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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Thanks Sarah! The 1st one is Inky Want a laugh? the one @ 43 secs IS FROSTY!!! I told you he is a master of disguise, he fools you every time Unless you spotted Mo in the group shot, she isn't in the video...
  2. A few changes colourwise since the last video...
  3. I tell you what Paul, I'll do a cello x cello spawn if I can get a few people to guarantee to take some fry if they all turn out to be cello. Actually, I wasn't even thinking about dragons, but yes, you are right, these guys do have that potential, especially with the high degree of iridescence some of these guys have.
  4. Definitely not a breeder, but still a stunning little boy. He'll make a nice pet. Such big eyes! I take it that it is glass distortion causing it...
  5. F2 is going to be very interesting. They all carry DT and PK, so should get a good mix of tail types. Still can't decide who to keep and who to sell. Too much choice!
  6. Set up a blogger account to sell my fish from. Now just have to find the time to photograph the fish I want to sell...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Hey, you should make a button of your logo. It will display the HTML code underneath it, and people can easily link to your site.

      It is super easy - I do it in like, 10mins. :)

    3. shadoh


      I'm kina new to the world of blogging, how do you do it?

    4. Sarah


      This is the link I used first - http://freedomtobark.blogspot.com/2009/07/adding-text-area-box-to-display-html.html

  7. That's really great Sarah. Now to train him to not eat gravel....... <_<
  8. What great news Sarah!!! I half expected the worst when I saw the subject come up just then. I've never been so happy to be proven wrong! *lol*
  9. I do like the Koi type marbles...
  10. I have to say, I am loving the pastel blue/turquoisy metallic ones. At risk of bad luck, I really like #1. I thought it was a girl until I jarred it. The caudal has grown, has long ventrals, so I am crossing my fingers it's a boy I can cross with Inky :D
  11. Thanks Sarah, #20 is the edge lookalike, he has a lot of green iridescence in his fins, but doesn't show too well in this pic (he's just recovered nicely from popeye.) I see you like the sparkliest of the jewels. I have to say, these late bloomers were worth the wait! I forgot to point out that #16 is Tigger. Who would have thought?
  12. Paul, I'm too scared to point out favorites or fish I want to keep. It has been the kiss of death to them in the past. Every one I said I wanted to use for F2 now "sleeps with the fishes" Perhaps someone on here has a little fishy voodoo doll and sticks a pin in it whenever I get too excited... If you end up coming out on Thursday, I'll show you the ones I am keeping.
  13. How can you mistake that face for anything but a betta? Thanks Wayne, I can feel an new obsession starting to bubble away at me...
  14. Hi Matt, welcome to the forum. Good to see more Brissie people on here! I love the look of your black dragon boy you have there...
  15. Hello from Jeckle! Levi, still looking like a pair of 80's acid wash jeans
  16. True... now they have the taste for your blood...WATCH OUT!!! :blink:
  17. Has he eaten anything since you force fed him? I can't believe he let those wrigglers alone! Bet you have some happy bettas! :D
  18. I've been watching the black colour slowly creep back into her fins. Can't believe it! As for the comment on variety, I just told her I have more bettas and more variety than most local pet stores (with the exception being Fishchicks!)
  19. I almost had a last minute change of heart when she started umming and ahing, how could she not love every single one of my babies? There is a big sense of accomplishment, but I also worry about whether they will be looked after properly. Gotta cut the cord sometime, I guess Red Rockets are doing fine! Very happy little fish!
  20. I sold the first of these guys today. It was a to family friend. She chose 2 boys and 2 girls. I have approx 25 boys jarred and she had the cheek to say "I thought you would have had more males to choose from" I'm still not sure what she was expecting. I've been posting pics to facebook, so she knew exactly what types I had. Just one more friend to take his pick, then these babies will be in the classifieds section...
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