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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. We all have our favorites in every spawn. I am sure you'll get attached to one or two (ie: double dorsal) in this spawn too :)
  2. I know, right? I am happy that I ended up with at least one fish that looks like one of the parents :D
  3. Inky is looking more and more like Pam every day! Pam
  4. Love him Paul. Hope he gives you lots of beautiful long finned male fry (...hint...hint )
  5. Oops, I ment Pyrefly, not Sunnylass... sorry Sarah! And Lacey was not the one I called the black cambodian, my mistake. She sure didn't have that bright blue irids in her fins though Looks like it isn't my thread either... I give up trying to track my babies. Too confusing :D
  6. RIP Jack. It is never easy to lose one of these guys to illness. He sure was a beautiful boy! Prince is stunning Glad to hear he's on the mend. Should we keep an eye out in the spawn logs for a Foxy x Prince spawn?
  7. Foxy isn't part of the Jewel Box. Sunnylass already had her Lacey is the "black cambodian..."
  8. Sarah, you are probably the only person I know who is anxiously awaiting the appearance of MORE snails Mind you, you now have a few tanks to spread them around...
  9. I think you mean Foxy, Sarah. Lacy is the blue finned one above. It is so good to see my babies in their new homes looking happy and healthy! :D
  10. Great photos! I can't get over how Lacey's fins have changed (again) only 2 weeks ago, she was a black cambodian, when you picked her up, she was getting some irids back into her fins, and now...WOW Can't wait to see some photos of the boys (hint, hint...)
  11. @ Sarah: Use the 4ft as a growout tank gives you somewhere to let the little guys grow up and frees up your spawning tank for another spawn @ Busman: Try the direct links... Growout Tank Fishroom Shelves
  12. Nope, just plain crazy... My head is spinning with possibilities of what I can fill those shelves with... I'm going to be strong and limit myself to only 3 spawns this month...
  13. ...nothing you haven't already seen B)
  14. I've had a busy day setting up shelves to contain new arrivals/future spawns. I now have the capacity to hold 160 jars between my shelves, barracks and jar shelf in tank. The question is: am I crazy enough to fill it to capacity? First up, my tank and the remaining fish... My camera battery no longer holds a charge, so everything gets videoed... Now the new shelves. The plan is to eventually use them as a base to build my betta barracks. I'll make a post in the DIY section once I start...
  15. Sarah!!! You got me again I had totally forgotten about this thread! Hahaha! I didn't even look at the second page to see that Paul had done the same. *lol*
  16. shadoh


    That's clearer! May not be a breeder, but as you say, will look stunning as he matures :)
  17. shadoh


    Now, that is unusual!
  18. Mate, you had me worried with that title! I thought something had happened to him. Blue gravel huh? With your red rockets, you now have no excuse to set up a spiderman tank for the boys Edit: Just re-read and noticed you are giving your sister in law the tank...
  19. Don't worry Paul, Nana is likely to be carrying around fancy bettas she smuggled from the mainland in her handbag, so you'll be safe Sorry Haiiley, we seem to have hijacked your thread. We really are a friendly bunch ....... Honest! :D
  20. Jo, have you got a landscape supply place near you, they usually carry different types of sand (including quartz)...
  21. How much finnage did he lose? Good to hear you managed to cure him though... By the way, welcome to the forum! Paul, not really that early for Nana, don't forget she probably went to bed at 7PM, and then there are all those Nana naps during the day. *lol*
  22. I'd love to get something similar with coppers. Perhaps a copper x jewel box outcross...
  23. Saw this one tonight and LOVE it http://img28.imageshack.us/f/fwbettashm1285765594.jpg/
  24. Thanks guys, I'm thinking of using the girl from the blue pair for Inky...
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