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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Now that's a great idea for a stand. If only I could get myself motivated to attempt something similar to put all my tanks together...
  2. How are they going Sarah? Have they spawned yet?
  3. Like we wouldn't want to see more... BRING 'EM ON!!!
  4. Thanks mate, what is in the bays will be buried. The majority of the clear hose is going to be in the sump at the back. You won't see the sump from the front, as I plan to put a background over the back divider. Haven't even emptied the tank to cut out the glass yet. Spent the afternoon refining the design of the outlet tubes - already had to change the position of the hose from the back to the side, as it didn't allow the tube to sit snug against the glass.
  5. The perspex is a pretty good idea. I wish I had of thought of that before I went to bunnings and committed to my plan. Oh well... DIY isn't really my strong suit. The thought of drilling or trying to cut the glass panel isn't an option for me - I'd find some way to shatter the entire piece :)
  6. Nearly 6 months later, I have been finally motivated to do something about filtration of this tank. Until now, it has been equivalent to a collection of heated jars - and believe me, jars are easier to clean I've decided to remove the silicone from the back wall, raise it and silicone it back in so there is a 20ml gap underneath for water and waste to be filtered in the sump. I'll put a water outlet tube in each bay with an adjustable nozzle on each one and connect it to the filter outlet. It's probably easier to understand with a diagram.... Any thoughts? Is there anything I've missed? I'll put gravel in each compartment so the bettas don't try to swim under the gap in the back to the sump.
  7. Even if he does, there is a good chance some colour will come back...
  8. Do they all get fed in the net now that they are all together, or is it just Banana?
  9. All the best Sarah - has he lost more red in the last couple of days, or is it just the photo?
  10. Sarah, if you want to take the Jewel Box name, you are welcome to it. I have nothing from that spawn left that is worth breeding. That's why I have gone crazy on aquabid buying quality breeding pairs. It's funny - Blue is my favorite colour betta, but I have bought yellow, orange and red/white BF so far... Good luck with the spawn PS:Actually, being CT, you can call them crown jewels ....
  11. Good to see Banana is now used to having some tank mates!
  12. @busman - I was referring to the marble losing colour, not double posts ....then again... I hope he doesn't lose any more colour Sarah, he looks perfect as he is!
  13. Hey Sarah...... Don't show Busman.... :)
  14. Hmm... Next shipment not till the end of the month. Don't think I can wait that long for my new babies... Getting bored and looking for a few more to add... :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Matt_95


      My breeder just got back to me, next shipment not for about 2 weeks!!!! Sooo long

    3. shadoh


      You have a breeder?

    4. Matt_95


      The breeder of my pair, should have phrased that better :)

  15. Where do you find a 9lt jar??? It looks great Bec! :D
  16. I guess you are waiting for someone to post so you can upload the next lot They look very content. Are they all in the big tank together now?
  17. :huh: I'm glad someone else said it... , Thanks Sarah...
  18. Cute. Was just wondering how much growing they need to do before they are a size to try breeding them?
  19. The red and yellow one looks like a little flame streaking through your tank Beautiful colours!
  20. My neighbour says she gives up... Does that count if she isn't a member here yet?
  21. ...ummm... busman gave up... :unsure:
  22. :devil: AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! YES WE GIVE UP!!!!!!!!! *lol*
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