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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Very nice photos Sarah. I know first hand how difficult it is to photograph these guys. I find that the more light you throw at them the better Busman, your girls are just obscene! It has to be that magic Redlands water. The only time my girls got that fat was when they were getting daily bloodworm treats. It was an expensive week, but they sure enjoyed it :)
  2. Welcome to the dark side As another Dumbo owner, I am happy to see someone else out there with one. He looks like my HM Dumbo female. Very nice spread and as for the Blue PK boy, he is stunning!!!
  3. That is a HUGE price difference! Is buying online an option for you?
  4. Is this the one? http://www.buyster.com.au/asp/show_detail.asp?sku=AQO1046&PiID=1008245&refid=SAPETS49-AQO1046_1008245
  5. Looks like they handled the trip well They certainly look like they are enjoying their larger accommodation!
  6. Well, that's a start... I was thinking of an informal meet towards the end of next month and perhaps a visit to fishchicks. Honorary members always considered and welcome! Was thinking of interstate/club shows sometime down the track (definitely not until next year...) Come on people, let's throw some ideas around! :D
  7. :) The more, the merrier Wayne - happy to extend it to include all of QLD At this stage just gauging interest!
  8. I was in Fishchicks today and we were chatting about shows and clubs and it got me thinking about local betta clubs. I'm just putting some feelers out at the moment to guage interest... So is anyone out there interested? Leave your thoughts/intention of interest here and perhaps we can organize an informal meeting to start off, discuss things and take it from there...
  9. I'll be "looking" for it. To date, my boy seems more interested in eating his tail than breeding...
  10. LOL @ Ness... I think she got the message now! Looks like you had an amazing time over there. It was good to have a trained set of eyes with you, as I can imagine just how easy it would be to get overwhelmed by so many beautiful fish :)
  11. Harvey forgot to be a dog today and climbed a tree to have a look inside a friends possum box. Only catch was that he didn't have a plan to get back down, so howled until we found a ladder to rescue him...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Here I am, no dogs do not and can not climb trees.

      This ninja stands corrected.

    3. shadoh


      He was trying to be a drop dog. Gotta watch the mini foxies, they are good jumpers and, as I found out - climbers...

    4. Sarah


      We have a Jack Russell terrier, who we suspect is crossed with a mini foxie (we are his 4th owners).

      For such a small thing, he can jump HIGH. Really have to watch when we are holding food that he doesn't jump up and nap it off us!!

  12. She's a girl. I just got my hopes up. Just sold her and her matching sister. They get shipped on Wednesday :)
  13. Hi Jesse and welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do As Jo said, some members with a delicate disposition will cry if they don't get their photos....
  14. Poor Tenedor with all these male axies to contend with *lol*
  15. How cute....but....WHERE ARE THE PICS OF THE NEW ARRIVAL?????
  16. Don't have a barracks like this. I have 2 aqua one barracks...
  17. Ah, Ness, I can see where you are going with the drainage holes/tube. If you have the tube sitting at the height of the hole, it governs the water level. If you have a tube extended through the drainage hole sitting it on the bottom to suck out the waste, you will (a) Have to suck on the end of the tube to start the siphon effect and (b) match the flow rate going into the container, as the siphon tube will drainout ALL the water. OK, my artistic brain is now hurting from all this tech speak... *lol*
  18. @Busman - 1 less fry hardly makes a dent in the numbers @Pyrefly - He's lost in the crowd already. I guess I'll have to wait and catch him in the act again... @Sarah - I'll call him Pacman
  19. Ness, I can't see a problem with that. If it is strong enough to pump the water back to the top row of the barracks, then perfect! If not, just use it to filter the sump and get a powerhead strong enough to pump the water back up. Hope you had a great time. I look forward to the many amazing photos we all know you have taken, once you have shaken free of jetlag :)
  20. No chance of that for a while anyway mate, the bigger fish would be no longer than 1CM long *lol*
  21. I was taking some photos of the Orange marble plakat fry and noticed one of the bigger fry had something hanging out of his mouth. I had a closer look and it was one of the runts of the spawn. He struggled to eat him for a while, then gave up and spat him out...
  22. Sent PM... You are right Sarah. Funny thing is that the red fish out of the spawn are the only ones that have the bad traits - excessive branching, asymmetrical scaling and now this. Big eared 3 ventralled rosetail bettas somehow don't sound right to me... *lol*
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