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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Thanks Sarah. Just about every colour in the paintbox... I expected pastel blues and marbles. The royal blues were a mystery until Pam turned that colour. I wondered if red would show up. Eric has a red dot the size of a match head on his caudal. Just didn't expect that much.
  2. I know, right? Definitely something that wouldn't have shown up in a punnet square! Mind you, who knows what they were carrying.
  3. A few more from today... I've never been a fan of blue/red multis until I saw this fry... Looks like this one will have a full mask!!! One of the royal blues starting to marble... Black and White marble... Steel Blue female(?)
  4. Oscar looks a bit like my Mini Foxie x Jack Russell, Harvey. Getting back on topic, The colours on Dorsal's (LOL, I'm going to call him Dorsal) caudal is much more vivid in real life. Bright blue, red and white...
  5. I don't know if I am doing something right, or something wrong. Every time I have a spawn, I end up with one fry that grows twice as quickly than his siblings. The dorsal-less fry has the most beautiful pattern on it's caudal. His missing dorsal doesn't seem to be any problem swimming about. Off topic: Sarah, is your other dog on your profile pic a mini foxie?
  6. I actually didn't think Migaloo had any fin growth this week until I compared the two videos. I'm just waiting for the next one to sprout!
  7. He is beautiful Jo! He's looking very happy!!! :D
  8. I'd love for him (and I'm pretty sure it is a "he" - you should see the length of his ventrals) to stay like that, it would look amazing when he finally sprouts!
  9. Thanks Paul. I've read somewhere that slow growing fry often turn out to be the showier ones I'm sure they'll sprout soon. I'm a little frustrated that I've only had 2 sprout (yeah, I know - poor me...) The other one (Megalo - thanks for the name) has gone to his new home already. My sister couldn't wait for him to grow up. Good luck with the new tank! Can't wait for some update pics in their new digs.
  10. Heckle and Jeckle have changed overnight from peaceful synchronized swimmers to a tag team killing squad. I just found a dead fry with obvious battle wounds and caught the little buggars attacking another. Poor thing now only has 1 ray of dorsal left. The killer twins have been jarred!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Sarah


      Maybe you could put them in their own tank (if you have one to spare) and watch them carefully. Though I would be worried that sooner or later they would be "big Bettas" and not like each other at all.

      I had two females like H&J, they got really depressed when they were apart. I thought it kinda creepy, so slowly weened them apart, and I'm glad I did as one was killed by a male. At least H&J can see each other, that ought to count as something.

    3. shadoh


      LOL... I didn't want to go to the tank one day and discover they had turned on one another. Besides, this means they will grow with pristine finnage... Sorry Sarah, tank space is pretty tight at the moment, so coke bottle torture chambers it is until they get bigger...

    4. Sarah


      Too bad. They'll just have to suffer. :P

  11. They're going to be disappointed when they find out I've been gluing tiny sequins onto the fry :tongue: *lol*
  12. Haha.... My babies are under lock and key If you do manage to get past a severe licking from my "watchdog" and get the fish, Brissie Paul, I'll just stalk out JL's shop, you seem to be there most days LOL and Sydney Paul, I hear on the grapevine that if you stand in front of a mirror and say "black cambodian" 3 times, you appear... Seriously though, thanks for the bloodworm ideas guys. I tried Paul's idea of feeding with grindals this morning (just a little bit), but they all turned their noses up. I'll try again for the next feed...
  13. Getting ideas for a Betta Winter Wonderland... mmm...now how do I train a betta to make a snowman??? :giggle:
  14. No probs. Although it would not be a true black cambodian, if the marbling "sets" the way it is now, it would be the closest thing I have seen!
  15. It's all good! You're not bugging me. They eat grindals and instant brine shrimp mainly and I am trying to move them onto frozen bloodworms, but they're being stubborn and hold out for the grindals Oh, and just noticed a couple have changed. There are 2 black and white marbles and one of them almost looks like a black cambodian... (Shhh, don't tell Paul...) Anyway, off to make dinner!
  16. I'm off to feed the babies. Hopefully the announcement will have been made when I get back :)
  17. Yeah, that's right, he is. DT is recessive, as is PK (which is what Pam is...) so the next generation is going to be a real mixed bag. They are carrying genes for DT and PK, so I should get a mix of PKs, DTs and VTs (and I think DTPKs.) Now if I can get some pink butterfly versions of each out of Migaloo x Sibling spawn, I will be a happy man. I know chances of it happening are small, but I can (and do)dream Oh, there will be the weekly video/photo shoot sometime over the weekend. Not a lot of change this week after Migs sudden fin growth earlier in the week...
  18. Hmm... If the prize isn't chocolate cake, I wonder if they can be bribed WITH chocolate cake... I wonder if Neffy is a judge... <_<
  19. Yes, I think that threats should disqualify you from the cake... oops, I mean competition. ...hmmm, now to get rid of the rest of my opposition... Did anyone hear that?.... Quick! Pokerface!..... :mellow:
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