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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Are you sure that 18 hours sleep was enough Paul??? *lol*
  2. Paul, I love Mithril for the girls name. Keeping with the theme, I have decided to name the male Smaug after the dragon in The Hobbit, where Bilbo originally got the armour that saved Frodos life... So, there you go: Smaug and Mithril!
  3. It looked yellow early on, then changed to something else, what though, I have no idea...
  4. Thanks guys. This lot never ceases to surprise me MT Syndrome: It is red. There is no orange in this spawn. Believe me, I'd be shouting it from the rooftops if it was!
  5. The barbs make a nice addition to the tank. Glad to hear that they are behaving themselves.
  6. Thanks Sarah, I figured it is easier to combine the photos rather than post 5 then wait for someone to comment before I add more. I'll be doing that from now on! No names as yet. I'm willing to take suggestions...
  7. A few more... The "black cambodian" Is changing yet again. She now has blue in between her rays, similar to a black orchid, she's also getting more black on her body. Excuse the split in her tail. She escaped her jar yesterday and went on an adventure... Thought this was a female at first, but not so sure. It has built a HUGE bubble nest and displays male like behaviors when the school of girls come swimming by... Another ambiguous juvie that I haven't been able to sex... A beautiful multi girl... Busman, next time I have the camera out (and let's face it, it won't be long), I'll try and photograph the metallic royal blue girl with the black stripe down her head and spine...
  8. OK Sarah, just for you: The only clear shot I managed to get of the boy was of his face. He refused to let me get a side on shot... This gives you a general idea of his personality. You'll just have to take the word of Busman, Matt_95 and myself that this is a beautiful boy And the girl, in comparison was quite laid back. She posed for the camera and practically rolled her eyes over her partners antics
  9. It may take a while Sarah, I just tried to take some pics. Got one of her, but he is one of those bettas that get the sillies whenever a camera comes out. I drained the rest of the battery trying to get a pic of him. Charging now and will try again later.
  10. Now that these guys have settled into their new home, they are looking a lot nicer than in the above photo. The female has an almost 180 deg caudal spread. The male has a more rounded tail, but still an impressive sight in full flare...
  11. Greetings and salutations Anju! You've come to the right place if you are after info and some good advise. The people on here are really friendly, so don't hesitate to ask any questions! :D
  12. Ah, of course - I remember your fish now I keep mine in 2lt soft drink bottles. Some fill up half of my 5ft grow out tank, others just sit wherever I have space. I plan on building a betta barracks soonish...
  13. :drool: There was a halfmoon pair???????? Will be happy to do a swap when we have some... :D
  14. Let it be publicly noted... Paul has 1st pick of the fry (after me, of course...) *lol*
  15. I used to love my long finned zebra danios. Mind you, they aren't as peaceful as they are made out to be... :devil:
  16. She looks like a black version of Pam when I first got her... (that is before she turned royal blue...)
  17. Next best thing to black cambodians :D
  18. I went to Fishchicks this morning with Busman and his Dad. I couldn't resist buying this pair. I love black bettas and I love dragons. Seemed like a perfect match I have been wanting to do a spawn while I am waiting for the Jewel Box spawn to finish growing out. Male: Female:
  19. ...ummmm Yes you are right. Take what I have said in last post and subtract 1 everybody! *lol*
  20. Right now I am looking at colour diversity. I'll wait and see what the F2 Spawns bring in terms of finnage and colour. With 3 different F2 spawns planned, I'll have plenty to choose from for F3. The marble pair have heavy royal blue iridescense, so colour range should be fairly wide. The cello pair will be the surprise. Both started out royal blue and celloed out, so I am interested in seeing if the genes will work as if they were still royal blue and give a wide range of blues - marbelled, butterflies etc The Turq x Pastel pairing will possibly give me more of the same(?)
  21. :blink: What did he do? Siphon the whole tank? :blink:
  22. Don't worry, all 3 pairings will produce Marbles and BF's! My main objective is to improve finnage in the next couple of generations.
  23. I've decided to keep 3 pair: a cello pair, a heavily metallic blue/green marble pair and turquoise blue butterfly marble male with a pastel blue female.
  24. Found this info on cello x cello crosses on Betty Splendens. Looks like it will be a go...
  25. Not 100% sure my cellos are classed as cellos if they have variable amounts of white opaque on their bodies, wouldn't they be a form of pastel?
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