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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Well done (both on your fry nd getting your photos online ) Your fry look so big! What is your secret?
  2. Jeckle has blown out his tail. It better heal nicely <_<
  3. Your Mahachai pair are beautiful! Nothing wrong with owning a veiltail or 3 I have a whole spawn of them!
  4. Upload to photobucket via email: http://photobucket.com/mobile/upload/ (you have to sign up for an account first)
  5. Do you have a photobucket account? you can upload to photobucket via iphone. Instructions are here: http://photobucket.com/mobile/mobileweb From there you can post your photos to the forum. Instructions to do that are here: http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=2403
  6. Thanks Neffy. Don't downplay that tree. It looked great!
  7. Yeah, it did distract them. Too many shiny things in the tank to draw their attention Yeah, that's pretty much the advice I was given on how to look after betta fry years ago *lol*
  8. No, you have it right. I tried quite a few times years and years ago, but because I listened to the pet shop and fed them on liquifry, then powdered flake and didn't know how important water changes were, no more than 5 survived to adulthood per spawn. I gave up trying, as I thought it was too hard with too few results. My sister, who shared a unit with me when I was trying to breed bettas the first time around, thought that I must have bred a dozen pairs to get the quantity of fry I have this time I'm sure Jeckle will forgive you, but Heckle is mad you thought he was inky And, yes I am proud! If I can do it, ANYONE can...
  9. The one @ 3:30 is Jeckle. The beauty @ 5:20 is the un named Lavender one from last weeks photos. I told you that Migs had been demanding his close up all video shoot. I thought that I'd give the others more of the spotlight for a change and put him in last. Unfortunately, it didn't put him in his place, it just convinced him that he is sooo special, they are his support act You could always ask friends and family to keep empty bottles for you. I gave up soft drink this year (drank way too much of the stuff...), but couldn't give up the bubbles, so now drink soda water. That's what I use - 2.25lt home brand soda water bottles :D
  10. Here is this weeks growth video. Whenever I convince myself there has been no growth, I just look back a week or two and see I am wrong. Inky cellophaned out and now has a black stripe between his eyes. He looks loke he is wearing glasses!
  11. Forget the red pebbles, he has demanded a gravel consisting of diamonds and rubies and only be kept in a 20lt tank containing water that has been collected by hand from an underground natural spring. I think he has been reading SFCA propaganda *lol* *lol*
  12. It's gone straight to his head He's being a real diva fry Big bubble nest this morning and he has been demanding closeups in this mornings video shoot (will have it up soon.)
  13. I know the DT gene has given the fry nice broad dorsals, but would it be possible that it has given fuller caudals? I can't find any info to prove or disprove this. Anyone have any opinions?
  14. It's funny because I had quite a few fry with SBD when they were younger, but they came good after about a week or so. I was pretty sure Migaloo was not one of them (until now) though. None of the others have the bulge. He has no problem with buoyancy. With caudal shapes, I would say Migaloo is more of a VT. When he is not flaring, it is more obvious. The others though I am hoping will turn out Deltas. I had always thought that selecting the female for fin form/type was an old wives tale, as genetics would suggest otherwise. I guess that you don't really know until you get in there and experiment yourself I guess it also depends on what the father was carying too. Keeping my fingers crossed the caudals keep branching!
  15. Some more taken after tonights waterchange. I noticed that Heckle, Jeckle and the yet un-named lavender boy have started to develop a 4 ray split in their tails compared to Migaloo's 2 ray split. Can't wait to see how they develop further. I have noticed that a few of the fry have deformed/broken rays in their anal fins. Not sure what caused that or even if it is genetic and would be passed on... Here is Heckle. The blue spots are getting brighter now! Jeckle (Note the "wonky" rays in his anal) It is a real shame Dorsal won't grow his full dorsal fin back. He is a handsome fish with a beautiful tail... Migaloo wondering why he has to pose for yet another photo shoot? Striking a pose... Does anyone know what the bulge on his abdomen is? He has had it from the time he was a tiny fry...
  16. Thanks Lilli and Wayne (and everyone who voted!) I am so proud of my boy! I'm sure he and the rest of his brothers and sisters wouldn't be here, or be as healthy if it wasn't for the info and the advice from the kind people on this forum!
  17. Thanks Paul. I guess we all want what we haven't got. I am actually envious of some of your orange fry! I have to admit that this spawn have exceeded my expectations. I really wasn't expecting the huge variation in colour...
  18. Frosty was the one that you thought was a crowntail in the video. In some angles you can't see the transparent part of the fins :-) Levi looks very similar to the way Jeckle looked when he started to colour up, so I can tell what they will look like as he grows. There are a few that look like that, which is lucky, as they are the ones all my friends and family are asking me to save for them. Oh well - first come first served *lol*
  19. Jarred up a few more today. A few in the main tank have had a growth spurt. First up, meet Angry Angus. He is angry with the world about being put in a jar and wants everyone to know it. Thankfully he doesn't have access to a phone or he'd dob me in to SFCA! This is Frosty. A beautiful white butterfly. He used to have blue and red in his fins when I thought he was a girl and called him Mirrhi! This is Levi. Named because he has that same washed out denim look to his fins just like his big brother Jeckle! And finally, Jewel. A gorgeous girl that I kept catching trying to jump into the big boys jars. Now she has one of her own and has settled down a bit
  20. U2 concert tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Yanagi


      Looking for the like button, cannot find. Sadness.

    2. shadoh


      What a great night. Glad I went!

  21. You wouldn't know to look at her now. She looks like a regular royal blue. I am sure the gene is lurking in there somewhere. Probably why there is a high level of iridescence on the darker fry...
  22. Why unlikely? Rather than sell card and calendars and argue about where the proceeds should go, perhaps we should just donate some pictures each that users can print out themselves as cards and calenders or even use as desktop wallpaper...
  23. It looks like the snowman has spotted him and wants a hug I took close to 25 of these Christmas shots on Friday night I was also thinking of turning this one into a card! Great minds think alike!!!
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