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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. shadoh


    Hi Dee, good to see another Brisbanite joining up If you want to see some truly stunning bettas, check out LFS in Annerley... :welcome:
  2. That's good to hear, shortcake... (sorry Sarah, I couldn't resist...)
  3. :alright: So sorry to hear Sarah. Apache...
  4. Just found out I'm not getting 2 pairs of bettas I have ordered until NEXT shipment due to floods and landslides in the breeders hometown.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hood


      That sucks mate. How long till next shipment? How goes all your fish anyway mate? I hope all is well. ;)

    3. shadoh


      All is well here mate. New fry in the spawn tank, new imports on the way. They ones that were held up will probably get here in just over a month...

    4. Hood


      Good to here you fry in the tank mate!

      So once you finally get your new imports, how long will it have actually been waiting now? I 'spose the wait will make it all the more worthwhile, 'eh?

  5. I've got a fluval 204 external canister and a sponge filter running hidden behind the castle on the left hand side. I always keep one in there so I can throw a seasoned filter into a spawn tank if I get a sudden impulse to start spawning a betta pair.
  6. Ha! I really didn't consider it for the comp. A - because it is a work in progress and B - because it is bare bottomed. For some reason I was assuming it was for "proper" planted tanks In that case, I'll choose a pic, or even take a new one and submit it Any particular photo size?
  7. Thanks for the tips Matt. I know next to nothing about aquarium plants. I do know that I want some corkscrew val up the back, the java fern in front of that and something small and ground cover like in the foreground.
  8. I'll keep my eye out for some tropica (is that the one with the more ruffled looking leaf?) I used thin nylon line to tie it on. A moss wall might be a good idea - I think I'll look into it @ Pyrefly, I figure a NPT would be perfect for a growout tank. The less work you have to do, the better :)
  9. He did me a great deal! He sold them to me by the handful. By the time I got them home and separated them, it worked out at $1 per fern Mate, mine has gone mental. Remind me to give you a handful next time I see you.
  10. Thanks Pyrefly - I was never one for tank ornaments, I always thought they looked tacky. There was something about the castles that changed my mind - don't know why. Once the ferns attach themselves it will look like an overgrown ruin in the jungle... I'm going to try a Walstad style NPT with soil and gravel.
  11. I have just finished a 2 hour job of tying pieces of java fern to rocks and the castles that the fry love to hide in. I just need the time and money to organise a substrate and get some rooted plants and stems. In the meantime, I have made a carpet of java moss to blanket the bare bottom of the tank. I've left the 3 silk plants in there for now to give some height variation. BTW, plenty of females left if anyone wants any (both red rockets and jewel box...) I've got a couple more photos if anyone wants to see them...
  12. Just when I'm trying hard to be good, someone posts some new videos!!! Note to self: Must not but lavender BF Giant HMPK

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Matt_95


      I didn't see teh apache's in store but I saw them on youtube, the blue one would be good to cross into your jewel box strain :P

    3. shadoh


      The blue marble dragon is on hold already!

    4. Matt_95


      Oh wow, that was quick! i was thinking of getting him if I didn't get teh apache boy. I have e-mailed someone to hold him for me and if I can buy the orange dragon girl :)

  13. Well, that didn't take much convincing And now the question everyone will want to know..... What are you planning to stock it with? *lol*
  14. OK - Lack of planning and counting - I won my own mini competition. Post 110 in the Dragon Spawn Log gets a free pair if fry live to see adulthood *lol*

    1. Matt_95


      I won this time :) I'm so exited :P

  15. 1st person to be the 100th reply on my spawn log gets a free pair of the fry when they are of age!...

    1. shadoh


      oops, not 1st, there can only be 1 *LOL*

    2. BettaObsessed


      Nobody will want to make the 99th reply! lol

  16. I hate to disagree, but I'm leaning towards #13 being a male. His/her ventrals seem too long. I'd expect a female to have ventrals half that length.
  17. I love the greeny colour on #8. Statistically speaking you would have more than 1 DT fish in the spawn if that fish was a DT. I'm more inclined to say it is just the way his caudal fin is branching. Bring on some more photos!
  18. #2 is possibly an incomplete DT. Did you get any others like him in the spawn?
  19. All very nice and shiny! I can see why you are leaning towards using the turq girl to spawn with these guys - Can't wait until you start your next spawns to see the results of all her hard work. Just as well it isn't the females job to raise the fry, she'd be worn out for sure! I love the marble turq boy and will be pestering you for photos once you spawn him - BE WARNED!!! OT: Do you mind me asking what it is you use for your dividers? I always look and wonder whenever you post a pic...
  20. Out of curiosity Razzi, what turned you off the planted tanks - I'm interested in both sides of the argument before I make the plunge...
  21. It's pretty sad when you are dreaming that you are at the computer looking at bettas on aquabid...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Bwhaha.. I had a dream the other week that I had an Oscar, it was with my female Bettas and they were picking on it so I had to remove him. Anyways, he was floating inside a Chinese container, and when I got up I went to put him into another tank so the girls would stop bulling him (yes, the Oscar). Then I realized I didn't own an Oscar.. :P

    3. Rhysmachine101


      Hey shadoh, completely unrelated- but have you read American Gods?

    4. shadoh


      No, I haven't. Is it a good read?

  22. To the left of your photo, you will see a box that says "Share This Photo" Click on the code next to where it says "IMG Code" It should flash yellow and say "Copied" Come back to AusAqua and where you type your post, either press "Ctrl V" on your keyboard, or right click and click onto paste. There now should be an code in your message. When you hit "Post" your photo should be displayed for all to see. Good luck :)
  23. Hard to tell if it is rejection or not they smile at EVERYTHING :)
  24. Hey Matt, I thought you were into NPT's - how come you are going hi-tech?
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