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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Frosty is one of the only Bfs left. Jeckle is a BF atm, but looks like he is about to change again I think I'll just have to wait now for the rest to mature... Pam and Migs in 2 days has been a blow to my breeding program plans Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise. Perhaps I'll go for blue/white dalmations like Heckle, or put together the 2 cleanest royal blues... ......the possibilities....
  2. Thanks guys I am so proud of my babies! LOL @ Sarah, Frosty's disguises get you just about every week! Let's see him try and make you think he is royal blue! Thanks re: the setup. It is the tank I bought in September. It has built in dividers. It was that way when I bought it. If any of the bettas was to worm into an impossible place, it would be Migs. He was the most inquisitive of the fry Now I am unsure what direction to take this line. The idea was to use him to try and get more butterflies like him. Now I am unsure, as there are no more lavender BFs :(
  3. This is not shaping up to be a good week. I've just gone to do today's waterchange of the barracks and Migaloo is dead :( He somehow wormed himself in between the glass divider and the opaque plastic I use to card them. Grrrrr!

    1. kermadum


      Oh no!! That's terrible.

    2. Sarah


      Oh I'm sorry Shadoh!

      That is such horrible news. :((

    3. delyall


      Oh no! Sorry Shadoh :(

  4. I left the lids off my adult bettas jars after feeding them yesterday. I went out then came home to find Pam had jumped into my PK boy's jar and he had killed her :( Note to self: ALWAYS double check you have put lids back on...

  5. The fry at 0:55 is on hold until he matures...
  6. It's raining today. An excellent day for a video shoot:
  7. Sold Mr Lavender today to a co-worker. At least I get to see him one in a while...
  8. @ Busman, I don't have any CTs at the moment. I guess you could always look for a female marble CT or cross one of my marble girls (or boys) with one of your CTs. The only problem with the second option is that you would end up with combtails and would take a couple more generations to get the CT back. I'd be happy to do a swap at some stage @ Sarah, if I had 2 clean Royal blues I'd have with 50% Royal Blue, 25% Steel Blue and 25% Turquoise... then the marble gene would kick in and I'd end up with some of these changing into cellophanes, whites, butterflies and marble patterned fry... The main reason I'd try 2 clean blues is to remove red wash (and the clean ones have a full, or near full mask ) The different tail types I'd get too would be interesting @ Neffy, The Harvey fish is most desirable. Unfortunately, he knows it! @ Sarah, I know what you mean about the dark coloured chair being a dog fur magnet. I also cannot wear black. Thankfully it has been 20 years since I was a goth *lol*
  9. They were born September 16. Exactly 3 months ago! I have to say I love Angus. Photos just don't seem to capture the bright blue and the contrasting bright red. About 1/3 of the spawn look like him. I have a beautiful Clean royal blue female with a full mask I hope to breed at some stage. Just waiting to find out if any of the other clean royal blues turn out male...
  10. Zeus is part of the blue boy gang. The royal blues are starting to sprout, so you will see plenty of them in the coming weeks. I am not sure what Levi will turn out as. this time a couple of weeks ago I was confident that he would be a Jeckle clone. I'm not sure now. I have a feeling that Mr Lavender will mature to look a bit like Migaloo (there... I have gone and jinxed it now! ) Levi Angry Angus (he is ALWAYS flaring!) Harvey is getting jelous and wants some attention...
  11. Frosty... Jeckle Levi Zeus Mr Lavender Angusa has many sisters, none are named Julia. They aren't really a musical bunch :D
  12. Well, they are in their new home (well, the 10 biggest fry are...) Migaloo loves it and started building a nest as soon as he saw a floating leaf in his section. Migaloo and his new friend.. Migaloo... My faux crowntail, Heckle Angus is still angry with the world... Well, hello there! Frosty comes over for his close up... If you want more, post a comment so I am able to put more up...
  13. Moving 10 of the bigger fry out of their jars and into big boy barracks, then jarring another 10. That will make 25 separated to date. I'll do what I did yesterday and do a photoshoot tonight.
  14. To see how long it takes to reply LOL
  15. Tic, tic.... the stopwatch is counting down... *lol*
  16. Wow, that was quick! I love the blue cheeks on Mr Lavender I think you may be right about dorsal... Heckle showing his best side... Dorsal... Migaloo... Mr Lavender...
  17. I finally got a chance for a Jeckle photo shoot to show the loss of the red in his fins. Little bugger won't flare, so here is the best shot of the bunch... Here is the white fry that just got the start of his blue dalmatian spots... Here is Mr Lavender showing attitude+ Shame about the bent rays in his anal. His caudal keeps branching and branching... Dorsal saying "Oi! No more photos!!!"
  18. your cow won't have to go. He is a small easy to load file size.
  19. If you come to Brissie, you are welcome to a pair!
  20. I've never bred marbles before. They are truly amazing. I am just glad I haven't got a tank full of cellophanes and no colour......yet...
  21. I don't have time to take photo's until tonight, but I just had to share that the marble gene has struck again! I've been so busy with work, I have just been dropping the food into jars and doing water changes without paying much attention to the appearance of the fry. I just had a look on my lunch break. Jeckle has lost 99% of the red in his colouring and is now a blue/white butterfly! Another fry that had white fins has the start of blue dalmation spots like Heckle and Dorsal's caudal has had some amazing growth! Just can't turn your back on this lot! Most of the "cambodians" are now starting to lose their red fins and have gone sort of white with pale blue iridescence on their fins...
  22. I hadn't been planning on carding yet, but after the blow out, yes I am more than considering it. It's getting warm enough now that I can sit them in unheated jars, so that is the plan over the next couple of days There is nothing left of Dorsal's dorsal to grow back (except for the 2 rays.) I guess there needs to be some remnants of the rays to re-grow.
  23. You should feel proud! You have done a fantastic job Let me know if you are selling any when they get older, I'd love to be your 1st customer!
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