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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Wow, she really has changed :blink:
  2. Looking good Matt Won't be long and you'll have 100's ...lol
  3. I am a little worried of losing the big ears trait (hence breeding the pair now) My main worry is this pair both being RT. I really don't want all the other factors that go with it like x factor etc... I could always look for a nice big ears girl with less caudal branching. When I bought the boy he looked to be slightly RT, but two months on from the photos I bought him off, it is much more pronounced.
  4. What a beautiful boy! Are you going to breed him with the new green HM girl you have coming???
  5. I like to keep a couple of pairs back to continue my lines. I won't be doing a sibling spawn from these offspring. I'll be searching for a couple of nice HM girls with minimal ray branching to outcross to. I just want a new generation to start with to buy me some time to do my outcrosses.
  6. Les, this is how he looked when I bought him: http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/closed.cgi?view_archive_item&fwbettashm1299708850
  7. They were the ones I was waiting on. They changed a lot in colouring in the month between buying them and picking them up.
  8. They would have to be the biggest lips I have seen on a betta... :giggle:
  9. Thanks guys I can't wait to see how the fry develop...and they haven't even done the deed yet... *lol*
  10. I saw some photos from that store earlier today. They are on the SFCA investigation hit list....
  11. You wanted to be named Emily too, 'Razzi? Welcome to the forum Emily! Good to see another Brisbane member :D
  12. Now we know what the problem with the video was Couldn't resist with the soundtrack - it suits them *lol*
  13. Welcome Hydra! Hope you find the forum as informative as I do Don't be afraid to ask any questions, there is usually somebody out there with an answer... Oh....and be prepared to be harassed for photos! We are obsessed!
  14. Looks like it is time to find that dragon name generator again :)
  15. I can't see a problem in using them. Especially if they've been proved safe with other fish. As Busman said above, I can't see a need to use it for fry. A bunch of live plants would provide better cover for any shy fry. It would, however, be ideal to use for the female to hide in while in the spawn tank
  16. She's a good match for the frosty, minty, orangy boy She has amazing form. Nicely balanced fins and a nice top line! I like her strong, solid looking body.
  17. She is beautiful Sarah! The males are too! I love red copper dragons...
  18. He is gorgeous! One of my favorite colours and what a bargain. Good to see the pet stores over there are starting to get some good stock in :D
  19. Hmm... Dreading my winter power bill. Have jumped from 3 heated tanks to 8...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shadoh


      Not really. Fish are spread between 3 rooms in 2 seperate buildings. The fry are in the main house in a spare room, so can shut that off. I plan to try and insulate all tanks on 3 sides and top with polystyrene...

    3. Abby


      I know what you mean Jarrod, i have four tanks with lighting and heaters and my partners reef tanks got a huge massive light thats on 10 hrs a day plus a constant heater and all the other goodies in the sump running plus the normal house power urgh

    4. Hood


      Hahahaha.... I run 45 heated tanks.... I am definitely not liking all these power increases mate! I feel your pain my friend! ;)

  20. Hope you have a happy birthday Nanna Jo! :D
  21. I had a feeling you might freak out mate Thankfully my black copper male is untouched. The female has marbled out though, so might have to re-think my spawning plans for them.
  22. I noticed that another 3 of the coppers I bought from Kermadum are marbling. 2 are starting to get paler in colour and the 3rd has completely lost all colour to his body and fins are getting paler. Here is the one with the most noticable change... Before: After:
  23. I do love this pair and hope to get at least 1 boy that looks like her when they breed. BTW, they are now in the spawn tank :D
  24. In the space of a week I have become one of those people who are crazy enough to have multiple spawns on the go :D I am in the middle of setting up the next spawn - yellow CTs. Have black dragons (3 weeks old) and "accidental" spawn of Yellow Marble PK's (approx 2 days old)

    1. kermadum


      Welcome to the crazy club good sir. You'll love it!!

    2. shadoh


      I don't really see it as extra work, until I have to jar and keep jarred juvies warm over the winter months...

    3. Pyrefly


      Thats the part I'm not looking forward to.. XD

      Ct spawn sounds exciting, that pair is stunning!

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