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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Mate, you really are spoilt for choice now Whether the dragon boy turns out to be long or short fin, I'd still put him with the dragon girl at some stage. My money is on him being long finned though...
  2. He sure has sprouted! He is a beautiful boy :D
  3. Made my 1st aquabid purchase today... I think I have a new obsession!...eek!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. shadoh


      Just went to buy the yellow marble plakat I posted the link to yesterday, but auction was over without a bid. Sent breeder an email anyway to see if he had matching female and if he would re-list/sell...

    3. shadoh


      Yay! Still available and has matching female... Just sorting out price :)

    4. Sarah


      Good luck, he was a stunning colour!

  4. Paul, I was just thinking - the pvc piping in the barracks could be replaced, cut to size, then you could drill holes the right size for the new fittings and not worry about silicon at all.
  5. Paul, I have seen these in the irrigation section at bunnings (Cannon Hill)and was going to get them if the taps on mine weren't too far gone... http://www.popeproducts.com.au/products/drip-watering-solutions/veri-flow-reg-trickler
  6. Love the colour of her gills. Just call the lump a beauty spot and all the axies will want one :)
  7. I better comment so you can post some more! She is a cutie!
  8. Abby, you really have a mixed bunch there The possibilities are endless if you were looking at breeding them...
  9. Can't see a single fry in the tank... Going to try not to panic and see what tomorrow brings...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shadoh


      Still can't see a single fry. I know some could be hiding, but I know my setup and know I should be able to at least see a couple of fry swimming around.

      PS FlameDragon: Too late for the greys, I'm afraid... Shaved off my beard a few weeks ago to hide the fact it was turning grey... lol

    3. GoldenGirl13


      So maybe I should shave my head...hmmmm...NOPE. Don't stress maybe just shy

    4. GoldenGirl13


      Disregard last just read spawn log, sorry xx

  10. Mate, he is a beauty! This should go into the classifieds to remind everyone just what the fry will grow up to look like!!! PS: I notice your Java Fern is still alive.... EDIT: Oops, I meant Java Moss....
  11. Hey Paul, did you see this girl? http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/auction.cgi?fwbettashm&1299079971
  12. Are you sure it says LOV, or is it IOU? LOL That is a cool pattern. Can we expect another new spawn log in the near future? :D
  13. @ Sarah, yes, it is a shame he isn't real. I'd want a pair just like him for sure @ BettaObsessed, that's what attracted me to marbles in the first place, the wild colours and patterns and the fact that the fish you have may look like a new fish in a weeks time... A friend who bought a royal blue boy from me a month ago, sent me a photo today of her fish starting to marble... Before he was a solid royal blue. Now:
  14. shadoh


    Jude, we've all been there. I starved 99% of my 1st spawn feeding them powdered fry food on recommendation from a pet store... You are on a much better standing with the wealth of info and advise of many experienced breeders here on the forums
  15. Looking good mate! Looks like they have settled in :)
  16. shadoh


    Welcome to the forum Jude. As another owner of Kermadum's coppers, I am sure you have some stunning fish :D
  17. Awww, Sarah, now Matt is going to get jealous!!! ...sorry - I'm only teasing. I am in a weird mood this arvo...
  18. Haha! I find the more light you throw at them, the better/clearer the photo. That little fella does look like your guy. He is half the size though and has a paler body base where yours is black. He is raring to go with the little girl with the breeding stripes. If they were any bigger, I'd throw them in together...
  19. Most of the unsexed juvies I bought have the bulge, but doesn't affect the fish and it looks more prominent in photos than in real life. Migaloo had a similar bulge if you recall...
  20. You forgot that if you click on the photo, it enlarges to a HUGE one!
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