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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Without seeing him at full flare can't say for sure, but I would call him a halfmoon. Congrats, he is a good quality healthy young boy! Now you just have to find the perfect female to breed with him *lol*
  2. Any news? Are there eggs yet??? :dance:
  3. So sorry to hear Sarah... I'll miss seeing the neopolitan trio together. :rip:
  4. Welcome to the forum Lyrrin! Always good to have another potential QLD betta breeder on here @Ness, more like a 12 step program to introduce new members to full blown betta mania... Step 1. Buy male betta Step 2. Decide he looks lonely, buy another Step 3. Decide such beautiful genes are a shame to waste, buy female Step 4. The other male is looking sad because the first male has a female, but another Step 5. Buy more tanks for breeding setup Step 6. See some pretty fish online. Buy more. Step 7. Buy more tanks for new purchases Step 8. Your fish won't breed, buy another pair Step 9. To avoid disappointment, you set up multiple spawning tanks. At least one pair is sure to breed....right? Step 10. All your Bettas decide to breed simultaneously Step 11. Panicking about how you are going to house 3 - 4 spawns of fry, you build a barracks system Step 12. Congrats! You spend all your time on aus aqua worrying about why one of your bettas will only turn to the left, when all your other fish turn to the right. You now have tanks and bettas in every room of the house. The spare room is no longer for guests (unless they can tolerate the constant trickling of the barracks you installed along 2 walls.) You now have full blown Betta Mania!
  5. Thanks Jo. They all know it too They are constantly fighting for camera time...
  6. <_< Either Sarah has hacked into Matt's account or Matt is buying up all 30 of the babies *lol*
  7. Did she lay many eggs Sarah? Do you have to hatch them separately from the adults to prevent them being eaten?
  8. Thanks mate. It's still the same java fern I bought over a month ago. The Java moss I've had going for close to 12 months now and it grows like a weed :)
  9. As, I currently don't have any juvie males growing out, I have dismantled the jar platform that I had set up and am in the process of giving the tank a thorough clean up. I couldn't wait till I finished to take the vid
  10. How do you cure fungus in axies? Is it much the same as fish treatment?
  11. Congrats Sarah, hope they do survive. I just love looking at pics of your axies. :D
  12. It's easy enough Paul, it is what I used to hold the background onto my tank... :)
  13. Thanks Sarah, he is brother to your girls :)
  14. Looks like it It is more of a peachy colour. I have a girl with a stripe of the same colour in her caudal. I never get bored watching the changes in this spawn...
  15. No, only got the one barracks up and running. They both have that greeny looking irid. Don't know what to really call the colour, as true green is so rare to obtain...
  16. Thought I'd post a couple of pics of my 2 favorite girls from this spawn. Both have their mothers colouring... This is Lady X, her battle wounds from a previous spawn attempt never healed properly. BTW, those are not holes in her caudal, they are damage that grew back clear. Meet Esmeralda, she is one of the bigger girls...
  17. I am thinking it might too. This is the first time I have taken an accurate photo of his colours
  18. Thanks. He was the last of my fry to sprout and has become a favorite Yes mate, it sure is the same barracks and light we were talking about..
  19. A quick photo update on Betta X...
  20. Some of my coppers from Adam... This is the fish that marbled out a few weeks ago. His body has come back silvery looking rather than the metallic blue he was. This is the girl that marbled out. She has a little yellow in her... Copper/red butterfly Black Copper (this guy NEVER flares ) This guy has always had the notch in his tail. Don't know if it is damage from when he was a fry or if he is an incomplete DT...
  21. Moon is lovely Quite a few of the girls ended up with the powder blue "dusting" on the body and fins...
  22. I voted no. Only because I think it looks like a leaf of fancy lettuce... *lol*
  23. She sounds lovely Sarah. I know I am biased, but I have to say I really love the girls that were produced in this spawn...
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