course, marbles... (Sorry about the bad quality, they were hard to get a pic of.)
  21. I just love when fry reach this stage and start to show what they will become. Mind you, with the marble gene in this spawn, nothing is guaranteed! Here is a photo I took of Migaloo on Friday: His body looks a little short due to distortion in the jar... I moved the fry into a 4ft tank on Saturday and Migaloo and the other jarred fry into bigger containers. I took this photo an hour ago: Looks like he may turn out to be salamander (I know, it is a loosely used colour term, but it gives a rough idea.) I hope he keeps the cellophane butterfly banding on the ends of his fins!
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