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Status Replies posted by shadoh

  1. Can't see a single fry in the tank... Going to try not to panic and see what tomorrow brings...

  2. Marbled eggs in a bubblenest... spawn log comes with tails...

  3. Marbled eggs in a bubblenest... spawn log comes with tails...

  4. Oh No! I've started a new tank SHHH! Don't tell husband!

  5. My Black Dragon Plakats are FINALLY spawning!!!

  6. Argh! Broke the impeller shaft of my sorority filter! Parts of this model are REALLY hard to get. :(

  7. Got a new moonlight LED bar for my marine tank. It is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Looks great. :) I want one for all my displays now.. lol

  8. F1 copper spawn is underway... eggs laid yesterday, fingers crossed everything keeps going to plan. Also... officially shipping to selected places on the Eastern coastline now.

  9. Started selling my children... goodbye my pretties.

  10. I think Blaze has finmelt! I noticed the edges if his rays were getting a little darker but I thought he was just develpoing because he is tiny. Now the edges are starting to get darker and starting to curl like when you burn hair from one end X ( I have been using Malifix even when I do water changes just in case...what should I do?

  11. Set up a blogger account to sell my fish from. Now just have to find the time to photograph the fish I want to sell...

  12. A pairing yesterday with eggs today... another spawn... do we have a problem?

  13. Set up a blogger account to sell my fish from. Now just have to find the time to photograph the fish I want to sell...

  14. A pairing yesterday with eggs today... another spawn... do we have a problem?

  15. Just spent 2 hours trying to find which females have been shredding their fellow sisters fins. Discovered 2 males, just starting to sprout hiding in the turrets of the castle. Some of these are taking forever to mature. I thought I only had girls left in the juvie tank...

  16. Setting up spawn tank for next spawn. Got sick of waiting for current lot to grow big enough for F2. By the time spawn tank is empty, current fry should be big enough for F2

  17. Setting up spawn tank for next spawn. Got sick of waiting for current lot to grow big enough for F2. By the time spawn tank is empty, current fry should be big enough for F2

  18. Pink carnation fry are getting big and fat! :D I think i have a total of 7. Small spawn thanks to a combo of my first spawn fumbling and Bitsy's egg eating but am happy cos a couple of weeks ago I could only find one, was pleasantly surprised to realise fry are masters of in java moss hiding! :D

  19. Aquabid frenzy... Must step away from the computer!!!

  20. BRINE SHRIMP - Is it possible to have TOO much salt when hatching?

  21. Woohoo!!! Christmas day spawn... my first Betta spawn in 10 years on Christmas Day :) Cambo CT babies on the way :)

  22. Almost lost yet another of my juvies. Mr Lavender jumper the barrier into Jeckle's barrack and shredded him severely. I've lowered water levels to prevent it hapenning again and hoping that Jeckle will pull through and heal.

  23. Almost lost yet another of my juvies. Mr Lavender jumper the barrier into Jeckle's barrack and shredded him severely. I've lowered water levels to prevent it hapenning again and hoping that Jeckle will pull through and heal.

  24. Just finished getting the fish ready before I go into hospital for a few days. Now to try to get some sleep before the taxi comes at 5am. The fish are definitely taking over :P lol

  25. Finally! I have tails! I didnt want to post anything unless something went wrong.. Ill post a spawn log later... yayyy tails! :D

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