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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. All fish removed from barracks to bare bottom jars. Just found my yellow dragon female dead. Same as the others - no symptoms, water parameters perfect. Although they are in barracks, the water is not filtered via a sump, so they don't share water

    1. Sarah


      Oh Shadoh! That is such.. so horrible. Was the sand in with her?? If so.. you should take it OUT. Good they don't share water. I wonder what it is.

    2. shadoh


      All the fish have been in with the sand for the past couple of months, so I had assumed it was safe. Last couple of weeks I have had a brown algae appear in the barracks and have been scrubbing that off every couple of days. All my fish are now safely in jars until I can empty, clean and sterilize the barracks. Going to keep the floor bare from now on. Easier to keep clean anyway.

    3. Sarah


      Yeah, bare bottom is easier to clean. I would blame that brown algae. Good luck, I hope it won't strike again.

  2. Thought I'd post this one of Migaloo posing for the camera. With the flash on you can see the amount of blue iridescent that covers his pink scales. I love his nice thick ventrals!
  3. Here is a lighter video. You actually get a better idea of colours here! RIP Eric Your babies will carry your genes through to the next generation Sarah, you've given me an idea - the one with the black head is now called Inky!
  4. Eric, the father of my current spawn died sometime today. Same as my crowntail earlier this week. No symptoms, water parameters fine. I'm getting worried. I've never used sand as a substrate before and i'm starting to worry it has something to do with it...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. shadoh


      Not that it should make a difference in this warmer weather, but I discovered I had left the heater off after yesterdays water change...

    3. Bettarazzi


      Go with your gut. If you suspect the sand, remove it.

    4. somchai2500


      I go with bettarazzi on this..The quality of sand being River or Ocean., has a lot of undesirable elements that can not be tested for. Including some forms of algae that are toxic. Case in point is the Brown Algae bloom that remains dormant in a dry state and has devastated NZ rivers.

  5. Thanks for that great research Sarah! I think either Maji or Matari will fit the "M" theme I had going with Migaloo and Mirrhi. I think I fixed the resolution issues with the video camera during my lunch break. I will upload during my afternoon tea break. You'll be happy to know one of the marbles have a black head! Thanks for the kind words Delyall :D
  6. I am so annoyed at how dark this movie turned out. The lighting was exactly the same as the previous movies! I hope it is just a setting thing and not a sign of the camera on it's way out! The fish that you thought might be a CT isn't. It is Mirrhi (gotta find a new name now he's a boy - can't call him a name that means little girl ) he is losing the red BF banding and has white BF banding with clear banding at the ends. What you saw was his white rays extending into the clear part of the tail The 2 black marbles are actually blue (see what I mean about the stupid darkness of the video?) The one on top is the blue marble you like... The one straight after is one of the royal blues :D
  7. See, I knew it was too good to be true... Just spotted the nice blue marble. It has half the amount of blue than it did last night. By the end of the weekend, I am predicting another marble cello'd out! :D
  8. Thanks Sarah. Migs is a VT, in fact they all are. Eric, although a DT, is a VT, which is dominant over Pam's HMPK tail. They all have their Dads nice wide dorsal though They are all carrying DT and PK, so will possibly see a few of those pop up in the next generation. I love that marble too... Not getting my hopes up, as I saw what happened last time I got excited about a marble fish...
  9. Here is an update video. For some reason the video is darker than usual. I'll replace it when I get more time. Enjoy
  10. I was planning on getting an entry in, but extra work hours and other commitments have kept me from going shopping for something to "Christmas" up a display tank. I have asked my boss for a deadline extension (to catch up on sleep.) If it is granted, I will be taking a day off tomorrow and will get an entry in!!!
  11. Hope you don't short that computer out with all that drool Sarah! There are a couple coloured like Jeckle, but Heckle is a one of a kind in this lot! :D
  12. *lol* Thanks guys! I'm really loving Heckle's spots...
  13. A few photos from today.... Migaloo - his rate of growth seems to be slowing now: Heckle - Loving his spots!: "Blue Marble" Girl - hard to believe she was a solid royal blue not too long ago: Jeckle - Got a few like this. In person the blue in his fins looks like stone washed denim: Lavender boy - A nice purply colour! :
  14. @Sarah: Yes, Pam and Eric are both from someone Lea. Actually, all but 1 of my current fish are from her @Neffy: Thanks for the tip. I will go and check them out!
  15. Good idea with the naming the bettas I want to stay the same! Still got to find a host for the website, there are a few cheap ones out there. I also want to have my own domain name eg: www.shadohbettas.com (Don't click on the link - it doesn't exist....yet) I'll be putting some new photos up sometime after my lunch break today if you want to look :)
  16. Not yet Sarah. The fry with names surprisingly are the only ones who are not changing. The rest have different colours/patterns by the day. Each morning I can't wait to see what new developments have been made overnight! Website has come to a temporary standstill. I'm waiting until I have fish to sell before putting it up, as it is the purpose of making it.
  17. Ahhh! My black lace crowntail male died today... :(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Sarah


      That's good. Can you get a male without another female, or are you going to buy a new pair, and have a backup female?

    3. Hood


      That is lucky... do you have a replacement partner for the female?

    4. shadoh


      No, not yet. Keeping an eye out though.

  18. The "blue marble" female has lost the last of the colour from her body/fins. She is now looking 100% cellophane. A couple more of the nice royal blue fish are starting to marble as well Mirrhi has started to sprout and I am now 99% sure she is really a he. I'll have to sit in front of the tank tonight and see if I have another potential female for Migaloo...
  19. @paul: I forgot to add that the squiggly bit on the tip of Jeckle's anal fin is his only fault, it looks less weird in person- the last 2 rays of this fin are extended and kinked off at a weird angle.
  20. It's funny watching the marble gene marching through this spawn. Every day I notice what I think is a new fish, then I realise oh, that's the turquoise fish I was looking at yesterday! It's sad that Dorsal no longer has his dorsal fin. It doesn't seem to be a problem for him. Actually, I think I will have to jar him soon, as I noticed him flaring last night. And, yes, that was the marble girl. Amazing, huh? I've just been dropping food into the tank and doing water changes the last couple of days and not paying any attention to individual fish. So it was a shock to see her last night. At first I didn't know where this strange fish came from. I thought my beautiful girl had been fishnapped and replaced by a bad imposter Paul, even the fry that marble out to cellophane keep either a pinky or pastel blue iridescence on them, so not too worried. Besides, I haven't given up that some may colour up again Last night was the first time I think I cursed the marble gene, but soon got over it. I have healthy fry, so that's gotta count for something. Huh, I guess we all want what we haven't got. I am jealous of some of your orange fry :embarrass:
  21. The fish formally known as the "black cambodian" Sparkly! Pastel shimmer...
  22. 3 days later, and Heckle and Jeckle's colours have intensified and some fin growth. THey are getting agro at one another. Looks like I jarred them at the right time... Heckle Jeckle Dorsal, the poor victim of Heckle and Jeckle's tag team killing spree. I LOVE the colours in his tail... Remember the nice looking royal blue marble female from the last lot of pics? More to come...
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