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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Nawww! Cute! Glad that they all get along :)
  2. shadoh

    hey :)

    Welcome to the forum! Don't be shy to ask any question, I have always found in the past that there is usually somebody on here with an answer! In case you didn't notice kermadum's thinly veiled sales pitch... he has some stunning HM girls for sale at the moment and if you need them posted out to you, as a previous customer, I can personally vouch that they are packed and sent with the utmost care.
  3. Sorry to hear of your loss. Red
  4. Sorry mate, but you can't post images that are hosted on facebook. You will need to upload them to a site like photobucket and follow the above instructions. Good luck
  5. Ha! Didn't take long for you to take the bait *lol*
  6. Love the randomness of the marble gene. 1 week on and the female is changing. I actually like her new look:
  7. My cat, Sylvester died tonight. RIP little man...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. shadoh


      Thanks guys. He was getting on - 16. He was with me through 3 moves, several breakups and always managed to put a smile on my face. He will be sadly missed

    3. Hood


      I'm glad to here you got a solid 16 years out of your friend mate...However I know I would be absolutely devastated if my cat died!! My condolences mate!

    4. Abby


      aww sorry to hear it Jarrod.

  8. He looks like he has a real attitude :)
  9. Not only are you a Ninja Sarah, you are also an Axolotl Whisperer! I guess he finally got hungry enough to eat something. At least he didn't have half a tank of gravel in his belly like poor Aristotle...
  10. He's a beauty! Can't wait to see more!
  11. You've done a great job Ness. I wasn't brave enough to post piccies of some of my dodgy silicone jobs Mind you, the bulk of the bad stuff in my tank can't be seen.
  12. Wow! I think this thread may have to be pinned!!!
  13. He'll perk up when he has some competition *lol*
  14. Plenty of spawns around at the moment. Kermadum should almost be ready to sell his gorgeous dragons :D
  15. Wow, the tank is looking really good now. The light will make a nice feature of the tree!
  16. I'll keep you in the loop. I'm going to breed the 2 pair of HM's first on someone's recommendation...
  17. Perhaps it is a facebook thing. It's working fine for me, but I don't log in via facebook...
  18. Why is everyone naming my fish after Matt's haircut? (runs and hides) ....sorry Matt... you know I'm joking..... right???
  19. hmmm.... Actually it is 2 pair... <_<
  20. It will be interesting to see what they produce. The sibling brothers had a lot more metallic blue and white koi type marbling.
  21. Thanks mate. He is a little more orangey than he looked in his auction picture. Still beautiful regardless...
  22. Sure can! Hopefully by then, I'll have that stunning blue/green pair of HMPK's for him to drool over. They are the same colour as the HM's he liked at someone's, just with thicker, dragon-like scales :)
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