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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. You don't have any hideous bettas knocking to come out of the closet do you??? *lol*
  2. Welcome to the forum. I LOVE doubletails! THose look very nice. I hope you can find some nice males to go with them :)
  3. Your Axies begging for food????
  4. Well, I am guessing it is one of the bettas trying to re-arrange the stones on the bottom of the tank. I had to remove the 1 betta I had next to the bed because he would decide to re-scape in the middle of the night. OR..... Busman has sent one of his mutant spiders and it is lifting the lid of your tanks to make a meal of your bettas *lol*
  5. Happy Birthday Abby! Pippin is a beautiful boy and the perfect birthday gift... The new tank looks great and is going to be stunning when all the plants have attached to everything and grown. How many tanks do you have?
  6. Mate, I'd say she'd be a Super Delta. To be HM, she'd have to have the perfect D shape to her tail...
  7. Lol, I've said it twice in 2 threads and once in status and Sarah was the only one to notice I guess there are advantages of posting so frequently - people get sick of seeing your name pop up and skim past your comments... *lol*
  8. Nice fish. With the red in his fins, he is more of a black devil.
  9. You'll get 1 in for sure. But make sure you can sell them off. I'm sure your parents won't want to be left with 30 jarred males that you couldn't get rid of before your trip :)
  10. Sorry mate... They are just "curvy"
  11. Matt, I usually get my brine shrimp eggs online. someone Lea usually has microworm cultures for sale. So I take it you won't be breeding fish until you go/find out if you can go to China? Are your parents willing to feed your fish while you are away?
  12. Sorry Sarah, but I just read that as "I'm NEVER the innocent one" .......abusive??? Huh?
  13. Hmmm... That would mean breaking the tank limit... Are you encouraging rebellion again Sarah??? *lol*
  14. My fish room does look like the betta section of fishchicks at the moment...lol I remember last year she had some real nice giant HMs. I was very tempted, but couldn't afford it at the time. I haven't been able to find anything on aquabid to match since. Not that I'm looking now I've just bought 2 new pairs :)
  15. Matt, that is a lovely plakat. Midnight is a perfect name for him (or even Shadow... ) Sarah, if you end up getting all the fish you have put orders in from everybodies spawns, you are going to need that big farmhouse with the fishroom much sooner than you planned *lol*
  16. Have they been fighting?
  17. I think she either ate 2 or 3 or is about to become the first live bearing betta *lol*
  18. Where's the copper boy??? You can't do a photoshoot and leave him out!!! :P
  19. Sooo quiet on here today... I guess I had better get off the computer and get a life too :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hood


      wow.... did you get some cool pics?

    3. Sarah


      There are some photos of the Melbourne Betta Meet here Hood -


      Looked like fun. :)

    4. Hood


      cheers sarah!! ;-)

  20. I love those boulder opal offcuts. The 'scape turned out looking real good You have some happy looking female bettas there!
  21. Looking good Jo! I'm thinking about doing something similar with a piece of driftwood for my growout tank. Will save me from scrubbing algae off the leaves of my silk plants...
  22. Just googled the types you got. I've never really seen the appeal of guppies until now! You have made me a guppy convert!
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