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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. That is 1 beautiful vibrant yellow HM! And as for the price, all I can say is tell me where this store is!! :D
  2. That's what prompted me to get off my arse... I've spent too much $$$ for them to sit in a coke bottle or the tiny A1 barracks...
  3. Silicone job done. I made a mess of the first few joins, but am quite proud of the last ones Rough work can always be cleaned up with a razor... Now just to let it cure, give a good soak/washout, then the fun begins - choosing and adding the gravel, buying some new plants and setting up the DIY filtration system... Watch this space...
  4. I think this pair have spawned in the early hours of the morning (or perhaps last night as the thunder was rolling in the distance, like my dragons) The male has a HUGE nest under an IAL and won't budge. The female is now hiding behind the filter. I have no way of seeing if there are any eggs, so I'll just wait and see if I have tails in a day or 2. If that happens, I'll start an official spawn log :D
  5. Well, it took almost the entire day for me to finally remove the back divider panel. I came close to giving up - I had removed the surrounding silicone and it still wouldn't budge, there was a small gap underneath where I had removed the silicone, so I did a test fill to see if water would flow from the front sections to the sump. It did. In the end, I would have had to re-silicone the sides and the dividers anyway. After chipping the tops of half of the dividers trying to wedge a razor blade between the divider glass and the back panel glass and numerous cuts to my fingertips from said razor blade, I decided to keep going, or else it was all in vain. I have just finished cleaning and removing the last remnants of the old silicone. I'll leave the tank to dry out properly overnight, then attempt to apply the new silicone as neatly as possible first thing tomorrow. Stay tuned... Have I mentioned I am at DIY? :)
  6. The breeder says he guarantees the fertility of the female and will send a replacement (of any colour/line he has available) if she proves to be infertile.
  7. That's what my black dragon looks like. Why get another one?
  8. No more AB! I am going cold turkey here... don't tempt me. I am happy with the pairing I have - I'll get some DT's and PK's from this spawn :)
  9. Put another pair in 2nd spawn tank. Hopefully this time tomorrow I will have 2 nests full of eggs!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. shadoh


      Maybe that's what happened to my fry - they dissolved in water...lol

    3. Sarah


      AHHH... DID A SARAH!?!

      :( The male ate them..

    4. shadoh


      Was that before or after they dissolved? ROFL... Sorry Sarah, this is serious. I hope he doesn't eat ur next lot

  10. Of course, plenty of everything else. What I meant was that no male had the same colour/pattern with the dragon scales and metallic blue like Lady X and the girl you have. I think Sunnylass got 1 or 2 girls that look like that too...
  11. Funny thing is that I only got females who looked like that...
  12. Hey... I started it at xmas...
  13. Lol... I've just put that girl's twin sister into the breeding tank! ...why is your shrimp wearing a hat? :blink:
  14. After a lot of procrastinating over the decision, this is the female I have chosen... Meet Lady X... I have chosen her due to the fact she has the most amount of dragon scales and looks so much like her mum.
  15. Hard to believe the dad was a VT...
  16. Wow! Eclipse has grown to be a very handsome boy.
  17. Put him in spawn tank this morning. Currently choosing the lucky girl to go in with him. I'll post pics of her later. Spawn log will go up once I get eggs. If failure, I will report back here...
  18. A nice clean black lace line would be a good idea. The DT gene will give them nice broad dorsal fins too :)
  19. Just when I thought I didn't have any fish left from my Jewel Box Spawn, out swims a short tailed male I have never seen before from the depths of the castle in the growout tank! He's a grizzled sky blue/purple. I am sure I can pair him up with just about any of his sisters and get some nice fry! I am so happy right now - off to clean out the spawn tank and start on F1. Will call this lot the Sky Jewels : )

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Matt_95


      His tail is alot longer now, not as long as a normal SD though. I just saw him, he looks really nice :)

    3. shadoh


      Photos? lol...

    4. Matt_95


      Yes I will get photos, I've been grounded for like 3 ish weeks and have been sneeking on my iPod. Do you know how hard it was to smuggle Sarah those photos? I'm home alone tomorrow though so I will go abit crazy taking them :P

  20. I guess you can say that Paul, as I have a pair of each... <_<
  21. First one is a Melano Black Orchid. His body is black most of the time unless the light hits it at the right angle, then appears blue. The second one is a Yellow Apache.
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