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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Another girl... And another... Another Cambodian girl. This one has kind of a BF pattern. She is another one with a small head... This boy seems to be getting some yellow in his fins...
  2. :D The cambo girl is in the main tank. she kept pushing her way in front of the lens when I was taking photos of the others. I guess she wanted her photo taken, as as soon as I had snapped a couple of shots, she swam away to the others Inky is a girl, so I was thinking of breeding her with Heckle (blue/white dalmatian)or Jeckle (blue/white BF) Heres another girl you haven't seen before. I call her Mo, as she has a black line running across her top lip... This one has similar colouring to Dorsal Speak of the devil... Here is Dorsal... The female from yesterday that I want to pair with him Edge...
  3. Some new photos for the new year... Anyone remember Tigger, the red and black striped fry? He has changed into a butterfly. I don't like the overly long anal fin most of this lot have. Hopefully once their caudals grow out, it will balance things out... This little girl thinks she is a clownfish... Inky. She is definitely a potential breeder... A beautiful Cambodian girl... A nice marble girl...
  4. Actually having the water drain out into the pipe will reduce evaporation. It will probably be what I will eventually choose to do for my setup (in the works...) Do you have lids on the individual containers?
  5. Yeah, Chunk's fins will grow back. They have to have the rays chewed off all the way at the base like Dorsal for them not to re-grow. The smoky black colour on his fins is new growth that has appeared during the week. The marble girl reminds me a bit of her mum (or at least one of Pam's many looks), I hope she stays that way.
  6. Hmm... More photos? ...OK!!! Here is proof that not all my fish have "perfect" finnage. This is Chunk. Named because of the chunk that was taken out of his caudal. Pretty marble girl Love the bright contrasting colours on this multi...
  7. Here you go Dan! http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1052
  8. Another update Let me know if you are getting sick of the constant photos... Has somebody played a practical joke on me? How did I end up with this coppery girl??? They are ALWAYS looking up for the next feed! The white bands on Edge's fins are getting bigger. He might make it to full Butterfly I call this one Bruiser, as he is black and blue My patriotic girl. I will keep her to breed with Dorsal or another similar coloured male
  9. Good to see another Brissie member! Welcome! You'll find plenty of advice here as well as answers to almost any question you can think of. Have you discovered a particular type/colour of betta you like while looking on the net?
  10. Wow! Only 9 weeks? I just had to check the progress of mine at the same age and apart from 1 or 2, mine were tiny in comparison with a lot less fin growth. Whatever you are doing mate, keep it up. :D
  11. Loving the photos!!!! Great job Busman!
  12. :rofl: You think this music is bad, you should hear the "soundtracks" that my mate puts on his videos... I promise I'll put some nice "normal" music on the next one. Can't have everyone thinking this is what I listen to when I'm relaxing at home! *lol*
  13. About 1/4 of the spawn turned out like Angus. There are a few females like him that would be a good match. I'll have to add the music to a spawning video and we'll have fishie porn.
  14. Haha sunnylass: I was wondering when someone was going to comment on the music It's sort of a running gag I have going with a mate. Sorry to everyone else caught in the crossfire!! @ Sarah: The fish you see in most of the videos are the early sprouters and therefore they were jarred before most of the nipping began. I have plenty in general population that have nipped/torn fins (nothing along the lines of what happened to poor Dorsal.) Edge (blue/white BF) is looking good and is a new favorite and as for Angus, yes, he is always looking for ways to break his way free he is the grumpiest fish I have ever owned. He even flares at me whenever he spots me walking by! *lol*
  15. What do you do when your holiday is a washout and you have a laptop and video camera with some newish fishie footage from xmas eve? You post a progress video!!!
  16. Awww... What a cutie! I love his big grin :D
  17. I told you Sarah that frosty was working on changing to royal blue to confuse you he just couldn't get there! Here is Levi! Believe it or not, this was the black cambodian... Angry Angus... I love the length of his dorsal! This is Prince
  18. A quick photoshoot before Xmas! Heckle... Still trying how I ended up with a delta tail (shows better when he is flaring) Jeckle after his beating by Mr Lavender... Mr Lavender, looking very much like Migaloo... Just love this little guy. My nephew has named him Storm Frosty, no longer content with being white, has decided to change to blue... Merry Xmas everyone! If anyone replies to this tonight, I'll put up more. If not, I'll be back in a couple of days time!
  19. Parents are in the spawn log here: http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=10481 More photos of the juvies coming soon...
  20. They look great! You've done a good job with this lot. How are the newer babies doing?
  21. Hi there. You have a couple of handsome boys there. Illurya (shouldn't you have saved the name for a girl? ) is definitely a veiltail. From what can be seen of King, I would say he is a crowntail. Feel free to ask as many questions as possible. I've always found there was someone who had an answer for me whenever I had questions! Merry Christmas!!! :D
  22. Good thing is that he (Dorsal) is happy and healthy now. I'll probably give him a chance to breed and pass on those beautiful vivid colours. Don't know if his injuries have anything to do with it, but he is taking forever growing his caudal...
  23. Thanks Sarah. The last one was more interested in checking out the camera lens than posing side on for me, so I had to do a front on shot! Here are a couple more... Dorsal... Another young multicolour... Edge. He has no red on him at all, so I think I will breed him with Jewel (the clean royal blue girl) Inky
  24. Some more photos from today: This guy has white banding around the edges of his fins. Hence the name, Edge. All the royal blue boys seem to be more agro than the others... This is Inky... This boy doesn't have a name yet. I've only just noticed him. I swear he didn't have this much colour in his caudal until a couple of days ago... I love the pale blue iridescence on this marble...
  25. Almost lost yet another of my juvies. Mr Lavender jumper the barrier into Jeckle's barrack and shredded him severely. I've lowered water levels to prevent it hapenning again and hoping that Jeckle will pull through and heal.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shadoh


      He seems to be more like himself today. Just have to wait for him to heal... Mr Lavender is sold, but I am "babysitting" him until Cathy comes back from holidays up north. I get to enjoy him for an extra 3 weeks!

    3. Sarah


      That's good to hear - both about Jeckle, and fishsitting. :))

    4. Hood


      Hope he comes good for you mate. No-one likes losing fish.

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