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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. :P I know you would ! You'll just have to wait for their offspring!
  2. If you are serious, I'll put him aside for you...
  3. What is that? A baby bristlenose? Does that count? 2 down 8 to go...
  4. Weird stuff! I kinda like it.
  5. When I posted photos of my dragons earlier tonight, one of the photos looked off, but for the life of me, I couldn't work out why. I was giving the juvies their midnight snack before I went to bed and noticed what was wrong... One of my male dragons has 3 ventrals!!! That's right...3! One either side and one in the middle. If I didn't have any conscience, I would put him straight up on AquaBid and ask an unimaginable amount of $$$ for him! See for yourself:
  6. Forget the kids, I'd be happy to own either of those 3 tanks mate! Well done :D
  7. Great news Sarah! I'll be sitting on the edge of my seat for the next couple of weeks now waiting for eggs *lol*
  8. I think agar is the most widely used medium.
  9. Hi Kristy, welcome to the forum. If you are after some dragon plakats, I have red HMPKs and black HMPK that will be ready to ship in a couple of weeks. Have a look through the spawn log here to see some pics and video of them.
  10. I think I know the one. Is it at Wavell Heights on a corner? Can someone get you some pandas in? Pet City used to have a good range of goldies, also Annerley Aquarium in Coorparoo (just up past maccas...)
  11. OK. Too boring on here today - nobody posting. Back to the wii.... (sorry Busman. LOL)

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. shadoh


      All salamanders are BF, but not all BF are salamanders. http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/286993-what-makes-a-betta-a-salamander/

    3. Sarah


      Aaahh... interesting!

      Thanks Shadoh!!

    4. Matt_95


      No it didn't look like a salamander from memory, it was just a light yellow.

  12. Great looking tank! Not much more advice to add, the guys above have said it all. :D
  13. Nice goldie you have there Matt. Where did you find him?
  14. Hmm... Croc country out that way... Not so sure now *lol*
  15. Do you know which national park that is Razzi? It might be worth my while to check it out... :)
  16. Matt, excuse my ignorance, but if you are wanting to keep as pure a strain of endler as possible, why are you planning to breed them with the orange guppies?
  17. I'm so ninja, nobody even suspects.... ....OK.....not so much Ninja and more Kung Fu Panda, but you get my drift....I know your secrets Matt!!!!!!
  18. I know! He is half the size of his parents. Even the individual bubbles are half the size of the bubbles of a full grown males :D
  19. Haha!!!! I just found the photo Matt.... You can't deny it now *lol*
  20. My dragons have been blowing bubbles since being jarred, but this is the first full on bubble nest. I just had to catch it on camera. They are due for a water change on my lunch break today, so it is going to get destroyed...
  21. It was soo cute until Banana turned it into a horror movie Lucky they can regenerate body parts, huh?
  22. Looking at this spawn, it certainly adds weight. All the good points about them they inherited from their mother - tail shape/spread etc. The bad, came from the dad - curly rays What you have here mate is the old school half suns :D
  23. I think I took the wrong pill. So many possibilities running through my head....must spawn more to keep up demand.... I don't need pots and pans to cook with...I can eat out and spawn fish in them....maybe I could use the bathtub for a growout tank....come summer I can get a huge inflatable pool and use that as a grow out too....ahhh! betta overload....hey look! BUBBLE WRAP!!!!!! *pop* *pop* *pop* hehehe!!!!! :rofl:
  24. Don't forget to save a pair for next generation. We've had such a good response from these, I think it will be worth continuing the line. If you are sick of looking at black fish, I'll do the next generation. Nearly half my yellow marble spawn has been prebought in that bulk order, so we might have to spawn the yellow PKs again too if you are looking for a change in a few months time. Or the whites, or the greens - I have an endless palette!
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