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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. You don't have to breed them all at once. If you put the dividers in, buy your first pair, let them breed, then spend a couple of weeks deciding what to breed next, throw them in the next partition and stagger your spawns that way - even if the fish look similar, you'll be able to tell the fry apart due to their size...
  2. I had to read it a couple of times to understand, but I can now see where you are coming from. I can't see a way to rotate the tower without rotating the sump (or possibly the pump) as well, as the tubes feeding the containers will get tangled. Great to see someone thinking outside of the box and coming up with a new design. I'll definitely be following your progress :D
  3. Does the inspection have to be in person? I am sure you've posted photos up here while your betta fry were of appropriate ages. Sure there are plenty of "accredited" members of aquarium societies on here...
  4. Wishing "I'm too cold" was a good enough excuse not to work today...

  5. Esmeralda is changing... Since last weeks photoshoot, she has a lot more colour in her body. I think it looks nicer...
  6. I think I'll just pop the vallium, spawn the damn fish and stop worrying about everything Seriously though, I am sure it is the excess finnage this guy has that is making him do it. I've got him medicated now and waiting for the rot to clear up (looks like infection set in where he had been nibbling.) I really want to get a spawn or 2 out of him as well, so will try him again once the rot clears up.
  7. Very similar pair Sarah! Well spotted. :)
  8. @ Les - I found the HMPK you were talking about. Yes he is amazing! I had a look at the breeders facebook page and photos. That was the only fish that colour up there. He does have some nice plakats though. I think it would be worth your while to get in touch with him :)
  9. Congrats! What a perfect place to propose Cost wise (per fish), it would be easier to breed your own (or take up 'Razzi's offer to breed them for you ) As Neffy said above - time wise it can easily be done.
  10. Thanks Sarah. I can't wait to see that pair in the flesh. They look to me to be similar to the super blues that are floating around at the moment. I just loved the full masks on them and the thick coverage of colour. I'm under no illusion that it is green :)
  11. It's all looking amazing Yan. One of these days I'll find the time/space/money to set up a marine tank. Until then, I'll sit back and admire yours :D
  12. Why are you keeping the fry in with your betta when you know that he is a fry eater? Don't you want to keep any fry?
  13. THis pair... http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/closed.cgi?view_closed_item&fwbettashmp1300641433 What HMPK on Bettas4all are you talking about?
  14. I bought the green dragons on AquaBid when I bought the last lot of fish. Their arrival was delayed by flooding in the breeders region. They will arrive in the next shipment in a couple of weeks time :D
  15. What about Angels? Rainbows? I've heard Corydoras are easy to breed...
  16. Numerous pairs and numerous problems. Young inexperienced pairs. One or both fish not ready. Mistakes made on my part. I have to say, I had lost my confidence in getting fish to spawn, so this is a real boost! :D
  17. Thanks Matt I guess you are going to have to be really good for the next few months and not get yourself grounded :D
  18. This pair is wrapping as I type this!!! Keep an eye out for a spawn log and video tonight!!! Yay! My betta breeding drought is over!
  19. Thanks Les, that is one of my plans further down the track. He's with his spawn sister right now though. I have some green dragon plakats coming in next shipment, so that is my next plakat spawn....
  20. I have a couple of "monkey face" females in the tank I should put them up on AB and charge big $$$ for them *lol*
  21. Ness, I'd bet everything I own on him having DT in there somewhere. He has RT too. Didn't show up in his auction photo, but a couple of months later.... I'll just have to get used to the fact that he won't ever look 100%. I've heard tail biting is hereditary, so not sure about breeding him now...
  22. 5 failed spawns have given me the betta blues... I am hoping this pair will get it on and cheer me up. I'll post a spawn log if successful. If not, you'll hear about it here... He's bit of a spoon head. I'm hoping her topline might smooth things out a bit with the fry...
  23. My boy has been nibbling at his tail (caught him today) and the chewed ends look like they're getting rot. It has spread to the middle of his caudal and he has a couple of small holes. I have moved him to a heated medicated tub. Hopefulle he will make a full recovery. In the meantime, I was mucking around with the camera last week and took this portrait shot of my boy
  24. RE: Linking to videos, I have found that the forum doesn't support the new(ish) short urls that youtube provide as a link. I have found the easiest way is to copy the address of the video in the address bar of your browser, then paste it here in the text box and it is automatically embedded... like...this :
  25. Sometimes bettas can be dumber than a box of rocks. Bubble wrap does not equal a ready made bubble nest for lazy bettas!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah



      Guess you don't really want these fishus passing on their dumb genes anyway... which pair is this?

    3. shadoh


      My Apache CT pair (the yellow boy and the lavender/yellow girl) They are too pretty not to try. I've ripped out the bubble wrap (eggs have been eaten) and put in a half cup. He's made a half harted attempt and blown about a dozen bubbles under there...)

    4. Sarah


      Oi yes, hopefully they'll get some sense!

      Sounds like it might be OK though. GOOD LUCK! :)

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