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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Oh, if anyone is interested, the bigger pectorals don't seem to impede the way the fish swim. The male especially is just as quick to try and chase his female as my other HM.
  2. As long as they breed for me and not decide to adopt fry of every colour populating the fishroom... *lol*
  3. *lol* Yep, they do have a decent "trout pout"...
  4. To be honest, I was spending it on AB while I was earning it The female reminds me a little of the marble female Adam has with the patches of dragon scales...
  5. Wayne, when I bought him, his fins were 95% white with a small amount of red at the base of all fins. I hope that the red doesn't extend any further. I like the white edges too...
  6. She is a BIG girl. I'll have to keep an eye on her and hope she doesn't out grow the male. They are from a different breeder to the oranges. I did it deliberately with the intention of outcrossing yellows and oranges...
  7. Thanks Wayne. If the intensity of the orange is carried forward, some orange pineapples would look stunning.
  8. Here is the female. I must have subconsciously not taken her photo because she is Busman's favorite I have to admit, I wasn't too impressed with her when I picked her up - she looked so different. Once I got her into the tank and she settled in, she is now in my top 3!
  9. IF my hands are full??? You seen the amount of fish I am planning to breed? I think I've finally gone mad!!!!!
  10. Thanks guys! Spanger, as long as you don't expect me to refer to them as Beibers, you can call them anything you want *lol*
  11. I offered them to you to spawn already, but you chickened out mate, remember! These are my 2nd favorite after the orange.
  12. I wish I could find $70 laying around my room Love the orange dragons Matt We'll have to swap some fry when you have some of these :)
  13. Not content with a pair of vibrant orange HMPKs, I also have a pair of vibrant Yellow Marble HMPK's...
  14. I LOVE the vibrant orange of the male. I didn't realize until I was uploading photos that I didn't get any of the female. I must have been dazzled by the beauty of the male. ...if you look carefully at the last photo, you can glimpse the female :)
  15. This pair is called Yellow Apache (although the female is mainly blue with a little yellow in the tips of her fins) Hopefully, I'll get a couple of males that look like her!
  16. This is my pair of Fancy Marble Dragon HM's. I love the metallic colours on him and her dainty koi markings. I should get some beautiful babies out of this pair. Look out for the Jewel Box spawn version 2.0
  17. I was a little worried about how this pair would look colourwise. I received an email from the breeder a week or so ago telling me that their colours had changed since I bought them and no further explaination. To be homest, I like their "new look"
  18. 12 hours to go!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. 7.5 months old and his tail is SLOWLY growing. I had quite a few that took forever to sprout. Could this be because they weren't carded? The PK gene they carry? Any ideas?
  20. Ooh! Tiny would be a good match for one of Ness's girls (if you end up with one)
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. shadoh


      This is so much better than the original...

    3. Sarah


      This makes me wonder what Jarrod does in his non-fish time..

    4. shadoh


      What? do people have non-fish time? Who are they and what do they do?

  21. :) Great news! Hope all goes well with them!
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