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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Yes, the whites are opaque I'm wondering about the outcome if I cross the white male with the green dragon female... Would love some mint green dragons.,..
  2. I thought about getting a pair, but keeping them cool in the summer would be too much of a hassle... Also, there is the matter of starting up ANOTHER tank.... I'm more than happy to sit back and admire your little trio's antics! :D
  3. The sad thing is Razzi that Matt probably doesn't even know what you are on about... Need to keep those cultural references up to date... *lol*
  4. Sarah, the sand looks much better. I am sure your axies appreciate all the hard work and attention you give them :D
  5. Cute! Does this mean that they are all in together again????
  6. Time to pull it out and use it to scape a new bigger tank I think it is looking better. The height on the right hand side looks much better :)
  7. It's not stuck in, just wedged. It is made out of plastic canvas with file dividers on all 4 sides to make a rigid frame. It does a great job and means I can either remove or move it to suit whatever is in the tank. As for joining you on your breeding badge quest, I am flat out with one species and their quirks *lol*
  8. Hey, thanks the tank holds about 40lts. It will be nice if I get a one that looks like him. Then again, I might get an amazing one that looks like nothing I could imagine... :D
  9. Thanks guys. I am really proud to own a HM with an ENTIRE tail He is one of my favorites. @ Pyrefly - Jarring has started on the black dragons, the yellow marble PKs are next, the orange marble PKs are a good couple of months off jarring. From the way I see it, I'll onle have about 2 spawns jarred at any given time. (BTW, if this spawn is successful, I will have 4 spawns) @ Nanna Jo - Yeah, who the hell was I kidding (except for myself?) @ Busman - I like the new look, but miss his butterfly pattern. His fins have grown so much. I was looking at his AB baby photos last night and couldn't get over his growth. As for barrack space, I can always put the last 2 copper females and 1 jewel girl in the sorority tank. That will give me 3 spaces.... and if I constantly keep a pair going in the spawn tank, that's another two spots... oh, hell, who am I kidding? Um, I don't know... Oh, I can always re-build the shelf in the sorority tank. That holds about 15. WE NEED TO SELL SOME FISH!!! :rofl:
  10. Thanks guys! Ness, I wouldn't touch another marble without the dragon gene now I love the look! And, yes - he is the boy in my avvy. That pic was taken on the day I bought him home...
  11. Thanks Paul, if that means I am the Greg Evans of the betta world, I think it is time to find a new hobby *lol*
  12. So that left me with a spare spawning tank. I spent the rest of the day trying to resist the temptation of setting up another spawn... In the end and broke down. I have decided to give this pair another go before I do the white PK spawn. I currently have 3 PK spawns and really want a long tailed spawn to break the monotony... They both look a little different to the last time I had a photo shoot with them. Gotta love that marble gene
  13. After jarring up more of the dragon fry today, I decided to put a divider in the growout tank and move my yellow plakat spawn out of the spare spawn tank ind into the growout too...
  14. shadoh

    Hi Everyone

    Welcome Catfish. That tank you had sounds amazing. I'm sure we'd all love to hear more about your experiences at some stage. We're a friendly bunch here. Any questions, just ask. There is usually someone around with the answer. Be warned, Busman will be hassling you for photos at some stage :P
  15. I wasn't aware that they were rare. It is hard to find a clean pair. They tend to get a red wash as they age and go a pinky colour. This pair are young, so it's a bit too early to tell. At the moment though, they are pure snow white :D
  16. Ohhhh... There's a combo I never thought of Those poor whites are going to be worn out by the time I am through with them...
  17. They are looking good mate. I love the one in the first pic. If I ever grow tired of breeding bettas, angels and/or discus will be my next project. At my current rate of obsession though, it is quite a few years away... *lol*
  18. I know, right? Who would have thought...
  19. @ Ness - thanks So many people interested in the whites, perhaps they should be my next spawn. Once the Dragons are jarred, I can move the yellow PK's into the growout tank, then the spawning tank will be free... @ footycards - Maybe you will have the space in a few months down the track when these guys have bred and the fry are ready to re-home...
  20. Eek... 29 tanks!!!! Here I was worrying about my 10 tanks... I guess you could always slow down a bit and not breed everything at once. Mind you, if you slow down, you'll never get your 100 badge *lol*
  21. Sailfin mollies! Now you're talking Ness I guess if you found and bought the perfect pair for Razzi, he would have no choice but to breed them for you... :D
  22. Thanks Ness, I'm very happy with my haul. It has given me a broad genetic canvas to play with I'll give the DT male a month or so before I access his potential for the spawn tank. I wasn't planning on breeding the DT pair with one another, as I have read that you never breed DT to DT. I had a chat with someone about it and she thinks it will be fine to breed them before introducing some new blood into the line next generation. My main worry was that the male already has a short body. The more you breed DT to DT, the shorter the bodies and the chance of deformities occur. The female is quite long in the body though, so I'm willing to give it a try. I am thinking it was an excess of finnage that contributed to his biting. I guess we'll see if it is genetic (tail biting.) I have to admit that the female has extremely long finnage for a female too... I'm excited over the white pair too. I keep thinking of 100's of out-crosses I could do down the line (after they have a spawn of course ) As for when that will be, I am not sure yet. All I can say is keep one eye on the spawn logs... I still can't work out if they are dragon or not. I look at the heavy scale build up on their heads and think yes, then look at their bodies and think no.... Either way, they are my angels... Hmmm, I wonder what a black dragon x white dragon would produce... sometimes I wish it was as easy as mixing paint on a palette... I'm not going to bother contacting the breeder over the greens. I haven't had a response from any emails I have sent in weeks. I'll cut my losses and be thankful that I have some amazing healthy fish out of the transaction.
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