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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. *lol* haha! I had just finished cleaning the glass too... must have missed a spot. I don't envy the position you are in with the import laws in Tassie.
  2. Frosty and the sister of the mint girl I have in the classifieds:
  3. Here is the first couple I have locked away to continue the Jewel Box line...
  4. I would still be laughing if it didn't hurt so much. ...mumble, mumble...Damn old bones.....
  5. Actually mate, I was thinking of you...... *lol*
  6. Yeah Sarah, don't over excite the old people!!! *lol*
  7. I've found so far that unless they keep a black snout, they usually marble out to be either a cello or a pastel. I'll be keeping an eye on her... (I guess that is what she wanted all along - our undivided attention. I will hold off the comparisons between her and females of another species )
  8. :D funny thing is, now that she is being talked about, I got up this morning and she has now started to marble and has a piebald face!
  9. The coppery looking girl matured into a royal blue. It is a shame, as I was hoping she'd stay the same...
  10. Finally caught Dorsal flaring... Tigger looking graceful... Don't know where this girl has been hiding... Another marble girl...
  11. I love the name! Actually his colours do remind me of Sonic the Hedgehog How are the girls today? Have they come out of hiding? Have you thought of names for them yet?
  12. Yeah Paul, Edge is the blue BF! Hope the girls settle in soon and come out of hiding for you Matt...
  13. Sooo bloody hot in the fishroom/bar, I have cooler blocks in and the fan blowing over the water to try and get the temp down below 35 deg. Just discovered a dead fish and most are looking distressed. Grrrr!

    1. Sarah


      Sorry about the dead fish Shadoh. :(

      Hope you get get it down. Sometimes sinking the ice bricks (preferably over an air-stone) can help it get down a few degrees.

  14. Great to hear he is doing so well Sarah! I didn't realize how tiny he really was... How is the "scar" on his side?
  15. Maybe he is Frosty - that's why he keeps changing - he is a master of disguise!
  16. Thanks Sarah, from the small amount of dorsal fin that Dorsal has, I think it would have matched the pattern in his anal fin. Jeckle's tail and dorsal grew back a little wonky after he was savaged by Mr Lavender in December. He still is my special boy. I just realized that Mr Cellophane is really Tigger! Sorry for the confusion some of these guys change so quickly, I now keep a note book to tell me who is sitting next to who. I think Frosty will keep his pastel blue. It is a shame he didn't keep his turquoise BF pattern. I ended up with a few spoon heads. It is a shame, as that multi boy would be a good match for the top girl in the 2nd pic. Those orangy looking girls are really red cambodians. The light was shining through their fins and made them look orange. Inky is only 1 of 3 that ended up with the thick white scales. Funnily enough, they were the 3 smallest runts of this lot. As for Nemo, who knows. He changed so quickly, he got lost in the crowd. For all I know, I have given him a new name, thinking he is a different fish...
  17. Frosty... (Yes, Sarah, he changed AGAIN!!!) Multi boy... Girls 1... Girls 2... Oops... That blue marbled fish in the last girl pic is a boy... Sorry!
  18. Here is Inky... Dorsal... Jeckle... Edge... Mr Cellophane
  19. Funny thing is the woman who bought some fish off me a couple of weeks ago complained I didn't have many boys I have about a 50/50 split...
  20. Just starting a waterchange and it looks like a photoshoot may be in order... got a few "girls" who have sprouted. One of them is Inky, who I could have sworn was a girl. Oh well - he will be a beautiful boy!
  21. Hi Mekongbetta, Welcome to the forum I'm sure you'll find all the info you are looking for and more on here! Don't be afraid to ask questions, in my experience, there is always someone on here with a good answer.
  22. Looking good Matt? Does Hua hassle the guppies much?
  23. Hey Paul, have you named the dragons? There is a thread on here somewhere where some sleep deprived guy came up with some real interesting ones... You have some lucky nieces and nephews! The tanks look like something kids would love!
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