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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Just spent 2 hours trying to find which females have been shredding their fellow sisters fins. Discovered 2 males, just starting to sprout hiding in the turrets of the castle. Some of these are taking forever to mature. I thought I only had girls left in the juvie tank...

    1. Sarah


      What a shame.

      I really thought it was that pastel boy. Hope you caught them all now.

    2. shadoh


      Just caught a 3rd. THe only thing that makes them stand out is their long ventrals, which they kept hidden by keeping them tucked up. :) I know their game now...

  2. Hey Sarah, has he eaten anything so far today?
  3. :blink: poor little fella!!!
  4. I'm sure he's just settling in Sarah, Hope he eats something soon!
  5. Dealing with my first bout of betta depression. The bully in the last lot of pics is sulking on the bottom of his jar...
  6. Must be a DT thing to grow slower. Does anyone reading this thread know about this? If so, there is 1 more person here who would love to know. I have read that you should only breed if lobes are even. He'll still make a nice pet! :D
  7. Dorsal Showing some black in her scales and caudal Another "girl" has sprouted. He must have been in hiding. Finally caught him. I hope that it is him who has been taking chunks out of the girls fins... Nice multi Boy or Girl???
  8. He looks like he has grown a bit since I saw him last!
  9. It would come close to 100. The last thing I need is another tank to clean And to think, I am trying to get another spawn happening. Betta madness I tell you!
  10. It's fun to watch a fish change, especially this young, as changes are rapid. As for the changes stopping, having no 1st hand experience with marbles, I can only go on what I read online. Changes are supposed to slow down as the fish ages and a lot are said to eventually stop. The only frustration I find is getting excited about a particular pattern or colour and deciding to breed for it, only to find the next day the fish looks totally different. I am glad that some that have changed overnight have been jarred, as I would never find them in general population they look so different! @ Sarah, you forgot the transitional pattern Tigger went through... Edge is looking good (He has a twin who has greenish iridescence on him. I'll try to get a picture later) This "girl" (still not 100% sure) has a lot of green iridescence Another "girl" who sprouted Remember Mo? She's turning out to be a beauty Another thing I've noticed is that a lot of the girls are now starting to get black marbling in their tails. It is fascinating to watch...
  11. Sarah, he looks SO CUTE!!! Have you got them both in the big tank? If I didn't have so many Bettas, I would seriously think about getting 1 or 2 of these guys!
  12. I've almost got back on top of fish water changing/feeding duties. Did jars tonight, will get stuck into the tank tomorrow. I noticed that there have been some changes. A few of the girls I jarred have coloured up and others have sprouted into boys . I love this one. I've got another 1 or 2 like her. Are the white scales dragon scales or just white scales? Either way, I like this pattern... One of the girls that sprouted I am starting to get a few blue/white butterflies! How did this girl get ray extensions like this? I wish her rays would branch, she would be a good candidate for my red rocket CT cross... Believe it or not, Tigger has now lost all his blue and is now a lovely cellophane... Another "girl" that's starting to sprout! Excuse the soda water bottle distortion... :D
  13. Happy birthday mate! Hope you have a good one!

  14. If you put them in with the guppies, you'd save on food.... ;P
  15. But Sarah... 2 for $15... Bargain of a lifetime...
  16. Ahhh!!! 4th juvie this week to blow out his tail!!!

    1. Hood


      Having a bad run mate?

  17. They are savage little things. I made the mistake of putting a pair in my community tank when I was starting out with fish... No need to go into what happened, let's just say that it was an expensive exercise.
  18. Setting up spawn tank for next spawn. Got sick of waiting for current lot to grow big enough for F2. By the time spawn tank is empty, current fry should be big enough for F2

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      That sounds nice. Interesting pairing, maybe you'll get another spawn of mixed-colours. :)

    3. shadoh


      I will for sure, as he is a marble. They both carry DT too!!! :)

    4. Sarah


      Wow.. I'm impressed already!

  19. They'll love it! Shame my order only arrived yesterday, I could have given you some when I was over. Mine are happily blowing bubble nests today :D
  20. He looks so much like his dad I just love this colour red.
  21. I'd love to Sarah, but after checking things out, it is too much of a hassle. Sorry I'll hang onto the twins so you can keep up to date with their antics. If you ever make it to Brissie, Jeckle will be waiting for you :)
  22. Thanks Fishish! I'll be putting them up for sale soon. I will be keeping 3 pair, the rest will be sold. I have sold 6 to friends/family already :D
  23. He does look like a different fish, doesn't he? If he hadn't been jarred I wouldn't have witnessed the transformation and would never have picked it as being him. He is now a beautiful BF piebald marble! Let's hope he stays that way As for how many, I'd say around the 100 mark. I have 35 jarred. Most of the fish left in the growout tank are female. I suspect there may be a boy or 3 hiding, but until they either sprout or start getting ultra aggressive, they can stay in there. I will, however keep jarring them for now, as I seem to get better growth that way. The girls can go back at a later stage. All are loving their IALs - lots of bubblenests waiting to greet me this morning :D
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