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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. They are long in the body for a plakat. My black PK dragon pair are the same (although their offspring are a mix of long bodies and shorter stronger plakat style bodies.) I love that spade shape tail too Don't see too many around like that these days...
  2. Yep. I said them almost 3 months ago after winning these fish on AB I've been tempted, but haven't bought another fish. I can't help that breeders are now throwing extra fish at me... :rofl:
  3. Thanks Paul Since you went over - here is your change... 1. It is a shame that I never got a chance to enjoy him in pristine condition. At least it doesn't affect his ability to breed 2. Lol... It's filter wool. I used it to plug a couple of holes in the dividers. Within 5 minutes the girls found their way to their respective men... 3. I love the white! Can't work out if they are dragons or not... 4. I thought that was her ovaries plenty of plans for this pair 5. I was 99% sure they weren't the same. I am happy regardless 6. Green Goblins.... I was thinking Green Lanterns 7. I think I just gave you your 2 cents back... PS - Thanks Jo. I am happy regardless. I am sure I'll get some pretty fry out of him... Busman Paul - I am happy regardless. It all worked out in the end and it is going to be the last fish purchase I make in a long long time :)
  4. Sorry Sarah, I don't have any more pics.....yet. I thought I'd let them settle in for the night after their big move. Not that I am complaining - I absolutely love the green dragons that arrived, but I am not convinced they are the same pair I bought looking at the AB photo... http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/closed.cgi?view_closed_item&fwbettashmp1300641433 What do you guys think?
  5. Thanks mate! I have plenty of options now with outcrosses now as well. I'm thinking the white PK and the Big Ears girl for starters... Anyway. No more new fish for me for a very very long time *lol*
  6. Hmm, I could put her with my green dragon...
  7. Possibly, but was thinking about a nice VT boy for her....
  8. Yep, link works. I had to look for a while to spot the male BN in the 1st pic :)
  9. That's a lot of thinking Sarah... Want a panadol? Here is the last lot of pics. Green Dragon HMPK Female: No Flash: With Flash: Matt, you can get the flash effect by having a spotlight set up at the front of the tank...
  10. Thanks! Here are the green dragon HMPK's Male without flash: With flash: Female coming in either 10 mins, or following next comment :D
  11. That's the fancy dragon HM I got with the last shipment. You've seen him :D
  12. Oh well, that's 10 minutes - here are the White PK pair... Male: Female: Green Dragon PK's next...
  13. I picked up my new AB fish today. On the whole, I am happy with them. The downer is that the male DT has chewed off most of his tail, half his dorsal and started on his anal fin. He has a little bit of new growth so there is hope. The breeder sent over a replacement pair (to compensate for the damage) with my order - a pair of white PK's The green dragon PK pair I had ordered is more beautiful in person than their AB photos. Here are some photos... Orange/Blue DTHM Butterfly What he looked like before he turned to self mutilation...: http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/closed.cgi?view_archive_item&fwbettasdt1303387618 How he looks now: He seems quite proud of his handiwork... And the female....: Leave a comment for a closer look at this pair:
  14. Wow, swordtails! That takes me back to my first aquarium. What kind are they? I LOVE the lyretail swords and black swords :D
  15. I'm hoping to produce a male with this patterning/colour. I think that would look stunning. If you asked me when I started out with bettas in the '90's if females could look as pretty as the males, I would have laughed and said no. Look at how far this hobby has come in those years since :D
  16. Thanks Neffy. I'll just keep an eye on him/her over the next couple of weeks and see if there is any further development... How is your recently sprouted boy going?
  17. Thanks everyone She's my pride and joy and also in possession of the broadest dorsal of this spawn. Can't waste that! I'm on the lookout for the perfect male to put with her. @Busman - I think she'll pretty much stay like this now. Her changes are just about slowed to a standstill.
  18. Got my new imports :D got a nice surprise too...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. shadoh


      So...talking about me to someone behind my back, huh? lol I posted all the photos yesterday arvo Les. They are here: http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=11949

    3. Sarah


      Gee, Shadoh... we ALL talk about you behind your back.

      Opps, I've said too much. :P

    4. Matt_95


      GEE Sarah, we wern't supposed to tell him :P

  19. hmmm.... might just be wishful thinking on my part...
  20. Next to sibling sister for fin and body comparison...
  21. Flaring/aggressive to male. Flaring doing the male like "dance" that they do to entice a female. I have her/him uncarded next to a female with a piece of almond leaf floating on top. Let's see if there is a nest there tomorrow. The fins are all noticeably larger than they were last week when I moved her to the other barracks with some sibling females...
  22. She reminds me of a big blue clownfish. Looks like the jewel box line continues after all...
  23. Almost 10 months old and my Jewel box beauty has really blossomed into a stunner! I'll have to find her a man before she gets much older. I am hoping that her twin that I thought was female is now male, they would be an ideal combination
  24. The mystery of the jewel box continues. One of my girls (Lady X) seems to be slowly sprouting. Is she a long finned female or a late blooming boy. Keep in mind the parents were veiltail x plakat. This is driving me crazy. What are your thoughts? Boy or Girl??? Before..... Tonight....
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