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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Thanks Jo! The only thing keeping me from mounting a betta rescue mission is the knowledge that I have 4 pairs of fish arriving to fill those empty barracks... The receptionist is probably lucky that your hubby stepped in or she'd need her own rescue mission There is a coffee shop I used to go to that had a sad looking VT in a small container of no more than 500mls of water also being used as a tip jar. I said something to the manager about it and she said she had no idea that bettas couldn't be kept like that and would look into it. I went back the following week and the container was still there with a new sad looking VT in it. There was another new addition - a sign next to the fish that read: "Fish and tank proudly supplied and maintained by ______ pet store." I walked out and I have not been back.
  2. Yes please, I am currently looking at scaping my 5ft growout tank and looking for inspiration...
  3. Wait till the tank is full Still planning on planting out the BIG growout tank. Still deciding on substrate and plants (Thinking java fern, corkscrew val and something else...)
  4. Looks like the photo tank has paid off - you (or should I say: your fish) have some fans already!
  5. Got it all setup with a couple of inhabitants. If they are anything to go by, I've done a good job - they seem very happy.
  6. So what fish are you stocking it with?
  7. Nice tanks you have there! :)
  8. You could have cut it up for her Sarah She looks very pleased with herself that she "caught" that grub...
  9. Welcome to the forum! There are a lot of people on here with all kinds of information, so don't be afraid to ask. I see kermadum has already introduced himself. He is our resident betta wrangler and the closest thing we have to a betta farm in Australia He has some beautiful fish - do a search and check them out! :)
  10. Hey...no fair! That last lot of photos were ones you used a post or two ago... We want new photos, not recycled stuff...
  11. Side by side they look like a little tub of axie neopolitan ice cream Good to see them all getting along...
  12. *lol* Great minds think alike! I saw some licorice gouramis the other day and fell in love with them. Unfortunately, the only way they will get a fin through the door of my fishroom is if they share with bettas...
  13. Hi, I am sick of having bare bottomed tanks and was toying around with the idea of adding substrate and planting out my growout/sorority tank. I was also thinking of adding another species for a bit of variety. I would like to get some licorice gourami or something similar, but not sure if the female bettas would pick on them. Any thoughts? The tank is just under 5 feet long...
  14. Les has a point Sarah - don't order any until you see them We all had read where Matt will be hiding his hideous fish and you want to make sure it isn't one of those... :P
  15. Not having a good day. My 16y/o cat, Sylvester is in a bad way. He is displaying the same symptoms my other elderly cat did this time last year. She had a failed liver and had to be put down. Going to the vet at 11. Wish us luck...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. GoldenGirl13
    3. shadoh


      Thanks guys. He's eaten his first meal in 3 days and has managed to keep it down so far... Had a couple of BIG drinks of water today, so I don't have to syringe water down his throat to keep him hydrated any more. Early days, but looks like the antibiotics are working.

    4. Rhysmachine101


      Good news, then, Shadoh. Hope he is still going well.

  16. I think Nanna is the new photo requesting champion I can't remember the last time I read Sarah asking someone for photos... *lol*
  17. Oops, sorry - if you are adding ages together, then it must make me not quite 19 then... :giggle:
  18. Yep! And I'm only 19.... *lol*
  19. Just remember Busman - I know how old you really are.... *lol*
  20. Don't know how I'm goint to spot the fry with my ailing eye sight...
  21. Yeah, pretty much. I'm going to have to do your foam box setup for when I jar fry over winter. Will get some plastic tubs that will fit into foam box. Foam should insulate and keep warmth in.
  22. ...am told it will do the job. Powerhead on the filter twice the size of the pump in our barracks. Oh, and it is 10 tubes, not 12.
  23. PS: Thanks Busman for seconding my suspicions about the spawning...
  24. No test run yet. Got to let the silicone cure for 7 days before refilling. Got an internal filter for the sump that filters up to 700L per hour. Made a modified spraybar that connects the outlet tubes to filter outlet via airline tube. Putting the filter into the big growout tank today and will run it in there to season the filter sponge.
  25. From the way these two are behaving, I'd say this pair has spawned. Male still guarding the nest, female still hiding behind the filter and being chased back in there if she moves. Edit: Coaxed her into the net with a bit of food and moved her into the barracks next to the black dragon female I have just removed from the spawning tub. Very minimal damage - a couple of nips out of her fins, but nothing that won't grow back. I'll be keeping out an eye for tails in a day or so... So excited - this is the first spawning between a pair of fish that I have bred :)
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